year: 1174
initiator: Rainaldus Masueri
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1173 - Dec. 24 1174. Rainaldus Masueri, the son of Rainaldus Masueri, with the agreement of his son Bertrandus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its magister Josbertus and brothers, represented by frater Guarinus de Mesna Hospitalis preceptor. He gives the casalia of Tyron and Corveis. The territory of the latter, stretching towards the castle [castellum] of Margat, has boundaries that were established by the Sarraceni in old times. He also gives the gastina of Meois, the garden before the door of the Hospital at Valenia, and the meadow [pratum] before the casale of Tyron, free from all exactions. He confirms the gift made to the Hospital by Abdelmessie raiz de Margat of three parts of the casale called Meserafe, so that in future all the produce will be shared with Georgius gener Abdelmessie, who holds the fourth part. He also confirms the gift to the Hospital by dominus Martinus de Nazareth of the third part of the produce of the 3 casalia of Belusa, Archamia and Cordia. Rainaldus Masueri adds his gift of half of Rogia. Witnesses: Gilius de Alaint; Hugo Rufus; Alverus castellanus de Margat; Amelinus de Thevila; Martinus de Nazareth; Basilius; magister Rainerius, Georgius raiz de Margat; Dros de Curia.
Dec. 25 1173 - Dec. 24 1174. Rainaldus Masueri, the son of Rainaldus Masueri, with the agreement of his son Bertrandus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its magister Josbertus and brothers, represented by frater Guarinus de Mesna Hospitalis preceptor. He gives... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:313-14, no. 457 (RRH no. 521)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1175
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 1-28. [140] With the agreement of his wife Orgollosa principissa and his sons, Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the poor and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Josbertus magister, represented by frater Garinus de M[esna] Hospitalis preceptor. He confirms the eleemosynary grant by Garentonus dominus Saonensis of his rights in Tricaria. He also gives a Surianus called Bon Mossor and his children, living in the city of Gabulum, and a Jew, called Garinus by the Latins, in the city of Latakia. Witnesses: Silvester cognatus principis; Johannes de Salquino; Hodoinus de Merrolis; Eschivardus; Guischardus de Insula; Guillelmus de Cavea marescalcus; Paganus de Castelin; Garinus Guegnart; Symon Burgevins dux Antiochie. The charter was drawn up by Constantinus clericus principis.
Feb. 1-28. [140] With the agreement of his wife Orgollosa principissa and his sons, Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the poor and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Josbertus magister, represented by frater... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:324-5, no. 472 (RRH no. 523)
RRR: Dispute/arbitration
year: 1175
initiator: Geraldus Apamie archiepiscopus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 1-31. Geraldus Apamie archiepiscopus records under seal that his long dispute with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Garinus domus Hospitalis preceptor, over respective rights in the casalia of Tricaria and Homedinum has been resolved in the presence of Patriarch Aimery of Antioch. With the agreement of his canons the archbishop surrenders his rights in Tricaria to Josbertus, Hospitalis Jherusalem magister, and Josbertus, with the agreement of his chapter, hands over Homedinum, which had been given to the Hospital by Rogerius de Saona, in its entirety, together with its deeds, to the church of Apamea. The brother chaplain (frater capellanus) at Tricaria is to be exempt from archbishop’s jurisdiction and his office [vicaria] will be held as is customary with Hospitaller vicars [vicarii] in the Latin East. Witnesses: Gaufridus abbas Fossanove, tunc temporis in Oriente legatus apostolice sedis; Thomas frater domini patriarche Antiocheni; Aimericus canonicus sancti Petri; Reinaldus canonicus sancti Petri; Anselmus canonicus; magister Ioannes legis peritus; magister Bartholomeus; Roggerius capellanus domini patriarche; of the canons of Apamea, Arnaudus decanus; Alexander archidiaconus; Sergius thesaurarius; Ioannes; Teoderi-cus; Petrus capellanus archiepiscopi Apamie; of the Hospital of St John, fr. Garinus preceptor Hospitalis; fr. Roggerius de Molendinis; fr. Arnaudus Lombardus; fr. Odorinus; magister Petrus; fr. Petrus; fr. Gibelinus preceptor domus Hospitalis, que est in Antiochia.
Mar. 1-31. Geraldus Apamie archiepiscopus records under seal that his long dispute with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Garinus domus Hospitalis preceptor, over respective rights in the casalia of Tricaria and Homedinum has been resolved in the presence of Patriarch... more
sources: Hiestand, PTJ 2:230-2, no. 21a
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1175
initiator: Domina Alemandina, the wife of dominus Rollandus de S. Muntando
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jul. 17. Tripoli. Johannes vicecomes Tripolitanus and his wife domina Wilelma record how Wilelma’s mother domina Alemandina, the wife of dominus Rollandus de S. Muntando, left in her will on her death as an eleemosynary gift an annual rent of 10 besants to the poor of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to be drawn from her inheritance. Johannes and Wilelma, who after [the death of] dominus Rostandus are Alemandina’s heirs, confirm this gift under seal. Witnesses: Pontius de Sura; dominus Saissus; Willelmus Catalani; Rollandus Dauria; Poncius Bos; Willelmus de Bez[on]s; Willelmus de Antiochia. The charter was drawn up by frater Arnaudus Lombardus preceptor domus Hospitalis Montis Peregrini and was written by Stephanus sacerdos vicecomitis.
Jul. 17. Tripoli. Johannes vicecomes Tripolitanus and his wife domina Wilelma record how Wilelma’s mother domina Alemandina, the wife of dominus Rollandus de S. Muntando, left in her will on her death as an eleemosynary gift an annual rent of 10 besants to the poor of the Hospital of St John of... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:331-2, no. 482 (RRH no. 527)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1175
initiator: Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Aug. 1-31. At the request of Josbertus magister Hospitalis, frater Garinus preceptor and their brothers, and with the agreement of his chapter, Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit the sick. He gives the annual census of 20 besants, payable at Easter, which his church had taken from the house that used to belong to Rotbertus de Belgenci. And he gives the Hospitallers licence to build on the site of that house and the houses of Willelmus Patronus, the abbess of St Lazarus, Petrus Sellarius and Parsanus in the street [vicus] that descends from the Gate of David, when they acquire them. In return the magister and preceptor, with the advice of the chapter of the Hospital of St John, give the patriarch the following rents which they had enjoyed: 36 besants from the house of Odo de Barulo, payable in two equal instalments at Easter and on the Feast of the Holy Cross; 16 besants from the house of Henricus Alemmanus, payable in two equal instalments at Christmas and on the Feast of St John. These houses are next to one another in the street [vicus] in the patriarchal quarter that leads to the Gate of St Stephen. They are bordered to the north by houses which owe rent to the Hospitallers and to the south by a volta, which owes rent to the Hospitallers and is below the house of a Surianus. The Hospitallers also give the canons of the Holy Sepulchre the rent of 7 besants, payable in the middle of March, they have drawn on the statio of Lambertus Patriarche which is in the vicus Coquinatorum. The canons had given this statio to the Hospitallers in exchange for some empty land belonging to the Hospital before the Gate of St Helena. The Hospitallers also gave the rent of 1 besant, which the canons had paid [for this exchange] on the Feast of St Stephen. The Hospitallers confirm that they owe the patriarch 60 besants in rent a year. Witnesses: of the priests, Petrus prior dominici Sepulcri; Johannes Pictavus; Hugo de Nigella; Reinaldus de Lochis; Constantinus; Petrus precentor; Bernardus de Antiochia; Baldoinus thesaurarius; of the deacons, Odo; Petrus; Petrus Bithuricensis; of the subdeacons, Petrus de Machumeria; Rotbertus de Roma; of the patriarchal clergy, Eraclius archidiaconus patriarche; Dalmacius canonicus bajulus patriarche; Girardus capellanus; Petrus clericus; of the lay homines of the patriarch, Galfredus dapifer; Aldebertus pincerna; Petrus Lombardus; Arnaldus mareschalchus. The charter was drawn up by magister Monachus cancellarius.
Aug. 1-31. At the request of Josbertus magister Hospitalis, frater Garinus preceptor and their brothers, and with the agreement of his chapter, Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit the sick. He gives the annual census... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:332-3, no. 483 (RRH no. 528)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1175
initiator: Gila
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1174 - Dec. 24 1175. With the agreement of her son Petrus, Gila makes an eleemosynary gift, masking the sale for 850 besants to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of her house with a cistern in vico David [in Jerusalem], which is bordered on the east by the house of Stephanus Umbertus, on the west by the house of Robertus de Baugencio, and on the south by the public way, the vicus David. The Hospitallers receive Gila and Petrus into confraternity. They pay Gila 450 besants and in place of remaining 400 besants they give either the house of Petrus Tornator, which once belonged to Karsia Bocharia and is bordered by the house of Albertus patriarche pincerna, the public way which is the vicus Templi and the royal slaughterhouse [regis excorticatio], or half of the taberna the Hospitallers own in vico David. Should Gila and Petrus die without heirs, all their property will pass to the Order and they will be buried with the rites of a brother and sister of the Hospital. Should Petrus have heirs, he and his part of the inheritance will nevertheless belong to the Hospital. Should Gila and Petrus fall into poverty in their lifetimes, they will be provided with the 400 besants in cash, in exchange for the taberna. Witnesses: Johannes Bricius; W. Beraudi; Johannes Dators; Pizellus li Rei; Simon Judex; Jofridus Bocherius; Petrus de S. Lazaro; frater Stephanus tesaurarius, who negotiated this agreement; Frater Garnerius castellanus Gibelini; frater Bernardus de Asinaria; frater Godescalcus; frater Droes; frater Blomus; Josbertus candelarius.
Dec. 25 1174 - Dec. 24 1175. With the agreement of her son Petrus, Gila makes an eleemosynary gift, masking the sale for 850 besants to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of her house with a cistern in vico David [in Jerusalem], which is bordered on the east by the house of Stephanus Umbertus, on... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:321-3, no. 469 (RRH no. 535)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1175
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Nov. 29 - Dec. 24. King Baldwin IV confirms the sale to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of the casale of Caphaer/Caffaer for 4000 besants by Baudouin seigneur de Rama, with the agreement of his brother Balisan, his wife Isabelle and his daughters Eschive and Estienette.
*Nov. 29 - Dec. 24. King Baldwin IV confirms the sale to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of the casale of Caphaer/Caffaer for 4000 besants by Baudouin seigneur de Rama, with the agreement of his brother Balisan, his wife Isabelle and his daughters Eschive and Estienette.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:662-3, no. 384 (RRH no. 530c)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1176
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 1-31 1175 or 1176. [143] With the agreement of his wife Orgolosa and his children, Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the poor and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and Josbertus their magister, represented by frater Garinus preceptor, in settlement of a debt of 4000 besants. He gives them the casale or estate [predium] called S. Egidius, which is situated near the city of Gabulum, with all its rights and dominium. Witnesses: Silvester consanguineus principis; Guiscardus de Insula; Johannes de Salquino; Balduinus constabularius; Hugo de Logis; Rogerius de Surdavalle; Guitardus de Borc; Gervasius filius Eschivardi; Gaufridus de Dordan; Thomas filius Roberti Mansselli; Simon dux Antiochie. The charter was drawn up by Constantinus clericus principis.
Mar. 1-31 1175 or 1176. [143] With the agreement of his wife Orgolosa and his children, Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the poor and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and Josbertus their magister, represented... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:326-7, no. 475 (RRH no. 524)
year: 1176
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mid-year - Sept. 23. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam sancte civitatis Iherusalem rex Latinorum sextus, confirms under seal for the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Iosbertus Hospitalis magister the entire gift [of territory] in Egypt made in a charter by his father King Amalric in advance of his conquest of the country. He adds a further rent [assidenda] of 30000 besants to be taken from the territory of Bilbais [Berbesium], if he profits by as much from the revenues [censualiter] there. If not, he will make suitable compensation from neighbouring territories with the advice of his subjects [fideles]. Witnesses: Frater Berengarius milicie Templi senescalcus; Joicilinus regius senescalcus; Humfredus conestabulus; Rainaldus domnus Sydonis; Roardus castellanus Iherusalem; Vgo de Mimarcio; Petrus de Creseta; Malpinus. The charter was drawn up by Lambertus capellanus.
Mid-year - Sept. 23. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam sancte civitatis Iherusalem rex Latinorum sextus, confirms under seal for the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Iosbertus Hospitalis magister the entire gift [of territory] in Egypt made in a charter by his father King Amalric in advance of his... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:668-70, no. 390 (RRH no. 537)
year: 1176
initiator: Raynouard seigneur de Nephin and his brothers Guillaume de Maraclée and Raimond
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Nov. 18. Raynouard seigneur de Nephin and his brothers Guillaume de Maraclée and Raimond confirm the gift of a casale called Siroba, made to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem by their father Rainouard, who had been a confrater [donné], in the presence of Count Raymond III of Tripoli, who had confirmed it under seal.
*Nov. 18. Raynouard seigneur de Nephin and his brothers Guillaume de Maraclée and Raimond confirm the gift of a casale called Siroba, made to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem by their father Rainouard, who had been a confrater [donné], in the presence of Count Raymond III of Tripoli, who had... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:345, no. 503 (RRH no. 535c)