RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1215
initiator: Raymond Rupen, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Apr. 1. With the agreement of his wife Helois principissa, Raymond Rupen, Dei gratia princeps Antiochie, the son of Prince Raymond, makes an eleemosynary grant to the brothers and poor of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Guarinus de Monte Acuto sancte domus magister. He confirms all gifts made by him and his predecessors and by the barones of Antioch. He promises to observe truces made by the magister Hospitalis and his brothers with the Sarraceni. Witnesses: dominus Petrus patriarcha Antiochie; dominus Levo rex Armenie, avunculus principis; of other prelates, dominus Hoto Apamiensis archiepiscopus; dominus Booz electus Tharcensis; dominus Joannes Mamistanee ecclesie electus; dominus Eustachius episcopus Valeniensis; of the barones of the king of Armenia, dominus Constancius conestabulus Armenie; dominus Adam senescalcus; dominus Varan marescalcus; of the barones of Antioch, dominus Otho de Tiberiade; dominus Aharias senescalcus Antiochie; dominus Willelmus de Insula; dominus Gauterius de Laitor; dominus Eschivardus; dominus Guillelmus de Hasart; dominus Thomas marescalcus; dominus Simon camerarius; dominus Poncius Lumbardus; dominus Bauduinus de Maimendon; dominus Thomas Malebrun; dominus Bartholomeus de Jaune. The charter was drawn up by Jordanus principis cancellarius.
Apr. 1. With the agreement of his wife Helois principissa, Raymond Rupen, Dei gratia princeps Antiochie, the son of Prince Raymond, makes an eleemosynary grant to the brothers and poor of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Guarinus de Monte Acuto sancte domus magister. He... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:175, no. 1441 (RRH no. 877)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1215
initiator: Raymond Rupen, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Apr. 1. With the agreement of his wife Heluise principissa, Raymond Rupen, Dei gratia princeps Antiochie, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the brothers and poor of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Garinus de Monte Acuto magister. He confirms his gift of the civitas Gabulensis, called Gibel, with all its feoda, casalia and gastinae, and Castellum de la Veille, which is a dependency of Gibel. Witnesses: dominus Petrus patriarcha Antiochie; dominus Levo rex Hermenie, avunculus principis; of other prelates, dominus Otho Apamiensis archiepiscopus; dominus Booz Tharcensis electus; dominus Joannes Mamistanee ecclesie electus; dominus Eustacius episcopus Valeniensis; of the barones of the king of Armenia, dominus Constancius conestabulus Hermenie; dominus Adam senescalcus; dominus Vaaram marescalcus; of the barones of Antioch, dominus Otho de Tiberiade; dominus Acharias senescalcus Antiochie; dominus Guillelmus de Insula; dominus Gauterius de Laitor; dominus Eschivardus; dominus Guillelmus de Hasart; dominus Thomas marescalcus; dominus Poncius Lumbardus; dominus Simon camerarius; dominus Bauduinus de Maimendon; dominus Thomas Meslebrun; dominus Bartholomeus le Jaune. The charter was drawn up by Jordanus principis cancellarius.
Apr. 1. With the agreement of his wife Heluise principissa, Raymond Rupen, Dei gratia princeps Antiochie, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the brothers and poor of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Garinus de Monte Acuto magister. He confirms his gift of the civitas... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:176, no. 1442 (RRH no. 878)
year: 1215
initiator: Daudin, évêque d’Anterade ou Tortose
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: * Apr. 1-30. Daudin, évêque d’Anterade ou Tortose, records that he has received from the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by its master Garin de Montaigu, 1500 Saracen besants, in return for which he has pledged [in a vifgage], with the consent of his chapter and the patriarch of Antioch, a casale called Deterre, situated in the territory of Crat, between the casalia of Medel, Gastum and Ethere.
* Apr. 1-30. Daudin, évêque d’Anterade ou Tortose, records that he has received from the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by its master Garin de Montaigu, 1500 Saracen besants, in return for which he has pledged [in a vifgage], with the consent of his chapter and the patriarch of... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:174-5, no. 1440 (RRH no. 879a)
year: 1216
initiator: Bertrand seigneur de Biblis
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: * Feb. 1-29. Bertrand seigneur de Biblis, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem 4 [5] casalia, called Baqueer, Quasse, Bethorafig, Gabronie and Maarban. He delivers them to maître Guérin de Montagu, frère Aymard de Layron mareschal, frère Raymond de Pignans châtelain de Crat, frère Guillaume de Tinières commandeur de Tripoli, Raymond Portevin chapelain du maître, frère Martin Dandres, frère Pierre de Vieille-Brinde, frère Bertrand de Comps and frère Léonard.
* Feb. 1-29. Bertrand seigneur de Biblis, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem 4 [5] casalia, called Baqueer, Quasse, Bethorafig, Gabronie and Maarban. He delivers them to maître Guérin de Montagu, frère Aymard de Layron mareschal, frère Raymond de Pignans châtelain de Crat, frère Guillaume... more
sources: Delaville le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:185, no. 1462 (RRH no. 885a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1217
initiator: King Andrew of Hungary
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: (Dec.) Acre? Mindful of the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its care of the sick, burial of the dead and defence of the faithful, King Andrew of Hungary makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, one copy of which is to be stored in Syria, to the Order, represented by frater Guarinus de Monte Acuto sancte domus Hospitalis magister, of rents, property and rights in Hungary. Witnesses: Johannes Strigoniensis archiepiscopus; Bertholdus Colocensis archiepiscopus; Calanus Quinqueecclesiensis episcopus; Desiderius Chenadiensis episcopus; Simon Warradiensis episcopus; W. Transilvanus episcopus; Robertus Vesprimiensis episcopus; Petrus Geurensis episcopus; Jacobus Watiensis episcopus; Stephanus Zagabriensis episcopus; Thomas Agriensis electus; Jula palatinus; Dionisius magister Tavarnicorum et comes Novi Castri; Raphayl woiwoda; Bancus banus; Ochuz curialis comes; and others. The charter was drawn up by magister Huguerinus aule regie cancellarius. [310]
(Dec.) Acre? Mindful of the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its care of the sick, burial of the dead and defence of the faithful, King Andrew of Hungary makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, one copy of which is to be stored in Syria, to the Order, represented by frater Guarinus de... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:231-3, no. 1590 (RRH no. 908)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1217
initiator: King Andrew of Hungary
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. Acre? Mindful of the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and with the advice of Petrus Geuriensis episcopus, Thomas Agriensis electus, Dionysius magister tavarnicorum et comes Novicastri, Nicolaus comes filius Borez, Smaragdus, Moyses, Jula frater Ratholth, Sebez comes filius Thome, Demetrius senescalcus, Ladislas marescalcus and other Hungarian nobles, King Andrew of Hungary, who has become a confrater, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Order of revenues in Hungary. Witnesses: Johannes Strigoniensis archiepiscopus; Bertholdus Cohlocensis archiepiscopus; Calanus Quinqueecclesiarum episcopus; Desiderius Cenadiensis episcopus; Symon Warradiensis episcopus; Wilhelmus Transilvanus episcopus; Robertus Vesprimiensis episcopus; Petrus Geurensis episcopus; Jacobus Watiensis episcopus; Stephanus Zragabriensis episcopus; Thomas Agriensis electus; Jula palatinus; Dionisius magister Tavarnicorum et comes Novicastri; Raphayl woiwoda; Bancon banus; Ocus curialis comes; and others. The charter was drawn up by magister Hyguerinus aule regie cancellarius.
Dec. Acre? Mindful of the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and with the advice of Petrus Geuriensis episcopus, Thomas Agriensis electus, Dionysius magister tavarnicorum et comes Novicastri, Nicolaus comes filius Borez, Smaragdus, Moyses, Jula frater Ratholth, Sebez comes filius Thome... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:233-4, no. 1591 (RRH no. 908))
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1218
initiator: King Andrew of Hungary
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jan. 12-18. Cratum? After praising the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in Acre, King Andrew of Hungary describes how he travelled into the county of Tripoli and saw the castle of Cratum, witnessing how much work and expense had been spent on it. He therefore makes a sealed eleemosynary grant of a rent in Hungary to frater Raymundus de Pignano Crati castri castellanus and the Hospitaller brothers residing there. Witnesses: Johannes Strigoniensis archiepiscopus; Bertholdus Colocensis archiepiscopus; Calanus Quinqueecclesiensis episcopus; Desiderius Cenadiensis episcopus; Symon Waradiensis episcopus; Wilhelmus Transilvanus episcopus; Robertus Vesprimiensis episcopus; Petrus Joriensis episcopus; Jacobus Vaciensis episcopus; Stephanus Zagabriensis episcopus; Thomas Agriensis electus; Jula palatinus; Dionisius magister tavarnicorum et comes Novi Castri; Razaim voyvoda; Ocus curialis comes; Bancon banus; and others. The charter was drawn up by magister Huguerinus aule regie cancellarius.
Jan. 12-18. Cratum? After praising the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in Acre, King Andrew of Hungary describes how he travelled into the county of Tripoli and saw the castle of Cratum, witnessing how much work and expense had been spent on it. He therefore makes a sealed... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:238-9, no. 1602 (RRH no. 908)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1218
initiator: King Andrew of Hungary
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jan. 12-18. Margatum. Applauding the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, which he has personally witnessed on his pilgrimage in Acre, Chratum and Margatum, King Andrew of Hungary makes a sealed eleemosynary grant of a rent in Hungary to subsidize the defence of Margatum, situated in frontibus paganorum. Witnesses: Johannes Strigoniensis archiepiscopus; Bertholdus Colocensis archiepiscopus; Calanus Quinqueecclesiensis episcopus; Desiderius Cenadiensis episcopus; Symon Waradiensis episcopus; Wilhelmus Transilvanus episcopus; Petrus Geurensis episcopus; Robertus Vesprimiensis episcopus; Jacobus Watiensis episcopus; Stephanus Zagabriensis episcopus; Thomas Agriensis electus; Jula palatinus; Dionisius magister Tavarnicorum et comes Novicastri; Ocuz curialis comes; Raphaym woywoda; Bancon banus; and others. The charter was drawn up by magister Huguerinus aule regie cancellarius.
Jan. 12-18. Margatum. Applauding the merits of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, which he has personally witnessed on his pilgrimage in Acre, Chratum and Margatum, King Andrew of Hungary makes a sealed eleemosynary grant of a rent in Hungary to subsidize the defence of Margatum, situated in... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:239-40, no. 1603 (RRH no. 908)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1218
initiator: Raymond Rupen, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: * Feb. 12. Prince Raymond Rupen of Antioch confirms his gift to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of the city of Gibel and the château de la Vieille.
* Feb. 12. Prince Raymond Rupen of Antioch confirms his gift to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of the city of Gibel and the château de la Vieille.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:241, no. 1606 (RRH no. 909a)
year: 1220
initiator: Ademarus Cesaree Palestine dominus and his wife Sibille, the daughter of Gautier de Leitor
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: * Nov. 1-30. Adeymar de Layron chevalier and his wife Sibille, the daughter of Gautier de Leitor, give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a rent of 2000 besants, drawn annually from the place des Toiles, called Sochelbet in Arabic, in Gibel, which they were given by Prince Bohemond IV.
* Nov. 1-30. Adeymar de Layron chevalier and his wife Sibille, the daughter of Gautier de Leitor, give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a rent of 2000 besants, drawn annually from the place des Toiles, called Sochelbet in Arabic, in Gibel, which they were given by Prince Bohemond IV.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:273, no. 1684 (RRH no. 938a)