RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1141
initiator: Joscelin II, count of Edessa
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: 1141. [52] After a dispute over the boundaries of the casale of Cisemburc, Joscelin, Dei gratia comes Edessanus, with the agreement of his wife Countess Beatrix and his son Goscelinus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms the Hospitallers in their possession of the casale, which they had been given by King Baldwin and which their rustici may continue to cultivate in the accustomed manner. The charter, which is dated in the pontificate of Franco Tulippis archipresul and Prince Raymond of Antioch, is drawn up by Radulfus Carnotensis cancellarius comitis. Witnesses: Rogerius constabularies; Hubertus maresqualcus; Isembardus castellanus; Alduinus de Sirode; Berardus; Guarinus de Belci; Gilduinus; Herbertus; Petrus de Tilleto; Willelmus de Guaisia; Buvo Mercator; Bernardus Berruarius; Girardus Bedo.
1141. [52] After a dispute over the boundaries of the casale of Cisemburc, Joscelin, Dei gratia comes Edessanus, with the agreement of his wife Countess Beatrix and his son Goscelinus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms the Hospitallers in their... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:112, no. 137 (RRH no. 206)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1142
initiator: Raymond II, count of Tripoli
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1141 [or 1143] – Aug. 31 1142 [or 1144]. Raymond II, Poncii comitis filius, Dei gratia comes Tripolis, records that he has become a confrater of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to which he makes a sealed eleemosynary grant. He gives the Hospital Raphania and Mons Ferrandus with all feudal rights [feodales], with liege lordship [dominatio et ligietas] over all men, knights and burgesses [burgenses], having property there, together with full rights of lordship over Mardabech and in the fisheries [piscaria] of Chamele from Chades to Resclausa. He also gives full lordship over Cratum, castellum Bochee, Felitum and Lacum. He makes the gift of Cratum with the agreement of Willelmus de Crato, his wife Adelasia and son Bertrandus Hugo, to whom he has given in exchange, in the presence of all his curia, the Cavea Davidis Siri with the full powers of a Ra’is in the mountain district [cum omni raisagio montanee] [53] and the feodum of Pons Willelmus, consisting of 2 knights’ fiefs [caballariae] of land and 600 besants, provided by himself, his barones and the bishop of Tripoli, who have each given 200 besants. In addition Willelmus de Crato will be able to draw 7 besants year for 10 years, starting this August, from each knight’s fee [caballaria] in the mountain district. Raymond bought Felicium and Lacum from Gislebertus de Podio Laurentii and his wife Dagolth for 1,000 besants. With the agreement of his mother Cecilia comitissa, his wife Hodierna, his son Raimundus and his brother Philippus, Raymond adds that in military engagements booty will only be shared with him when he is present. He allows the Suriani of Cratum exemption from taxation [jura et consuetudines] on all they buy and sell throughout his county. Witnesses: Geraldus episcopus Tripolis; Willelmus episcopus Tortose; B. archiepiscopus Albarie; Rainerius constabularius; Fulcrandus marescalcus; Willelmus Embriacus; Willelmus Rainoardus; Joscelinus de Cavo Monte; Silvius Rotbertus; Willelmus Porcelletus; Radulfus de Fontanellis; Raimundus de Fonte Erecto; Radulfus Viridis; Pipinus et others, all barones; of the burgenses, Pontius de Sura; G. Isnelli; P. Geraldi; S. Monacus; R. Lamberti; Willelmus Rotllandi; P. Girbaldi; B. Aurifex; Ph. Burgensis; P. Andreae and many others. If necessity leads Count Raymond or his men to take refuge in any Hospitaller castles they will do not damage to them or challenge Hospitaller ownership. With the agreement of Hodierna his wife, his son Raimundus, his brother Philippus and his barones and men, Raymond makes another eleemosynary grant, confirming the gift by Galterius de Margato and his wife Gisla of a walled garden, together with a quarry [spatia locorum ad trahendos lapides apta]. The gifts are made into the hands of Frater Raimundus Hospitalis magister and the brothers Rotbertus comes Alverniensis; Gislabertus Malemannus; Petrus Montis Peregrini prior and other brothers. Raymond, per Deum Tripolis comes, confirms, that he will not enter into truces with the Muslims without the advice and agreement of the Hospitallers. The charter was drawn up by Petrus comitis cancellarius.
Dec. 25 1141 [or 1143] – Aug. 31 1142 [or 1144]. Raymond II, Poncii comitis filius, Dei gratia comes Tripolis, records that he has become a confrater of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to which he makes a sealed eleemosynary grant. He gives the Hospital Raphania and Mons Ferrandus with all... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:116-18, no. 144 (RRH no. 212)
year: 1143
initiator: Patriarch William of Jerusalem
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1142 – Dec. 24 1143. Patriarch William of Jerusalem gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a church in agro qui Acheldamach dicitur, where pilgrims are buried, with the whole graveyard as measured out by old Suriani in the patriarch’s presence. Witnesses: of the patriarchal clerks, Ernesius domini patriarche nepos et cancellarius; Wichardus capellanus; Amelius diaconus; Alexander; Godefridus; Helias, who wrote the charter; of the brothers of the Hospital, Raimundus magister; Petrus Willelmi clericus, who began to build the church; Stefanus sacerdos; Stefanus Capelle; Haimo prior S. Aegidii and many others.
Dec. 25 1142 – Dec. 24 1143. Patriarch William of Jerusalem gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a church in agro qui Acheldamach dicitur, where pilgrims are buried, with the whole graveyard as measured out by old Suriani in the patriarch’s presence. Witnesses: of the patriarchal clerks,... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:121-2, no. 150 (RRH no. 215)
year: 1144
initiator: Hugo de Sancto Abraham
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1143 – Dec. 24 1144. Hugues seigneur du lieu de S. Abraham gives 3 casalia to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
*Dec. 25 1143 – Dec. 24 1144. Hugues seigneur du lieu de S. Abraham gives 3 casalia to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:129, no. 158 (RRH no. 228a)
year: 1145
initiator: Adélaïde, widow of Prince Bohemond II of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Nov. 1-30. Adélaide, the widow of Prince Bohemond II of Antioch, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a rent of 30 besants, taken on an abaye situated on a hillside called Rivira and allows it to build a public oven next to its house in Latakia.
*Nov. 1-30. Adélaide, the widow of Prince Bohemond II of Antioch, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a rent of 30 besants, taken on an abaye situated on a hillside called Rivira and allows it to build a public oven next to its house in Latakia.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:131, no. 163 (RRH no. 234a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1145
initiator: Raymond II, count of Tripoli
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec 25 1144 – Sept. 23 1145. Following the wishes of King Baldwin [III] and Queen Melisende of Jerusalem and Prince Raymond and Constantia principissa of Antioch, Raymond II, per Deum Tripolis comes, confirms his eleemosynary gift of 1142 to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, reiterating that the Hospital’s subjects, including the Suriani of Cratum will pay no dues [usus nec conseutudines] throughout his county. He modifies the clause that he will not enter into truces with the Muslims [Saraceni] by referring only to the need for advice and no longer to the need for the consent of the Hospitallers. Witnesses: G. Tripolis episcopus, cum omni conventu suo; W. Tortose episcopus; R. constabularius; F. malescalcus; W. Ebriaci; W. Rainoardi; G. de Cavomonte; S. Roberti; W. Porcelletus; W. de Crato; G. de Podio Laurentii; M. de Boccosello; R. de Fontanellis; R. de Fonte Erecto; R. Viridis; Pipinus, W. Arvei; W. Pandulfi; I. de Bechestino; F. de Tolone; R. de Monte Siquo; Hu. de Lidimano; B. de Rocca; R. Fortis; B. Romanus; R. de Valle Aurea; W. de Cornelione; Siggifredus; P. de Nereu; P. de S. Justo; O. de Monte Olivo; Guiringisisis; Tancredus; D. de Valriaco; P. Humberti; A. de Saurra; W. Tripolis vicecomes ; A. Tripolis raisius; P. de Cafaracha; B. de Bussarra; Hugo Senzaverz; P. de Cavomonte; B. de Terrallo; W. de Lunello; B. Petri de Iherusalem; R. Crispini regis pincerna; Humfredus de Toroni; Philippus Neapolis; of the burgenses, P. de Sura; G. Isnelli; P. Geraldi; S. Monachus; R. Lamberti; W. Rollendi; P. Gerbaldi; R. Arnaldi; Philippus Bornia; Firminus; R. Catalanus; R. Niger; A. Trun; P. Andree; P. de S. Germano; P. de Monte Ferrario; A. de Lambesco; R. Guasco; P. de Castronovo; G. Timonerius; Girbertus; P[etrus] comitis cancellarius, who drew up the charter.
Dec 25 1144 – Sept. 23 1145. Following the wishes of King Baldwin [III] and Queen Melisende of Jerusalem and Prince Raymond and Constantia principissa of Antioch, Raymond II, per Deum Tripolis comes, confirms his eleemosynary gift of 1142 to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, reiterating that... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:130, no. 160; UKJ 1:349, 395-6, nos. 170, 213 (RRH no. 236)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1146
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Febr. 1. Jaffa. Baldwin, dei gratia Ierosolimorum et sancte civitatis Latinorum quartus rex, together with his mother Melisende, regina, confirms the agreement, negotiated in the presence of King Fulk in Jerusalem and Nablus and made between the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Robertus Sancti Egidii and his wife Odula, with the agreement of Rohardus vicecomes and his wife Gilla and of Patriarch William, who confirmed it. Robertus and his wife give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Raimundus magister and its brothers the land of Emaus with its casalia, just as Robert had held it as a feudum from Rohardus and his wife. In return the brothers of the Hospital will pay Robertus and his heirs each year a census of 250 besants at Easter or within 40 days and another 250 besants at the Feast of All Saints. The land will revert to Robert if the Hospitallers fail to pay, but Robert can, if he wishes, make an eleemosynary grant to the brothers of up to 100 of these besants, or sell or commute them. Such an act will be confirmed by Rohardus as an eleemosynary gift. The remaining 400 besants will continue to be paid. Witnesses: Robertus archiepiscopus Nazaret; Rogerius episcopus Sancti Georgii; Gaufridus abbas Templi Domini; of the barones, Gilelmus de Burri; Rohardus vicecomes; Robertus Casalis Sancti Egidii; Rainerius Rametensis; Robertus de Frandolio; Constantinus decan[us]; Milo Clericus; Gaufridus de Acu; Rainaldus de Monte Landuno; Tosetus and many others; of the brothers of the Hospital, Raimundus Palacii; Stephanus Capelle; Petrus thesaurarius; Raimundus; Gerardus pincerna and many others. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus regius cancellarius.
Febr. 1. Jaffa. Baldwin, dei gratia Ierosolimorum et sancte civitatis Latinorum quartus rex, together with his mother Melisende, regina, confirms the agreement, negotiated in the presence of King Fulk in Jerusalem and Nablus and made between the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Robertus Sancti... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:350, 396-9, nos. 171, 214 (RRH no. 244)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1146
initiator: Baldwin III, Queen Melisende and brother Amalric
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jul. 4. Nablus. Baldwin, dei gratia in sancta Ierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, his mother Melisende, eadem gratia eorundem regina, and his brother Amalricus make a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. They give Altum Casale and they promise to give 2 casalia nearer to Altum Casale in exchange for 2 nearby casalia in valle Suech, which Gunfredus de Turre Dauid and his wife Yda gave to the Hospital. They also confirm all gifts made by Kings Baldwin I, Baldwin II and Fulk, and all made by their subjects [homines]. Witnesses: Robertus archiepiscopus Nazarenus; Gaufridus abbas Templi Domini; Elinandus Tyberiadensis; Guido Berytensis; Manasses constabularius; Reinerius Ramatensis; Henfredus de Torono; Girardus Sidoniensis; Galterus Cesariensis; Roardus vicecomes Ierosolimitanus; Phylippus Neapolitanus; Gualo vicecomes Tyberiadensis; Geruasius Burgundio; Gualterus Maledoctus; Johannes Geroman; Robertus de Frandolio; Maingodus de Gemuino; Paganus de Uoh; Tebaldus Nazarenus; Hubertus de Legione; Hugo de Bethsan; Adalardus Recestensis; Giraldus vicecomes Achonensis; Mainardus.... The charter was drawn up by Radulfus regius cancellarius.
Jul. 4. Nablus. Baldwin, dei gratia in sancta Ierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, his mother Melisende, eadem gratia eorundem regina, and his brother Amalricus make a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. They give Altum Casale and they promise to give 2 casalia nearer to... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:350, 402-4, nos. 173, 216; 2:504, no. 274 (RRH no. 245)
year: 1146
initiator: Raymond of Poitiers, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Jul. 1-31. Raymond, prince of Antioch, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a bath house which is attached to the Order’s house in Antioch.
*Jul. 1-31. Raymond, prince of Antioch, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a bath house which is attached to the Order’s house in Antioch.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:134, no. 170 (RRH no. 241a)
year: 1146
initiator: Galo/Chalo of Avalone and his wife Agnes of Beirut
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1143 – Sept. 23 1146. Galo/Chalo de Avelone and his wife Agnes [of Beirut] give the casale of Recordana with its mills to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem at Acre, with the agreement of King Baldwin III, Queen Melisende and Phylippus Neapolitanus and his brothers.
*Dec. 25 1143 – Sept. 23 1146. Galo/Chalo de Avelone and his wife Agnes [of Beirut] give the casale of Recordana with its mills to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem at Acre, with the agreement of King Baldwin III, Queen Melisende and Phylippus Neapolitanus and his brothers.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:351, 404-5, nos. 174, 217