RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1166
initiator: Baldwin of Mirabel
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Apr. 29. Ramla. Balduinus de Ybelin dominus Mirabelli, with the agreement of King Amalric and the consent of his lord [dominus] and brother Hugo de Ybelin, his brother Balianus and his wife Richelda, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms whatever his father, mother and predecessors gave in alms to the Hospital in Nablus: houses, vineyards, cultivated and waste lands.These belong by right to the Hospital at Mirabellum and the Order’s house in Nablus, together with a rearrangement of the tithes of Mirabellum, Luceria, Marescalcia, Rentia and Casreherra, according to which the bishop of Lydda [S. Georgius] receives the first tithes and the Hospital second tithes. Witnesses: Nicholaus de Ibelin; Osmundus frater ejus; Morardus; Gualterius vicecomes Mirabelli; Symon filius Marsilii; Johannes Arabi; Ernaldus Mercator; Petrus Tyberiadis. The charter was drawn up in the time of magister [Gibertus and of frater Guigo de M]aunus preceptor, and of frater Oldinus Rol[lant preceptor de Spina].
Apr. 29. Ramla. Balduinus de Ybelin dominus Mirabelli, with the agreement of King Amalric and the consent of his lord [dominus] and brother Hugo de Ybelin, his brother Balianus and his wife Richelda, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms whatever his... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:245, no. 354; Mayer, UKJ 2:555-6, no. 318 (RRH no. 423)
year: 1167
initiator: Robertus Medicus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 1-31. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem approves under seal the sale by Robertus Medicus of houses, situated in the patriarchal quarter [of Jerusalem] over the Lacus [Balneorum], to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, who will pay the patriarch a rent [censualiter] of 1 besant a year on the Feast of the Liberation of Jerusalem. Neither the Hospital, nor any possessor of the houses thereafter, will have any right to draw water from the lacus Balneorum. The deed was made in the time of Girbertus magister Hospitalis, Guigo preceptor, Castus thesaurarius, Raimundus Tyberiadis marescalcus, Piotus custos infirmorum and with the agreement of all the chapter. Witnesses: of clerics, Rainaldus de Cappellis; Rotbertus de Lochis diaconus; of laymen, Petrus Lombardus; Gaufridus Turonensis; Rotbertus de Piquegni; Willelmus Normannus;Willelmus Ebraut; Petrus de S. Jacobo; Lambertus Cambitor; Pelerinus; Petrus de S. Lazaro; Petrus Porchet; Johannes Turonensis. The charter was drawn up by Amalricus cancellarius.
Mar. 1-31. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem approves under seal the sale by Robertus Medicus of houses, situated in the patriarchal quarter [of Jerusalem] over the Lacus [Balneorum], to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, who will pay the patriarch a rent [censualiter] of 1 besant a year on the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:257, no. 375 (RRH no. 430)
year: 1167
initiator: Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Holy Sepulchre
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 1-31. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem, with the consent of Petrus prior dominici Sepulcri and his chapter, seals an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. The patriarch gives the Hospital some land, situated beween on the east the house of Petrus clericus, on the west and north the porcharia of the patriarch and the Greek nunnery [monasterium Grecarum monialium] and on the south the houses of Robertus Medicus and the monastery of St George. The patriarch also surrenders the rent [censualiter] of 1 besant owed by the Hospital for the houses of Robertus Medicus. In return the Hospital gives the patriarch houses that had belonged to Rainaldus de Monte Laudato, situated beween the vicus Coquinati and the vicus Parmentariorum on the corner [in angulo illo] from which one goes to the church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Hospital has already built a wall on the land. Its maintenance will be shared beween the patriarch and the Hospital. Witnesses: of the clerics, Rainaldus capellanus; Rotbertus de Lochis diaconus; Rotbertus de Thesauro diaconus; Petrus clericus; Johannes clericus de capella; of the laymen, Fulcomar frater Tetbaudi; Gaufridus dapifer; Rotbertus de Pinquegni; Audebertus pincerva; Arn. marescalcus; Aubertus Lombardus; Poncius gener ejus; Willelmus Ebraut; Rotbertus de Baugenci; Johannes Turonensis; Fulco aurifaber; Petrus de S. Lazaro; filius ejus Petrus. The charter was drawn up by Amalricus cancellarius.
Mar. 1-31. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem, with the consent of Petrus prior dominici Sepulcri and his chapter, seals an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. The patriarch gives the Hospital some land, situated beween on the east the house of Petrus clericus, on the west and north the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:257-8, no. 376 (RRH no. 431)
year: 1167
initiator: Baldwin of Mirabel
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1166 - Dec. 24 1167 [late in 1167]. [112] Balduinus de Mirabel, with the consent of his brother and lord [dominus] Ugo de Ibelino, Ugo’s wife domina Agnes comitissa, his brother Barisanus and his wife Richoldis, together with the agreement of domina Stephania, sells to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Gibertus Hospitalis Jerusalem magister, the casale called S. Marie, adjoining the territory of [castrum] Bellifortis for 3000 besants. Excluded is the land of S. Maria de Bethleem which lies within the territory of the casale. The Hospital will pay an annual rent [censuales] of 200 besants to Balduinus and his heirs. Ugo de Ibelino, Balduinus and Barisanus promise to guarantee the sale and Ugo de Ibelino seals the charter. Witnesses: Guillelmus Tullensis miles; Radulfus miles de Esenguia; Isaac de Naalein filius Johannis Vacharii; of the burgenses of Rama, Bernardus Parmentarius; Guillelmus Arnaldi; Tancredus; Gerardus de Esenguia; of the burgenses of Jerusalem, Johannes Raimundi; Guillelmus Patronus; Guillelmus de Ponz; Petrus Magnus de Calenzone; Luvellus miles de Serre; Ansaldus de Brie; Balduinus de Rohaz; Johannes de Valencenes; Fulco Niger; Guido Dauratus; Balduinus de Lisabona and others.
Dec. 25 1166 - Dec. 24 1167 [late in 1167]. [112] Balduinus de Mirabel, with the consent of his brother and lord [dominus] Ugo de Ibelino, Ugo’s wife domina Agnes comitissa, his brother Barisanus and his wife Richoldis, together with the agreement of domina Stephania, sells to the Hospital of St... more
sources: Delaville le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:255-6, no. 371 (RRH no. 433)
year: 1168
initiator: Petrus S. Pauli Antiochie abbas and Leo prior
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 16. Petrus S. Pauli Antiochie abbas and Leo prior make a sealed grant, giving, for the defence of the land, the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the casale of Avotha in the territory of Latakia, on condition that if the Christians can enlarge their boundaries and gain Aleppo the casale, together with its villani, will be returned to the abbey, except for those carrucae that belong to the Hospital.
Feb. 16. Petrus S. Pauli Antiochie abbas and Leo prior make a sealed grant, giving, for the defence of the land, the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the casale of Avotha in the territory of Latakia, on condition that if the Christians can enlarge their boundaries and gain Aleppo the casale,... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:271, no. 397 (RRH no. 429)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1168
initiator: Hugues, lord of Ramla
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *1164-1168. With the consent of his wife Agnès comtesse de Joppé and the agreement of his brothers Baudouin and Balian, Hugues seigneur de Rama, the son of Balian, confirms the gift made by his father and mother to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and lands and gardens.
*1164-1168. With the consent of his wife Agnès comtesse de Joppé and the agreement of his brothers Baudouin and Balian, Hugues seigneur de Rama, the son of Balian, confirms the gift made by his father and mother to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and lands and gardens.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:232, no. 328 (RRH no. 410a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1168
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Oct. 11. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Gibertus venerabilis magister and his successors. He gives Bilbais [Bulbesium] with everything the inhabitants of the city and its territory possess, all its inhabitants and as much of the cultivated and uncultivated land extending towards Syria and the sea that with Bilbais itself will return 100000 old besants [bisantii vetera] a year. He adds a further grant of 50000 old besants a year, to be raised in 10 Egyptian cities: 5000 each from Old Cairo [in Babylone], Thanes, Damietta, the insula Mall., Alexandria, Chus, Suana, Whe, Ahideph and Fun. In each of these cities the Hospital is to have one of the better houses or palatia after the king has made his choice. And if the treasure of the mulanus and those in other cities and ville come into the king’s hands without the use of force, he gives a tithe of the treasure of Cairo [Caharium], other cities and the land. If, on the other hand, force has to be employed, the Hospital will receive a tithe only after the half owing to the king according to the law of war [secundum militares iusticias] has been subtracted, although the magister and brothers will also have their due share of the spoils of war [per militias partes]. In return the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its magister and brothers, will provide 500 milites and the same number of well armed turcopoli for the expedition. They will muster at Larriz and will report to the marescalcus or the comestabulus. If the troops provided are more or less than those specified, the rewards for the Hospital mentioned above will be adjusted proportionately. In whatever future expedition the brothers of the Hospital display their banner [vexillum] they will enjoy all the spoil, unless the king is himself present in person. This applies to future [expeditions], if [Egypt] is not taken and restored to Christianity. Witnesses: Fridericus Tyrensis archiepiscopus; Aitardus Nazarenus archiepiscopus; Rodulfus Bethleemiticus expiscopus; Willermus Aconensis episcopus; Gualterus princeps Galilee; Hugo domnus Ibelini; [domnus Vn]fredus de Torone; Willelmus marescalcus; domnus Milo de Plancei; domnus Gormundus de Tyberiade; Guago de Noua Uilla; Godefridus de Bremai; Gui de Maneriis. The charter was written by Radulfus episcopus Bethleemiticus regisque cancellarius.
Oct. 11. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Gibertus venerabilis magister and his successors. He gives Bilbais [Bulbesium] with everything the inhabitants of the city and its... more
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1168
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jan. 1-31. [113] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Girbertus Hospitalis magister and his brothers. He gives Rochefort with an abbatia, Cava, Levonia, Tala, Bachfela, Gaigon, Glorieta with a spring that waters the gardens, casale S. Egidii with the torone de Belda, half of Rogia together with the other half which Bohemond has acquired from Reinaldus Masoerius and his heirs, Arcicant, Farmith, Femia with its lake, Logis, Bochabes with the casale de Pailes; other lordships and liege lordships [dominationes et liggianciae] that Femia has in Syria, Berssaphut, castellum de Lacoba and Totomota. With the consent of the inhabitants, Bohemond concedes all these, together with his lordships and liege lordships in them, with the agreement of those who have rights, feoda and heritages. The Hospitallers can make war and peace with neighbouring Muslim powers as they please and, when notified, Bohemond will observe them. On the other hand neither he nor his homines will make treaties with the Sarraceni, nor with any Christians allied to them, without the advice of the Hospitallers. If the Hospitallers are not consulted they can react as they please. They can enjoy all the proceeds of the spoils of war. Bohemond confirms the privileges granted by his father of free import or export of goods without the payment of any tax [consuetudo et exactio curie] All gifts made by his homines will be confirmed, provided that the number of knights’ fiefs [feodum militis] are not lessened and his curia loses servicium. Witnesses: Silvester consanguineus principis; Rainaldus Masoer; Robertus Mansel; Rotbertus Gaufredi filius; Bonabulus; Roggerius de Surdavalle; Eschivardus; Petrus camerarius; Johan-nes de Salquino; Gaufredus Falsardus dux Antiochiae; frater ejus Guido Falsardus; Paganus de Castellud castellanus Antiochie; Radulfus de Furno; Radulfus de Neun; Willelmus de Tirel manescalcus; frater ejus Simon; Petrus de Melfa vicecomes; Terricus de Tornai; Boninus. The charter was drawn up by Bernardus cancellarius.
Jan. 1-31. [113] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Girbertus Hospitalis magister and his brothers. He gives Rochefort with an abbatia, Cava, Levonia, Tala, Bachfela, Gaigon, Glorieta with... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:266-8, no. 391 (RRH no. 428)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1169
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Aug. 20. Acre. With the agreement of his prelates and barones, Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, confirms under seal his eleemosynary grant, to benefit especially the souls of his father, mother and brother King Baldwin [III], to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Gibertus magister of Bilbais [Bulbesium], the possessions of its inhabitants, the inhabitants themselves, and as much of the cultivated and uncultivated land, extending from the neighbourhood of Bilbais towards Siria and the sea, that with Bilbais itself will return 150000 old besants [bizantii vetera] a year. But excluded from this gift will be all Christians, of whatever nation, whom Amalric has freed from their servile condition. [119] Witnesses: Radulfus episcopus Bethleem; Philippus magister Templi; Gualterius senescallus Templi; frater Radulfus Boch; frater Ermio de Asio; Unfredus comestabilus regis; Milo de Planci senescallus regis; Willelmus marescallus regis; Gormundus de Tyberiade; Guido de Scandalione; Gerardus de Pogeio; Rohardus tunc temporis castellanus Ierusalem; and others. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus episcopus Bethleem regisque cancellarius.
Aug. 20. Acre. With the agreement of his prelates and barones, Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, confirms under seal his eleemosynary grant, to benefit especially the souls of his father, mother and brother King Baldwin [III], to the Hospital of St John of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:591-5, no. 341 (RRH no. 466)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1169
initiator: King Wladislas II of Bohemia
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1168 - Dec. 24 1169. King Wladislas II of Bohemia records how in the first year of his reign he vowed to pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He joined the emperor Conrad in his expedition against the pagans, but was unable to complete the journey, although fired more and more by a desire to go to Jerusalem. When Raymundus, then magister Hospitalis Hierosolimitani, and other brothers heard of this, they sent Wladislas at once the keys to the castellum called Crat, situated on the borders with the pagans. The keys were delivered by frater Benedictus together with the offer to Wladislas that he and his companions should make use of Crat and its dependences as they wished. Knowing its good works, Wladislas makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital, giving it extensive properties in Bohemia. The witnesses are all from Bohemia.
Dec. 25 1168 - Dec. 24 1169. King Wladislas II of Bohemia records how in the first year of his reign he vowed to pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He joined the emperor Conrad in his expedition against the pagans, but was unable to complete the journey, although fired more and more by a desire to go to... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:280-2, no. 405 (RRH no. 472a)