year: 1169
initiator: Robert de Blanchecour
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *1163 - 1169. Robert de Blanchecour is admitted to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem as a ‘donné’ and leaves the Order all his goods, should he die without children.
*1163 - 1169. Robert de Blanchecour is admitted to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem as a ‘donné’ and leaves the Order all his goods, should he die without children.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:221, no. 308 (RRH no. 393b)
year: 1170
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jun. 29 - Dec. 18. In the county of Tripoli. To prevent the loss of the castles [castra] of Archas and Gibelacar, which have been destroyed by an earthquake, Amalric, dei gratia Ierosolimorum rex Latinorum quintus, Tripolitanum comitatum procurans, records under seal that he has given them to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Gibertus venerabilis magister. The Hospitallers will restore them. Their possession of the castles, together with the servicia and hominium owed by homines in their domains, is guaranteed in the future. He gives the Hospitallers the right to enjoy the spoils of war gained from the Saraceni without any subtraction, unless he himself is present on campaign. If the count of Tripoli [Raymond III], who is a prisoner, should dispute these grants King Amalric will defend the Hospitallers. If the count is released from captivity King Amalric will ask him to confirm the gift. If he does not and the county reverts by hereditary right to the king, the grants will be confirmed and renewed. Amalric confirms all gifts previously made to the Order by the count and his predecessors. Witnesses: Gumbaldus electus Tripolitanus; Raimundus Prouincialis precentor ecclesię Tripolitane; Seierius castellanus Tripolitanus; Bertranus Porculus; Erradius; Guillelmus vicecomes Tripolitanus; Arbertus de Montiniaco; Pontius de Suiura; Raimundus de Suiura; Ridellus; Guerricus de Archis; of the barones of the land of Jerusalem, domnus Barisanus; Hugo Mimart; Guido de Maneriis; Philippus Rufus.
Jun. 29 - Dec. 18. In the county of Tripoli. To prevent the loss of the castles [castra] of Archas and Gibelacar, which have been destroyed by an earthquake, Amalric, dei gratia Ierosolimorum rex Latinorum quintus, Tripolitanum comitatum procurans, records under seal that he has given them to the... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:601-5, no. 346 (RRH no. 477)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1170
initiator: Rogerius dominus Seone
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jul. 1-31. Rogerius dominus Seone, with the agreement of his wife Avicia and his brothers Garento and Joscelinus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, giving the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the casale of Tricheria. Witnesses: Joscelinus frater domini Rogerii; Willelmus Trigala; Rainaudus de Landauran; Tancredus d’Asart.
Jul. 1-31. Rogerius dominus Seone, with the agreement of his wife Avicia and his brothers Garento and Joscelinus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, giving the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the casale of Tricheria. Witnesses: Joscelinus frater domini Rogerii; Willelmus Trigala; Rainaudus de... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:289, no. 417 (RRH no. 473)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1171
initiator: Hugues, lord of Ramla
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *1160 - 1169/71. [129] Hugues, lord of Ramla, the son of Balian, confirms the gift made by his father and mother of lands and gardens to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
*1160 - 1169/71. [129] Hugues, lord of Ramla, the son of Balian, confirms the gift made by his father and mother of lands and gardens to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:210, no. 286 (RRH no. 365e)
year: 1172
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Sept. 24-30. [132] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, with the consent of his wife Orgollosa principessa, makes under seal an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives an assisia of 90 besants [a year] on the profits [fructus] of the fundum at Latakia in exchange for the houses that belonged to Barutel. If the profits prove to be less in any year, the sum is to be made up from the tallia of the Suriani in Latakia. Witnesses: Guiscardus de Insula constabularies; Silvester cognatus principis; Petrus camerarius; Johannes de Salquin; Willelmus Baufredi; Zaccarias filius Eschivardi….. The charter was drawn up by Willelmus cancellarius.
Sept. 24-30. [132] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, with the consent of his wife Orgollosa principessa, makes under seal an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives an assisia of 90 besants [a year] on the profits [fructus] of the fundum at... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:303, no. 437 (RRH no. 493)
year: 1172
initiator: Gisle and her son Pierre
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1171 - Dec. 24 1172. Gisle and her son Pierre give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a house situated in the rue de David in Jerusalem on condition that they be received into the Order’s confraternity.
*Dec. 25 1171 - Dec. 24 1172. Gisle and her son Pierre give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a house situated in the rue de David in Jerusalem on condition that they be received into the Order’s confraternity.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:299, no. 432 (RRH no. 494a)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1173
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Sept. 24 - Dec. 24. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Iherusalem Latinorum rex, confirms under seal the gifts already made by his predecessors to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, referring particularly to 10 carrucate terre, a mill and a river at Tres Pontes.
*Sept. 24 - Dec. 24. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Iherusalem Latinorum rex, confirms under seal the gifts already made by his predecessors to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, referring particularly to 10 carrucate terre, a mill and a river at Tres Pontes.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:622-3, no. 357
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1174
initiator: Eschiva Tabarie domina, together with her son Hugo
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1173 - Jul. 11 1174. [137] Eschiva Tabarie domina, together with her son Hugo, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to benefit especially the soul of her husband Galterius. She gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Josbertus magister, a turron/mons which in Arabic [Sarracenice] is called Lacomedia, situated between Parrva Palmeria and Tiberias, and all the land on that hill as far as the shoreline of Sea of Galilee, together with the water as far from the land as can be reached by throwing a small stone, weighing the equivalent of 20 besants. The gift includes springs in the land and fisheries and the right to construct mills and whatever the Hospitallers want. Excluded from the gift is land worked by Suliani. Witnesses: Giraudus Tabarie episcopus; Petrus de Crescencia; Ivo Ursus; Geroldus de Chetnei; Symon Cheurun; Robertus Rufus; Haymericus Chang; and others.
Dec. 25 1173 - Jul. 11 1174. [137] Eschiva Tabarie domina, together with her son Hugo, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to benefit especially the soul of her husband Galterius. She gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Josbertus magister, a turron/mons which in Arabic [... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:315-16, no. 459 (RRH no. 522)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1174
initiator: Raymond III, count of Tripoli
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 1-24. Raymond III Tripolis comes, son of Count Raymond II and Hodierna comitissa, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant in return for the aid given by Josbertus Hospitalis Iherusalem magister, frater Arnaudus Lombardus and other brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in securing his release from captivity and the help they have always given him. He confirms all the gifts made by his predecessors and his father Count Raymond II. He adds to them the surrender of the half of all spoil taken from the Sarraceni, which attached to his father’s standard [vexillum] and which his father had retained. This right of ‘vexillum’ is to be enjoyed by the Hospitallers. Witnesses: Romanus Tripolis episcopus; Josbertus Hospitalis magister, into whose hands this gift was made; frater Arnaudus Lombardus, frater Seguinus Ruffus; frater Bernardus; frater Bonellus capellanus; Anfredus de Toron constabularius; Hugo de Biblio; Raimundus frater ejus; Raimundus de Nephin; Guillelmus Dorel; Arbertus Saramannus; Arradus; Bertramus Porcelet; Rustagnus de S. Montano; Guillelmus vicecomes; Johannes ejus filius; Hugo Days; Poncius de Suura; Guillelmus Berengarius; Petrus de Lezignan; Raimundus de Monteolivo; Guilielmus de Caumont; Johannes de Suura; Guillelmus Fortis; ejus frater B.; Bertramus de Pontarudes; Balduinus Romanus; Petrus Bernardi; Arbertus de Monti-niaco; Raimundus de Curt; Guillelmus Firminus; Jacobus; Guillelmus Bidoz; regulus Simon; regulus Georgius; regulus Mafa; magister Matthaeus cancellarius, who drew up the charter.
Dec. 1-24. Raymond III Tripolis comes, son of Count Raymond II and Hodierna comitissa, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant in return for the aid given by Josbertus Hospitalis Iherusalem magister, frater Arnaudus Lombardus and other brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in securing his... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:319-320, no. 467 (RRH no. 519)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1174
initiator: Hugo Biblii dominus, together with his brother Raimundus and his son Hugo
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1173 - Dec. 24 1174. With the agreement of his lord [dominus] Raymond III Tripolitanorum comes, Hugo Biblii dominus, together with his brother Raimundus and his son Hugo, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its magister and brothers, represented by frater Arnaudus Lombardus Montis Peregrini preceptor. He gives land, commonly called the Jardinum de la Nonua, in the territory of the casale called Bechestin. The land is partly field [campus], partly meadow [pratum]. Its boundaries are as follows. From the mountainside it follows a ditch [fossatum], by the road [via] that runs to the vadum Mortui Fluminis. To the south and west it is coterminous with land belonging to Hugo de Biblio himself. Below, towards Mont Pèlerin, it borders on the land of Rustenus de S. Montano. On 2 sides it adjoins land belonging to the Hospital of St John. Witnesses: dominus R. comes; Guillelmus de Marreclea; Bertranus Porcellus; Arbertus Sarania; Arradus Engel; Guillelmus de Caumonte; Arbertus de Montiniaco; Ogerius Furnarius; Henricus de Biblio; Rainaudus de Biblio; Sais; Guillelmus Catalanus.
Dec. 25 1173 - Dec. 24 1174. With the agreement of his lord [dominus] Raymond III Tripolitanorum comes, Hugo Biblii dominus, together with his brother Raimundus and his son Hugo, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its magister and brothers, represented by... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:314-15, no. 458 (RRH no. 520)