RRR: Restoration of possessions/rights
year: 1109
initiator: Baldwin I
recipient: Tancred Marchisius
text: *Jul. 1-31. King Baldwin I returns Haifa, the Temple esplanade in Jerusalem, Tiberias and Nazareth to Tancred [Marchisius].
*Jul. 1-31. King Baldwin I returns Haifa, the Temple esplanade in Jerusalem, Tiberias and Nazareth to Tancred [Marchisius].
sources: Albert of Aachen, p. 782 [19]
year: 1120
initiator: Baldwin II
recipient: Templars
institution: Templars
text: *Jan. 14 – Sept. 13 (Jan. 16. Nablus?). King Baldwin II leases part of his palace in Jerusalem (the Temple of Solomon) to the Templars.
*Jan. 14 – Sept. 13 (Jan. 16. Nablus?). King Baldwin II leases part of his palace in Jerusalem (the Temple of Solomon) to the Templars.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:233-4, no. 87 [31]
RRR: Chronicle entry/narrative sources
year: 1128
initiator: ‘Hugo Peccator’
institution: Templars
text: (1128?). ‘Hugo Peccator’ [41] writes a defence of the Templar way of life.
(1128?). ‘Hugo Peccator’ [41] writes a defence of the Templar way of life.
sources: Jean Leclercq, ‘Un document sur les débuts des Templiers’, Revue d’histoire écclesiastique 52 (1957), pp. 81-91
year: 1129
initiator: Baldwin II
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 1 – Sept. 23. Jerusalem. In the royal palatium. Baldwin, dei gratia rex Ierusalem Latinorum secundus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms under his seal everything given in the reigns of his predecessors to the Hospital. He confirms those gifts made during his reign, specifying the following. In the territory of Jerusalem, Gosfridus de Parentea gave 4 partes terre at a place called Beccafaba. Gosfridus also gave a garden with cisterns next to the Tower of David, with roads on either side, one of which runs to Bethlehem. Adam de Ramis gave a house with a cistern inside, situated in front of the house of Guido de Miliaco and next to the Gate of the Temple, from where the road goes to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Witnesses of Adam’s gift were: Aschetinus vicecomes; Vgo de Ramis; Gosfridus de Acula; Alfanus; Siherius de Beritto; Porcellus; Rancoldus de Ponzo. Alanus Boccerius gave a house in Jerusalem, before the witnesses: Aschetinus vicecomes; Guerricus; Hanricus Burgundio. Bernardus de Tolosia and his wife Rufa gave a house in Jerusalem situated before the church of St Martin. Alfanus gave himself and all his property and houses in the piazza of the money-changers [platea nummulariorum] in the presence of the witnesses: Paganus Cesariensis electus, olim cancellarius tantum; Vgo comes Trescensis; Gosfridus de Parentea; Aschetinus vicecomes; Rodulfus camerarius; Rainaldus de Ponzo; Gosfridus Acula; Siherius de Beritto; Porcellus. In the territory of Acre, Barda Armenus and his wife, with the agreement of their children, gave their casale called Coketum. In the territory of Acre, Airaldus cognomine Barba gave half of a casale called Iebethza and Aldeburgis, the sister of Lambertus cambiator, gave the other half. In the territory of Caesarea Gosfridus de Flaiaco, together with Johannes de Bethsam and his brother Vgo de Bethsam gave a casale called Calansue. In the territory of Lydda Vgo de Rammis gave 2 casalia called Bethiben and Gendas in a grant confirmed by Vgo Ioppensis domnus. The charter was drawn up by Hemelinus vicecancellarius noster.
Mar. 1 – Sept. 23. Jerusalem. In the royal palatium. Baldwin, dei gratia rex Ierusalem Latinorum secundus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms under his seal everything given in the reigns of his predecessors to the Hospital. He confirms those... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:270-3, no. 111 (RRH no. 130)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1148
initiator: Reinerius de Ramis
recipient: Leprosary of Saint Lazarus in Jerusalem
institution: Leprosary of Saint Lazarus
text: Dec. 25 1147 – Dec. 24 1148. Reinerius de Ramis, who believes he is dying, makes an eleemosynary grant to the leprosary of St Lazarus beside [secus] Jerusalem. He gives St Lazarus 10 carruatae terre in Casale Galteri de Bulion, in the presence of his mother Stephania, of Barisanus, of Hugo and Balduinus the sons of Barisanus and the nephews of Reinerius, and of Ysabella his wife and the sister of Barisanus. Barisanus and his son Hugo and Balduinus confirm the gift. Reinerius had already given 2 carruatae in the casale of Buflis; to these are now added the 10 carruatae from the Casale Galteri de Bulion. Barisanus has no seal, but the Templars allow him to make use of theirs, which is attached by Petrus, frater atque capellanus militum Templi, who has drawn up the charter. Witnesses : Arnulfus de Sangien; Guerricus de Fumel; Arnulphus de Salinis; Balduinus Latro; Buimundus; Galterius de Sancto Quintino; Galterius Flamengus; Balduinus de Treis Besaces; of the brothers of the Temple, Petrus capellanus; Andreas de Muntbar dapifer; Frater Johannes de Barris; Frater Willelmus de Rocha; Frater Radulfus conversus; Frater Thomas Hernium; Frater Lenonus and many others.
Dec. 25 1147 – Dec. 24 1148. Reinerius de Ramis, who believes he is dying, makes an eleemosynary grant to the leprosary of St Lazarus beside [secus] Jerusalem. He gives St Lazarus 10 carruatae terre in Casale Galteri de Bulion, in the presence of his mother Stephania, of Barisanus, of Hugo and... more
sources: Marsy, ‘Fragment’, pp. 125-7, no. 5 (RRH no. 252)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1149
initiator: A. pauperis militiae Templi dapifer
recipient: E. pauperis militiae Templi
institution: Templars
text: After Jun 28. A. pauperis militiae Templi dapifer writes to E. pauperis militiae Templi magister. He reports that after the master’s departure for Europe the army of the principality of Antioch was heavily defeated [in the Battle of Inab] and the prince [Raymond] was killed. Together with the king of Jerusalem, the Templars hastened to the assistance of Antioch, which the Muslims [Parthi] had invaded. The Templar force consisted of 120 knights [milites], together with up to 1,000 well armed sergeants [armigeri et servientes]. Even before they had reached the Pons Tyri they had borrowed 7,000 besants of Acre and 1,000 besants of Jerusalem. A. begs the master to appeal to the king of France for help, describing the danger and destruction of crops around Antioch and the parlous state of the Order of the Temple. He beseeches the master to return as soon as possible with brother Templars from the West.
After Jun 28. A. pauperis militiae Templi dapifer writes to E. pauperis militiae Templi magister. He reports that after the master’s departure for Europe the army of the principality of Antioch was heavily defeated [in the Battle of Inab] and the prince [Raymond] was killed. Together with the king... more
sources: Bouquet, Recueil 15:540-1 (RRH no. 261)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1154
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jul. 30. Acre. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Ierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, with the agreement of his mother Melisende, gratia eiusdem eorundem reginᶒ, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, confirming under seal the gifts of his predecessors and others. He lists them as follows. Duke Godfrey gave a casale called Hessilia and 2 ovens in Jerusalem. King Baldwin I gave the 2 casalia of Bethtafava and Montana and lands and houses around Jerusalem and a garden that had belonged to Anfredus presbiter; a rich villanus living in Nablus and houses and a mill in that city; a good oven in Jaffa and lands and houses in that city and outside; and many houses in Acre. Gualterus Bafumeth gave a casale called Sussia. The viscount gave a casale called Bethtamis. Hugo de Puzath gave a casale called Casale Melius in the territory of Ascalon. Anselmus de Turre David gave a casale in terra de Azoto near the mills. Eustachius gave a casale in the territory of Caesarea and lands next to Cacho and he confirmed the gifts of villani by his milites. Petrus de Lens gave a casale in terra de Soeth called Dirberham. Arnulfus Loferencus gave another casale called Capharmazre. Hugo and Gervasius gave lands and villani in the district of Tiberias. The bishop of Nazareth gave 3 villani. Guillelmus de Tenchis, Paganus Uacca, Drogo, Dominicus and Girbertus de Salinis gave 1 villanus each. Paganus de Cayphas gave 1 villanus, together with lands and houses in Haifa and in Capharnaum. Romanus de Podio gave 1 villanus. Balduinus gave another, with lands and houses in the city of Ramla. The bishop of Lydda gave lands and houses in Sanctus Georgius [Lydda]. Gaudemarus Carpinellus gave 2 villani, 1 in Hebron and the other in Jericho. Hugo in Bethan, Bouus in Roma and Azio de Cirseth gave 1 villanus each. King Baldwin confirms the following: gifts in the territory of Jerusalem of 4 partes of land at Beccafaba by Godefridus de Parentea, who also gave a garden with cisterns near the Tower of David, surrounded by the road to Bethlehem; the gift by Adam de Ramis of a house with a cistern in the city of Jerusalem facing the house of Guido de Miliaco and situated next to the gate of the Temple that leads to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; the gift by Elanus Bocherius of a house in Jerusalem; the gift by Bernardus de Tolosa and his wife Rufa of a house in Jerusalem facing the church of St Martin; the gift of Alfanus of all his wealth, including houses in the Platea Nummulariorum [of the money-changers]. King Baldwin also confirms the gift of Barda Harmenus and his wife of their casale of Coketum in the territory of Acre; the exchange made by Galo and his wife Agnes, with the agreement of Baldwin himself, Phylippus Neapolitanus and his brothers, resulting in the acquisition of the casale called Recordana with its mills; the gifts of Airaldus Barba and Aldeburgis, the sister of Lambertus cambiator, who each donated half of the casale of Iebethza; the gift of Gofridus de Flaiaco, together with Johannes de Bezan and his brother Hugo, of the casale of Calanzon in the territory of Caesarea; the gift of Hugo de Ramis, with the consent of Hugo Ioppensis dominus, of the 2 casalia of Bethiben and Gendas in the territory of Lydda; the sale of the casale of Adera in the territory of Caesarea by Johannes de Bezan, with the agreement of Hugo de Bezan, who promised restitution if the sale was challenged. Witnesses: Petrus archiepiscopus Tyrensis; Balduinus archiepiscopus Cᶒsariensis; Letardus archiepiscopus Nazarenus; Fredericus episcopus Achonensis; Osbertus episcopus Tyberiadensis; Amalricus frater regis; Henfredus constabularius; Guido Berythensis; Girardus Sydoniensis; Guillelmus Tyberiadensis; Symon Tyberiadensis; Guormundus Tyberiadensis; Hugo Cᶒsariensis; Mahengotus Tyberiadensis; filius eius Radulfus. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus cancellarius.
Jul. 30. Acre. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Ierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, with the agreement of his mother Melisende, gratia eiusdem eorundem reginᶒ, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, confirming under seal the gifts of his predecessors and others. He... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:369-70, 424-7, nos. 185, 232; 2:506, no. 280 (RRH no. 293)
year: 1154
initiator: Amalricus Sepulcri prior and the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre
recipient: Benscelinus and his wife Goda
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Dec. 25 1153 – Dec. 24 1154. In the presence of Patriarch Fulcher, Amalricus prior and the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre give Benscelinus and his wife Goda the house which Rogerius and Maria Sancti Lazari held of the Holy Sepulchre. The house is situated between the house[s] of Leodegarius molendinarius and the aforesaid Goda on the right side of the platea from which one goes to the Temple. Half the house will be held freely, the other half bearing a rent of 4 besants, to be paid annually to the Holy Sepulchre at Easter. That half will pass to the Holy Sepulchre on non-payment of rent for 15 days. Benscelinus and Goda can sell the property to anyone except the Templars and Hospitallers and other religious. In the case of a sale the Holy Sepulchre will exercise preemption rights, paying 1 silver marca less than the asking price. Witnesses: Of the canons, Amalricus prior; Arnaldus subprior; Giraldus precentor; Godefridus thesaurarius; Nicholaus elemosinarius; Beltoldus; Petrus sepulcrarius; Stephanus prepositus; Constantinus; Petrus de Golgota; Petrus de Nazareth; Bernardus; Barduinus; Willelmus de Baruth; Hugo de Nigella; Johannes Pict[avus]; Willelmus de Yspania; Rainaldus; Petrus de Bolonie; of the laity, Oto de Verdun; Rainaldus Secher; Petrus de Peregorc; Willelmus Patronus; Benedictus; Albertus Lombart.
Dec. 25 1153 – Dec. 24 1154. In the presence of Patriarch Fulcher, Amalricus prior and the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre give Benscelinus and his wife Goda the house which Rogerius and Maria Sancti Lazari held of the Holy Sepulchre. The house is situated between the house[s] of Leodegarius... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 234-5, no. 114 (RRH no. 295)
year: 1154
initiator: Rainald of Châtillon, prince of Antioch, and his wife Constance
recipient: Church of Saint Mary and the archbishop of the city of Pisa
text: May 10. Antioch. In the palatium. Rainald [of Châtillon], Dei gratia Antiochenorum princeps, together with Constantia eorumdem principissa, gives the church of St Mary and the archbishop of the city of Pisa, together with all the people from the province of Pisa living in Antioch, represented by their legate Butato, land on which to build a house in the port of Latakia. This land extends below the church of S. Helias, [running] before the houses of the Temple and of magister Ugo to the sea, and along the beach as far as a tannery [teneria] and the old wall and as far as the ditch. If by the judgement of a court the Pisans can recover land in the port that Willelmus Embriacus has occupied, the land described above will be restored to the prince. Rainald also gives the Pisans a house in Antioch, which had belonged to dominus Odo de Tyro. He remits half of all duties levied on Pisan imports and exports, sales and purchases. He assures the Pisans of his protection. The Pisans’ goods will be safeguarded in shipwrecks and the possessions of those who die in the principality will be returned to their relations intact. The Pisans may settle disputes among themselves in their own court, but if any dispute arises with one of the prince’s subjects the case will be dealt with in his court. The charter, fortified with the prince’s seal, was drawn up by Gaufridus cancellarius principis. Witnesses: Garento de Saona; Galterus de Surda-valle; Gaufridus constabularius; dominus Leonardus; Leo Maiopolis dux; Martinus de Margaht; Arnaudus de Cafardam; Robertus de Surdavalle; Ugo de Volera; Isenbardus de Lenni; Petrus de Juvenaht.
May 10. Antioch. In the palatium. Rainald [of Châtillon], Dei gratia Antiochenorum princeps, together with Constantia eorumdem principissa, gives the church of St Mary and the archbishop of the city of Pisa, together with all the people from the province of Pisa living in Antioch, represented by... more
sources: Müller, Documenti toscane, p. 6, no. 4 (RRH no. 292)
year: 1155
initiator: Hugo de Hybelino
recipient: Canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Jan. 14. Acre. Because he has no seal of his own, Hugo de Hybelino, with the agreement of his brother Balduinus, his sister Hermengardis domina Tyberiadis, his mother Alois and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, and all others who have the right to concede, or have a hereditary right to, the property now being sold, confirms under the seal and with the consent of Amalricus comes Ascalonis, to whose feodum the property belongs, the sale he has made to the canons of the Holy Sepulchre for 7,000 besants of Vuetmoamel with its villani, except for the 2 casalia called Odabeb and Damersor that belong to the miles Arabicus. Included in the sale are Dersabeb and Corteis with their villani and whatever Hugo’s father had in Zimi and in the city of Bethel. These properties are freed from all seigneurial service [servicium dominium]. The sale is confirmed by Hugo’s brother Balduinus, his mother Alois, his sister Hermengardis domina Tyberiadis, and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, together with his relations [cognati] Philippus de Cafran and his brother, and of Petrus de Teillei. Hugo, his brother Balduinus, Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus are guarantors on behalf of Hugo’s brother Barisanus and sister Stephania, who are minors. Witnesses: Letardus Nazar. archiepiscopus; Constantinus Lidde episcopus; Gaufridus abbas Templi; Amilius abbas Latinę; Engelrannus prior Montis Syon; Rogerius prior Sancti Abrahe; Balduinus archidiaconus Liddę; of the brothers of the Temple, Odo commendator; Gauterius de Berito; Philippus; Lodoicus; of the barones, Henfredus de Torono regis constabularius; Johannes Gotman; Hugo Cesariensis; Odo de Sancto Amando; Willelmus de Barra; Odo de Tolent; Hugo de Bezan; Vivianus de Caypha; Jocelinus Pesellus; Arnaldus de Crest constabularius Tripol.; Arnulfus de Ysengihn; Willelmus de Monte Gisardi; Jocelinus de Samosac; Bartholomeus Suessionensis; of the burgenses, Arnulfus vicecomes Jherusalem; Hugo Saliens in bonum; Petrus Petragoric.; Bricius; Gaufridus Turonensis; Willelmus Normannus; Rainaldus Siccarius; Petrus de Sancto Jacobo; Petrus Hugonis; Petrus de Sancto Lazaro ; Andreas filius Toseti. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus cancellarius.
Jan. 14. Acre. Because he has no seal of his own, Hugo de Hybelino, with the agreement of his brother Balduinus, his sister Hermengardis domina Tyberiadis, his mother Alois and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, and all others who have the right to concede, or... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 134-6, no. 50; Mayer, UKJ 2:506, no. 281 (RRH no. 301)