RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1187
initiator: Brothers of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
recipient: Dominus Archumbaldus magister Hospitalarium Italię and their brothers overseas
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Aug. 1-31. [Brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem] write to dominus Archumbaldus magister Hospitalarium Italię and their brothers overseas. They narrate how the king of Jerusalem and the count of Tripoli, with whom he had made peace, were at Saphora with 30000 men around 29 June, when Saladin reached and took Tiberias with 80000. The king advanced and fought all day on 3 July at Marestutia. He pitched his tent that night at Saluubia and the next day the master of the Knights Templars lost most of his brothers, after which the king moved to Naim and was helped by the count of Tripoli to reach a hill which was a natural fortress. The Turci lit fires around the hill and the Christian force, faced with great heat, was deprived of food and drink. Then Baldoinus de Fatinor, Bachaberbocus de Tabaria and Leisius with 3 companions deserted and revealed to Saladin the state of the Christian army. Saladin sent Techedinus with 20000 picked knights to overcome the Christians. The king and the relic of the True Cross were taken, as were comes Gabula, Milo de Calauerdo, Onfredus iuvenis, princeps Renaldus, who was killed, Galterius de Arsun, Hugo de Gibelen, domnus de Botrono and domnus de Marachele, and 1000 others of the better men. No more than 200 escaped, including the count of Tripoli, domnus Basianus and Reinardus domnus Sidonis. Saladin then took Saphora, Nazareth, Mt Tabor, Acre, Haifa, Caesarea, Jaffa, Nablus, Ram [Ramla], Sanctus Georgius [Lydda], Ybellinon, Bellefort, Mirabel, Tyronus, Gwaler, Gazer and Audurum. When the Hospitaller galley left Tyre, [some of those who had surrendered] sent Sabani to Saladin to advise him to move on Jerusalem which would surrender. [219] The Hospitallers fled in their galley to Lechia [Latakia], where they heard that Tyre had fallen. They hope that the following cities can be saved if help comes from the West: Jerusalem, Tyre, Ascalon, Marchart, Antioch, Lassar, Saona and Tripoli. Like ants, large numbers of Sarraceni and Turci have overrun the country from Tyre, which they are besieging, to Jerusalem.
Aug. 1-31. [Brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem] write to dominus Archumbaldus magister Hospitalarium Italię and their brothers overseas. They narrate how the king of Jerusalem and the count of Tripoli, with whom he had made peace, were at Saphora with 30000 men around 29 June, when... more
sources: ‘Historia de expeditione Friderici imperatoris’, pp. 2-4 (RRH no. 661)