RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1182
initiator: Roger de Moulins, master of the Hospital, and the general chapter
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 14. [173] The maistre de l’ospital and the general chapistre issue regulations for the management of the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem and the treatment and diet of the patients. [174] They refer to: the issuing each year of 1500 besants to pay for doctors [mieges] and medicines [amandles]; to the casalia of Mont Gabriel, Sareth, Cuisinat, Sainte Marie, Caphaer and Cole, which are dedicated to providing fruit, bucks, ewes, goats, pigs and chickens [des fruiz et des boucs et des berbis et des chievres et des porcs et des gelines] for the use of the sick; the offices of karavane and karavanier, and bouteillerie and boutellier.
Mar. 14. [173] The maistre de l’ospital and the general chapistre issue regulations for the management of the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem and the treatment and diet of the patients. [174] They refer to: the issuing each year of 1500 besants to pay for doctors [mieges] and medicines [amandles... more
sources: Edgington, ‘Administrative Regulations’, pp. 24-36