RRR: Dispute/arbitration
year: 1111
initiator: Patriarch Gibelin of Jerusalem
recipient: Bishop of Nazareth and the abbot of Mount Tabor
institution: Mount Tabor
text: Sept. 24 – c. Nov. 10 [1112]. Gibelin, episcopus ad orientales ecclesias ab apostolica sede directus, arbitrates, with the advice of the bishops, abbots and Arnulfus Iherosolimitani archydiaconus, and with the assent and at the petition of Baldwin, domnus gloriosissimus rex and his leading subjects, in a dispute between the bishop of Nazareth and the abbot of Mt Tabor over ecclesiastical dignities. The right to ordain the abbots and monks and consecrate the greater church on Mt Tabor will belong for ever to the patriarch of Jerusalem. Other episcopal rights – such as the consecration of chrism and oil and the making of parochial appointments [parrochyalem vicarium] – pertain to the bishop of Nazareth. A third part of all tithes of the region of Tiberias – as much from the knights [de militia] as from land and fodder – will, with the agreement of the bishop and his clergy, be enjoyed by the church of Mt Tabor in perpetuity in order to feed the monks. If the monks should acquire the lands held at present by pilgrim knights [peregrini milites], two-thirds of the tithes are to go to the bishop, a third to the monks. Signatories: G, episcopus apostolicᶒ sedis legatus with seal; domnus rex B[alduinus] with seal; Arnulfus archidiaconus; Ebremarus Cesariensis archiepiscopus; Rogerius Ramathensis episcopus; Bernardus Nazareni episcopus; Balduinus, electus Baruti.
Sept. 24 – c. Nov. 10 [1112]. Gibelin, episcopus ad orientales ecclesias ab apostolica sede directus, arbitrates, with the advice of the bishops, abbots and Arnulfus Iherosolimitani archydiaconus, and with the assent and at the petition of Baldwin, domnus gloriosissimus rex and his leading... more
sources: Hiestand, PK , pp. 109-11, no. 11; Mayer, UKJ 1:171-2, no. 46 (RRH no. 69) [22]