RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1235
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Abbas Sancti Samuelis Premonstratensis ordinis Ierosolimitane diocesis
institution: Saint Samuel of Montjoie
additional institution: Saint Mark in Acre
text: Jun. 21. Perugia. Pope Gregory IX orders the abbas Sancti Samuelis Premonstratensis ordinis Ierosolimitane diocesis to ensure that the parties to a long dispute between the bishop of Acre and the plebanus and clergy of St Mark and other Venetians in Acre over parochial rights are represented within 9 months by suitable procurators at the Holy See.
Jun. 21. Perugia. Pope Gregory IX orders the abbas Sancti Samuelis Premonstratensis ordinis Ierosolimitane diocesis to ensure that the parties to a long dispute between the bishop of Acre and the plebanus and clergy of St Mark and other Venetians in Acre over parochial rights are represented within... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:94, no. 2652 (RRH no. 1061b)