RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
text: Dec. 17. At the request of King Leon I of Cilician Armenia, transmitted by the miles Robertus de Margat, Pope Innocent sends the vexillum beati Petri, which will be brought to the king by Robertus.
Dec. 17. At the request of King Leon I of Cilician Armenia, transmitted by the miles Robertus de Margat, Pope Innocent sends the vexillum beati Petri, which will be brought to the king by Robertus.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:469-70, no. 245
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Paganus and Arron comites, Hugo de Tabaria, and the brothers Rodulphus and Octo, and to all the barones, milites and people in the kingdom of Cilician Armenia
text: c. Dec. 17. Pope Innocent III writes to Paganus and Arron comites, Hugo de Tabaria, and the brothers Rodulphus and Octo, and to all the barones, milites and people in the kingdom of Cilician Armenia. He congratulates them on their conversion to the Latin faith and informs them that, at the petition of R[obertus] miles, he is sending a vexillum beati Petri, to be carried in the warfare against the pagans. He encourages them to strive to recover the Holy Land.
c. Dec. 17. Pope Innocent III writes to Paganus and Arron comites, Hugo de Tabaria, and the brothers Rodulphus and Octo, and to all the barones, milites and people in the kingdom of Cilician Armenia. He congratulates them on their conversion to the Latin faith and informs them that, at the petition... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:468-9, no. 244 (RRH no. 756)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
text: Dec. 31. In his general letter Graves orientalis terre, introducing taxation for the coming crusade, Pope Innocent III refers to letters he has received on the situation in the East from the patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem, the bishops of their provinces, King Aimery of Jerusalem, King Leon of Cilician Armenia and the magistri of the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem.
Dec. 31. In his general letter Graves orientalis terre, introducing taxation for the coming crusade, Pope Innocent III refers to letters he has received on the situation in the East from the patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem, the bishops of their provinces, King Aimery of Jerusalem, King Leon of... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:492, no. 258 (RRH no. 763)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Gregorius catholicos Armeniorum
text: Nov. 23. Lateran. Pope Innocent III replies to Gregorius catholicus Armeniorum. He expatiates on papal primacy, congratulates Gregorius on his devotion, reminds him of his obligations and informs him of the coming crusade.
Nov. 23. Lateran. Pope Innocent III replies to Gregorius catholicus Armeniorum. He expatiates on papal primacy, congratulates Gregorius on his devotion, reminds him of his obligations and informs him of the coming crusade.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:406-8, no. 209
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem, the bishop of Lydda and the masters of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Templars
text: End Sept. - Early Oct. Lateran. Having heard from the patriarch of Jerusalem, the bishop of Lydda and the masters of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar that truces have been arranged with the Saraceni, Pope Innocent III informs them that he is sending out funds and wheat collected from the faithful and transported in a ship [navis] that he has equipped at his own expense under the charge of Raim[undus] Jer[oso]lymitani Hospitalis, M. militie Templi frater and I. monachus. The patriarch, bishop and masters are to decide on free distribution to the poor.
End Sept. - Early Oct. Lateran. Having heard from the patriarch of Jerusalem, the bishop of Lydda and the masters of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar that truces have been arranged with the Saraceni, Pope Innocent III informs them that he is sending out funds and wheat... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:345-6, no. 180 (RRH no. 760)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Archbishop of Tyre
text: Jan. 2. Lateran. Pope Innocent III advises the archbishop of Tyre on the treatment of testimony and proofs in court.
Jan. 2. Lateran. Pope Innocent III advises the archbishop of Tyre on the treatment of testimony and proofs in court.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:748, no. 513; Decretals 2.20.29 and 5.34.13, ‘Liber Extra’, cols. 325, 875
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem and canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Jan. 3. Lateran. Stressing the concern he has for the patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem, Pope Innocent III recalls a long dispute over the boundary between the churches of Tyre and Petra [Petertensis], the orders of Pope Lucius II to the then patriarch of Jerusalem when he was in France, the intervention of Pope Eugenius III and the threat to Antioch from the Sarraceni. He orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and canons of the Holy Sepulchre to answer within a year from the next Feast of All Saints the complaints of the patriarch and canons of Antioch that they ignored papal mandates on this issue.
Jan. 3. Lateran. Stressing the concern he has for the patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem, Pope Innocent III recalls a long dispute over the boundary between the churches of Tyre and Petra [Petertensis], the orders of Pope Lucius II to the then patriarch of Jerusalem when he was in France, the... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:755-6, no. 505
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Antioch
text: Jan. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Antioch. He has heard that when faced by necessary expenses the commune [communia] of the city of Antioch imposes uncustomary talliae, forcing the clergy of all rites, including the patriarch, to take an oath. The customary treatment of ecclesiastical property by the Greeks is not in accordance with Latin law. The patriarch and clergy are forbidden to pay and authorized to employ ecclesiastical sanctions.
Jan. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Antioch. He has heard that when faced by necessary expenses the commune [communia] of the city of Antioch imposes uncustomary talliae, forcing the clergy of all rites, including the patriarch, to take an oath. The customary treatment of... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:747-8, no. 512
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Archbishop of Tyre and bishop of Acre
text: Jan. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the archbishop of Tyre and the bishop of Acre, supporting their opinion that clerics subject to their jurisdiction cannot be compelled to submit instead to the patriarchal court, unless an appeal has been allowed by the Holy See.
Jan. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the archbishop of Tyre and the bishop of Acre, supporting their opinion that clerics subject to their jurisdiction cannot be compelled to submit instead to the patriarchal court, unless an appeal has been allowed by the Holy See.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:749-50, no. 515
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Templars and Hospitallers
institution: Templars
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Feb. 7. Pope Innocent III confirms the agreement of Feb. 1-28 1179 between the Templars and the Hospitallers.
*Feb. 7. Pope Innocent III confirms the agreement of Feb. 1-28 1179 between the Templars and the Hospitallers.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:666, no. 1068 (RRH no. 584)