year: 1206
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Iohannes Tortus
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: May 1. Acre. Iohannes de Ybelino domnus Beriti et regni Ierosolimitani baiulus records how Iohannes Tortus came into his presence, and that of the High Court [regalis curia] and asked of Iohannes de Ybelino and the vassals [homines] of the Lady Maria, regni honorabilis domna, licence to sell his house in Acre to settle his debts. After taking counsel from the vassals of the Lady [Maria], Iohannes de Ybelino judged that the licence could not be granted. On the response of Iohannes Tortus that he would have to sell either his fief [feodum] or his house to pay his debts, the court decided to change its decision and permit Iohannes Tortus to sell his house in order to retain his fief. And so, in the presence of the baiulus Iohannes de Ybelino, who sealed the charter, and of the High Court [regalis curia] and with the agreement of Maria, the wife of Iohannes Tortus, his sister Beatrix and her husband Willelmus de Monliart, Iohannes Tortus sold his house to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre for 2700 Saracen besants. The house is bordered on the east by the houses of Mt Tabor and of Beloais, the royal way [via regia] and the houses that belonged to Petrus Bordin, on the west, by the house of Bonefrage filius Sahit, the rua Judeorum, the house of the Jews and the stable [stabulum] of Renerius scriptor, on the north by the house of Maria, the wife of the late priest of the church of St Mary Magdalene, and on the south by the royal way [via regia] and the house held by domna Hauhis of Iohannes Tortus. In return for her agreement to the surrender of this house, the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary have given Hauhis 300 Saracen besants and 2 marchae argenti. The Lady Maria has had 200 besants from the brothers of the Hospital for her agreement to the sale. Witnesses: Aymarus Cesariensis regni mariscalcus; comes Bertholdus; Vilanus de Alneto; Philippus de Ibelino; Garnerus Alamannus; Galterius Cesariensis; Gormundus de Bethan; Aymo Dais; Adam Coste; Thomas vicecomes Acconensis. The charter was drawn up by domnus Radulfus Acconensis dechanus regnique cancellarius.
May 1. Acre. Iohannes de Ybelino domnus Beriti et regni Ierosolimitani baiulus records how Iohannes Tortus came into his presence, and that of the High Court [regalis curia] and asked of Iohannes de Ybelino and the vassals [homines] of the Lady Maria, regni honorabilis domna, licence to sell his... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1061, 1346-51, nos. 644, 772 (RRH no. 812)