RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1155
initiator: Amalricus comes Ascalonis
recipient: Hugo de Hybelino
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Jan. 14. Acre. At the request of Hugo de Hybelino and with the agreement of his brother Balduinus, his sister Hermengardis domna Tyberiadis, his mother Alois and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, and all others who have the right to concede, or have a hereditary right to, the property now being sold, Amalricus comes Ascalonis confirms under seal the sale made by Hugo de Hybelino to the brothers of Amalricus, the canons of the Holy Sepulchre. Hugo sells Vuetmoamel with its villani, except for the 2 casalia of Odabeb and Damersor that belong to the miles Arabicus, for 7,000 besants. Included in the sale are Dersabeb and Corteis with their villani and whatever Hugo’s father had in Zimi and in the city of Bethel. These properties are freed from all servicium dominium. The sale is confirmed by Hugo’s brother Balduinus, his mother Alois, his sister Hermengardis domina Tyberiadis, and his uncles Philippus Neapolitanus, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, together with his relations [cognati] Philippus de Cafran and his brother, and Petrus de Teillei. And Hugo, his brother Balduinus, Philippus Neapolitanus, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus are guarantors on behalf of Hugo’s brother Barisanus and sister Theophania [Stephania], who are minors. Witnesses: Letardus archiepiscopus Nazarenus; Constantinus Liddensis episcopus; Gaufridus abbas Templi; Amilius abbas Latinę; Engelrannus prior Montis Syon; Rogerius prior Sancti Abrahe; Balduinus Liddę archidiaconus; of the brothers of the Temple, Frater Odo commendator; frater Gauterius de Berito; frater Philippus; frater Lodoicus; of the king’s barones, Henfredus de Torono regis constabularius; Iohannes Gothman; Hugo Cesariensis; Odo de Sancto Amando; Wilelmus de Barra; Odo de Tolent; Hugo de Betsan; Viuianus de Caypha; Iocelinus Pesellus; Arnaldus de Crest constabularius Tripolitanus; Arnulfus de Hysenghi; Guillelmus de Monte Gisardi; Iocelinus de Samosac; Bartholomeus Suessionensis; of the burgenses, Arnulfus vicecomes Iherusalem; Hugo Saliens in Bonum; Petrus Petragoricensis; Bricius; Gaufridus Turonensis; Wilelmus Normannus; Rainaldus Siccarius; Petrus de Sancto Iacobo; Petrus Hugonis; Petrus de Sancto Lazaro. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus cancellarius.
Jan. 14. Acre. At the request of Hugo de Hybelino and with the agreement of his brother Balduinus, his sister Hermengardis domna Tyberiadis, his mother Alois and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, and all others who have the right to concede, or have a... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:507-11, no. 282 (RRH no. 300)
year: 1157
initiator: Amalricus comes Ascalonis
recipient: Villanus Pisarum archiepiscopus and all the Pisans
text: Jun. 2. Ascalon. Amalric comes Ascalonis, in obedience to his brother King Baldwin III, gives under seal Villanus Pisarum archiepiscopus and all the Pisans half of all the rights [ius] he possesses with respect to entering, leaving, buying and selling in Jaffa, as much by land as by sea. He also gives the Pisans a platea in Jaffa, where they can build houses and a forum, together with a place [locus] where they can build a church, if the patriarch gives them permission.Witnesses: Ferricus episcopus Achonensis; of the brothers of the knighthood of the Temple [militia Templi], Goffredus Fulcherii; of the brothers of the Hospital, Willelmus Grosseht; of the count’s homines, Simon de Hosden; Rainaldus de Joppe; Iocelinus de Samulach; Albertus; Willelmus de Tyro; Willelmus de Tiberiade; Guido de Mirabello; Bartolomeus Suassionensis; Gerbertus; Lambertus; Gerardus de Raminni; Lambertus de Joppe; Willelmus Ruffus. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus cancellarius.
Jun. 2. Ascalon. Amalric comes Ascalonis, in obedience to his brother King Baldwin III, gives under seal Villanus Pisarum archiepiscopus and all the Pisans half of all the rights [ius] he possesses with respect to entering, leaving, buying and selling in Jaffa, as much by land as by sea. He also... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:449, no. 243; 2:518-20, no. 291 (RRH no. 324)