RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1186
initiator: Pope Urban III
recipient: Count of Tripoli
text: Mar. 12. Verona. Pope Urban III orders the count of Tripoli, baiulus regni Ierosolimitani, as procurator pro rege, to restore to the Genoese the properties granted by King Baldwin I when they contributed to the conquest of the kingdom. He details them as: a vicus or platea in Jerusalem and in Jaffa and a third part of Caesarea, Arcuf and Acre, together with a third part of the duty payable on entry to the cathena and the entry charges of these cities, extending for a league [leuga] around them. The count of Tripoli is to cooperate with the archbishop of Nazareth and the masters of the Knighthood of the Temple and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, or two of them, to restore the Genoese rights.
Mar. 12. Verona. Pope Urban III orders the count of Tripoli, baiulus regni Ierosolimitani, as procurator pro rege, to restore to the Genoese the properties granted by King Baldwin I when they contributed to the conquest of the kingdom. He details them as: a vicus or platea in Jerusalem and in Jaffa... more
sources: Hiestand, PK, pp. 311-12, no. 134 (RRH no. 438)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1186
initiator: Pope Urban III
recipient: Count of Tripoli
text: Mar. 13. Verona. Urban III orders the count of Tripoli to return to the Genoese the third part of Tripoli which had been taken from them. He has appointed the archbishop of Nazareth and the masters of the Knighthood of the Temple and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, or two of them, to judge in this matter.
Mar. 13. Verona. Urban III orders the count of Tripoli to return to the Genoese the third part of Tripoli which had been taken from them. He has appointed the archbishop of Nazareth and the masters of the Knighthood of the Temple and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, or two of them, to judge in... more
sources: Hiestand, PK, pp. 316-17, no. 140