RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1181
initiator: Raymond III, count of Tripoli
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 1-31. Raymond III, Dei gratia Tripolitanorum comes and a confrater of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital, frater Rogerus de Molendinis sancte domus magister and its brothers. He gives a stretch of territory from the foot of the mountains on which is situated the castle [castellum] of Melechin as far as the cavea of Memboa and from the cavea in a straight line to the river commonly called Fer and from the river stream back to Bochea, and from there by way of the borders of the territory of the castle [castellum] of Tuban back to the river again. He includes in the gift all his rights, including his lordship over the territory, with its casalia and inhabitants. He specifies, however, that the banks of the river should be shared by him and the Hospital, with any profits divided between them. Witnesses: Ugo dominus Biblii; Ugo ejus filius; Raimundus de Biblio constabularius Tripolis; and present at the time of the original donation, Plebanus dominus Botroni; Ugo Mimars: Seherius de Pontet; Raimundus de Aquileriis; and afterwards, Albericus Sarramannus; Raimundus de Nefinis; Astafortis; Melioretus de Marreclea; Engelerius; Ugo Arveus; Raimundus de Montoliuo; Girardus frater ejus, Tripolis vicecomes; Albericus de Rancorolis; Guillelmus Berengerii; GuiIlelmus Fortis; Johannes de Suura; Ugo Sine Censu; Saisus; Raimundus Constantini; Johannes de Moneta; Ugo Moresini; Matheus cancellarius, who drew up this charter.
Mar. 1-31. Raymond III, Dei gratia Tripolitanorum comes and a confrater of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital, frater Rogerus de Molendinis sancte domus magister and its brothers. He gives a stretch of territory from the foot of the mountains on... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:406-7, no. 596 (RRH no. 602)
year: 1181
initiator: Raymond III, count of Tripoli
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Aug. 1-31. Count Raymond III of Tripoli gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and its master Roger de Moulins a house in the bourg of Tripoli.
*Aug. 1-31. Count Raymond III of Tripoli gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and its master Roger de Moulins a house in the bourg of Tripoli.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:412, no. 602 (RRH no. 602a)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1181
initiator: Balduinus Ramarum domnus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Shortly before Dec. 25 1180 - Sept. 23 1181. Bauduinus Ramathensis domnus confirms under seal the sale by Hugo Flandrensis of the casale called Kole to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, freed from all servitium, scribanagium and druganiagium. Guarantors are: Bauduinus Ramathensis domnus; Andreas Andegauensis; Petrus Derneis; Stephanus Ordelet. Witnesses: Georgius Hubet; Reginaldus Derneis; Bernardus Parmantarius; Georgius Carpentarius; Radulfus Grassin; Bauduinus Latro. The charter was drawn up by Alanus capellanus.
Shortly before Dec. 25 1180 - Sept. 23 1181. Bauduinus Ramathensis domnus confirms under seal the sale by Hugo Flandrensis of the casale called Kole to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, freed from all servitium, scribanagium and druganiagium. Guarantors are: Bauduinus Ramathensis domnus;... more
sources: Mayer, Die Kanzlei 2:898-9, no. 7
year: 1181
initiator: Bernard de Magdalo and his wife Marie
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Nov. 1-30. Bernard de Magdalo and his wife Marie sell a castle called Lath to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Master Roger [de Molins] for 1500 besants.
*Nov. 1-30. Bernard de Magdalo and his wife Marie sell a castle called Lath to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Master Roger [de Molins] for 1500 besants.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:414-15, no. 608 (RRH no. 608a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1182
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1181 - Sept. 23 1182. Acre. King Baldwin IV makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, permitting it to grind grain in its mills next to Tyre without incurring any penalty for doing so.
*Dec. 25 1181 - Sept. 23 1182. Acre. King Baldwin IV makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, permitting it to grind grain in its mills next to Tyre without incurring any penalty for doing so.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:739-40, no. 434 (RRH no. 622a)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1182
initiator: Roger de Moulins, master of the Hospital
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Nov. 17. Acre. Master Roger orders the transference of 50 besants each year from the rents of a house in front of the church of St Mark in Acre, belonging to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to provide a priest to say Mass in the Order’s church for the soul of Pons Marrans.
*Nov. 17. Acre. Master Roger orders the transference of 50 besants each year from the rents of a house in front of the church of St Mark in Acre, belonging to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to provide a priest to say Mass in the Order’s church for the soul of Pons Marrans.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:435, no. 646 (RRH no. 618a)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1182
initiator: Roger de Moulins, master of the Hospital
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar 14. Jerusalem. In the Hospital of St John. In the general chapter of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Rogier/Rogerius serf des poures de Crist/servus pauperum Jhesu Christi promulgates statutes dealing with the duties of the conventual prior and local commanders, the provision of physicians, the treatment of male and female patients, the ward duties of the brothers and servants, and the provision of materials for the Hospital in Jerusalem by the European provinces and by officers in the Latin East. Of the latter, the bailli/baylivus of Antioch should send 2,000 canes/brachia of cotton for making bed coverlets, and the prior of Mont Pèlerin and the bailli/baylivus of Tiberias should each send 2 quintaus/quintalia of sugar for making lectuaries and medicines. An appendix, issued after frère/frater Rogier/Rogerius de Molinis maistre/magister and frater Bernardus prior had heard testimony, lists customary regulations for the treatment of patients, including children, for the duties of the frere corvoisier and the aumonier/elemosinarius, for prayers for benefactors and for alms-giving.
Mar 14. Jerusalem. In the Hospital of St John. In the general chapter of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Rogier/Rogerius serf des poures de Crist/servus pauperum Jhesu Christi promulgates statutes dealing with the duties of the conventual prior and local commanders, the provision of... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:425-9, no. 627 (RRH no. 614a)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1182
initiator: Roger de Moulins, master of the Hospital, and the general chapter
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 14. [173] The maistre de l’ospital and the general chapistre issue regulations for the management of the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem and the treatment and diet of the patients. [174] They refer to: the issuing each year of 1500 besants to pay for doctors [mieges] and medicines [amandles]; to the casalia of Mont Gabriel, Sareth, Cuisinat, Sainte Marie, Caphaer and Cole, which are dedicated to providing fruit, bucks, ewes, goats, pigs and chickens [des fruiz et des boucs et des berbis et des chievres et des porcs et des gelines] for the use of the sick; the offices of karavane and karavanier, and bouteillerie and boutellier.
Mar. 14. [173] The maistre de l’ospital and the general chapistre issue regulations for the management of the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem and the treatment and diet of the patients. [174] They refer to: the issuing each year of 1500 besants to pay for doctors [mieges] and medicines [amandles... more
sources: Edgington, ‘Administrative Regulations’, pp. 24-36
year: 1182
initiator: Galterius Cesaree Palestine dominus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1181 - Sept. 23 1182. With the agreement of his sister Juliana and her husband dominus Guido de Beritho, his boni homines and curia, and with the authority of his lord Baldwin, rex Iherusalem Latinorum sextus, Galterius Cesaree Palestine dominus, son of the late Hugo Cesaree dominus, sells under seal a casale commonly called Galilea, situated in the territory of Caesarea, with all its dominium, jurisdiction [cum omnibus justiciis], its rights and freed from exactions, to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, magister dominus Rotgerius de Molinis and its brothers for 5000 besants. The king invested them with a baculum [signifying possession]. The casale borders on the east the dependencies of castellum Arearum, on the west the Terra Daidonis, on the south a casale of dominus Amalricus with Aronia and the dependencies of Cossya, on the north a casale of the [canons of the] Templum Domini and a casale of [the nuns of] St Anne. Within the borders of Galilea are gastine, which once were casalia, called casale Gedida, Megar, casale rubeum, gastina Fontis and Laasina. Witnesses: dominus rex Balduinus; dominus Balduinus Ramatensis; dominus Balianus frater ejus; Petrus Costa; Johannes Costa; Spinapellus; Macharius; Garinus; Gahnardus; Johannes Monete; Gazellus Sydonensis; Sibo vicecomes Cesaree; dominus Willelmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus et domini regis cancellarius; dominus Monachus Cesariensis archiepiscopus; dominus Guido comes Joppes et Aschalonis comes; dominus Aimericus regius constabularius. In addition Galterius gives the Hospital the Turris Salinarum, situated next to the sea, with the hill [toron] on which it is built, which had been pledged [commodavit] to the Order by his father Hugo, with freedom to enter and leave it. Witnesses: dominus Balduinus Ramatensis; dominus Balianus frater ejus; Petrus Costa; Johannes Costa; Macharius; Rotbertus de Aubecurte; Karolus.
Dec. 25 1181 - Sept. 23 1182. With the agreement of his sister Juliana and her husband dominus Guido de Beritho, his boni homines and curia, and with the authority of his lord Baldwin, rex Iherusalem Latinorum sextus, Galterius Cesaree Palestine dominus, son of the late Hugo Cesaree dominus, sells... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:421-2, no. 621; UKJ 2:738-9, 787, 979, nos. 433, 464, 594 (RRH no. 619)
year: 1182
initiator: Ugo Broerius
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1181 - Dec. 24 1182. With the agreement of his wife Maria, Ugo Broerius, the son of the late Petrus Broerius and Willelma Broeria, sells to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Nicholaus de Gusancio domus Hospitalis Montis Peregrini preceptor, his statio situated before the meat market [macellum] in the city of Tripoli for 113 Saracen besants. The shop is bordered on one side by a house belonging to Willelmus de Tortosa and on another by the house of Bernardus Furnarius. On another it is close to the barbacan [barbacana] where the public way reaches the gate. Witnesses: dominus Girardus de Monte Olivo Tripolis vicecomes; dominus Saxius; Johannes de Moneta; Willelmus Catalanus; Johannes Bulfarachius; Laurentius de Becelmia; Willelmus Isarnus.
Dec. 25 1181 - Dec. 24 1182. With the agreement of his wife Maria, Ugo Broerius, the son of the late Petrus Broerius and Willelma Broeria, sells to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Nicholaus de Gusancio domus Hospitalis Montis Peregrini preceptor, his statio situated... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:421, No. 620 (RRH no. 620)