RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1154
initiator: Alexander filius Bernardi Scutiferi
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: 1154. [70] Alexander filius Bernardi Scutiferi, with the agreement of his wife Muriella, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives mills, which are situated between the mills of the prince of Antioch and of the [abbey] of St Paul. Rainald, Dei gratia Antiochenorum princeps and domina Constancia themselves make their sealed confirmation an eleemosynary grant. Witnesses: Gaufridus Jordanis constabularius; Gauterius de Surdavalle; Robertus filius Gaufridi; Petrus camerarius; Martinus de Margat; W. Tyrellus; Symon frater ejus; Boneth, qui fuit vicecomes; Leo Maiopuli dux; W. Martini; Petrus Panitarius.
1154. [70] Alexander filius Bernardi Scutiferi, with the agreement of his wife Muriella, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives mills, which are situated between the mills of the prince of Antioch and of the [abbey] of St Paul. Rainald, Dei gratia... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:170-1, no. 222 (RRH no. 298)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1154
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jul. 30. Acre. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Ierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, with the agreement of his mother Melisende, gratia eiusdem eorundem reginᶒ, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, confirming under seal the gifts of his predecessors and others. He lists them as follows. Duke Godfrey gave a casale called Hessilia and 2 ovens in Jerusalem. King Baldwin I gave the 2 casalia of Bethtafava and Montana and lands and houses around Jerusalem and a garden that had belonged to Anfredus presbiter; a rich villanus living in Nablus and houses and a mill in that city; a good oven in Jaffa and lands and houses in that city and outside; and many houses in Acre. Gualterus Bafumeth gave a casale called Sussia. The viscount gave a casale called Bethtamis. Hugo de Puzath gave a casale called Casale Melius in the territory of Ascalon. Anselmus de Turre David gave a casale in terra de Azoto near the mills. Eustachius gave a casale in the territory of Caesarea and lands next to Cacho and he confirmed the gifts of villani by his milites. Petrus de Lens gave a casale in terra de Soeth called Dirberham. Arnulfus Loferencus gave another casale called Capharmazre. Hugo and Gervasius gave lands and villani in the district of Tiberias. The bishop of Nazareth gave 3 villani. Guillelmus de Tenchis, Paganus Uacca, Drogo, Dominicus and Girbertus de Salinis gave 1 villanus each. Paganus de Cayphas gave 1 villanus, together with lands and houses in Haifa and in Capharnaum. Romanus de Podio gave 1 villanus. Balduinus gave another, with lands and houses in the city of Ramla. The bishop of Lydda gave lands and houses in Sanctus Georgius [Lydda]. Gaudemarus Carpinellus gave 2 villani, 1 in Hebron and the other in Jericho. Hugo in Bethan, Bouus in Roma and Azio de Cirseth gave 1 villanus each. King Baldwin confirms the following: gifts in the territory of Jerusalem of 4 partes of land at Beccafaba by Godefridus de Parentea, who also gave a garden with cisterns near the Tower of David, surrounded by the road to Bethlehem; the gift by Adam de Ramis of a house with a cistern in the city of Jerusalem facing the house of Guido de Miliaco and situated next to the gate of the Temple that leads to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; the gift by Elanus Bocherius of a house in Jerusalem; the gift by Bernardus de Tolosa and his wife Rufa of a house in Jerusalem facing the church of St Martin; the gift of Alfanus of all his wealth, including houses in the Platea Nummulariorum [of the money-changers]. King Baldwin also confirms the gift of Barda Harmenus and his wife of their casale of Coketum in the territory of Acre; the exchange made by Galo and his wife Agnes, with the agreement of Baldwin himself, Phylippus Neapolitanus and his brothers, resulting in the acquisition of the casale called Recordana with its mills; the gifts of Airaldus Barba and Aldeburgis, the sister of Lambertus cambiator, who each donated half of the casale of Iebethza; the gift of Gofridus de Flaiaco, together with Johannes de Bezan and his brother Hugo, of the casale of Calanzon in the territory of Caesarea; the gift of Hugo de Ramis, with the consent of Hugo Ioppensis dominus, of the 2 casalia of Bethiben and Gendas in the territory of Lydda; the sale of the casale of Adera in the territory of Caesarea by Johannes de Bezan, with the agreement of Hugo de Bezan, who promised restitution if the sale was challenged. Witnesses: Petrus archiepiscopus Tyrensis; Balduinus archiepiscopus Cᶒsariensis; Letardus archiepiscopus Nazarenus; Fredericus episcopus Achonensis; Osbertus episcopus Tyberiadensis; Amalricus frater regis; Henfredus constabularius; Guido Berythensis; Girardus Sydoniensis; Guillelmus Tyberiadensis; Symon Tyberiadensis; Guormundus Tyberiadensis; Hugo Cᶒsariensis; Mahengotus Tyberiadensis; filius eius Radulfus. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus cancellarius.
Jul. 30. Acre. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Ierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, with the agreement of his mother Melisende, gratia eiusdem eorundem reginᶒ, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, confirming under seal the gifts of his predecessors and others. He... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:369-70, 424-7, nos. 185, 232; 2:506, no. 280 (RRH no. 293)
year: 1155
initiator: Amalricus comes Ascalonis
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1154 – Sept. 23 1155. With the agreement and on the advice of his mother Queen Melisende and his brother King Baldwin III, Amalricus comes Ascallone gives the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem and the poor in its care, represented by frater Garinus castellanus de Gebelino, the 4 casalia of Bethtafe/Beptasse, Habde, Bethamanin/Bethamamin and Faluge/Phaluge in exchange for 3 casalia that the Hospital of St John had in the territory of Ascalon. The charter was drawn up by magister...
*Dec. 25 1154 – Sept. 23 1155. With the agreement and on the advice of his mother Queen Melisende and his brother King Baldwin III, Amalricus comes Ascallone gives the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem and the poor in its care, represented by frater Garinus castellanus de Gebelino, the 4 casalia of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:373, 443, nos. 189, 240; 2:516-18, no. 289 (RRH no. 315b)
year: 1157
initiator: Rogerius Clericus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1156 - Dec. 24 1157. Agreement on an exchange between Rogerius Clericus and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Amoramus thesaurarius and Willelmus de Bellomonte, and with the consent of Geraldus Ugonis preceptor Hospitalis. Rogerius gives small houses [medias domos] situated next to the voltae of the Hospital in ruga Sancti Stephani, before which the new stationes of the Holy Sepulchre stand. These houses were left to Rogerius by his mother Fraxenda when she died. They are given in exchange for the house of Goffridus de Karitate which is situated in ruga Coquinati, bordering on the house of Pons Gaanna, which is behind it, the house of Willelmus Palmerius which is to the right and is in ascensu ruge Parmenteriorum, and the house of Aimericus Guittardus de Maumeria, which is to the left. The agreement is sealed with the seal of the Hospital. Witnesses: Stephanus Rufus; frater Johannes presbiter; frater Petrus de Opere; Ugo de Asinaria; Umbertus de Bar; Petrus Salomon; Guibertus Papais; Uldredus Aurifex; Willelmus de Bethleem; Willelmus de Palmerio; Palais Galicus.
Dec. 25 1156 - Dec. 24 1157. Agreement on an exchange between Rogerius Clericus and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Amoramus thesaurarius and Willelmus de Bellomonte, and with the consent of Geraldus Ugonis preceptor Hospitalis. Rogerius gives small houses [medias domos]... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:188-9, no. 249 (RRH no. 329)
year: 1158
initiator: Hugo de Hybelino
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jan. 25 [or 1159]. Hugo Ybelini, with the consent of his mother Alvisa and his brothers Balduinus and Barisanus, gives the Hospital of St John, represented by frater Garinus de Melna preceptor, some land situated between the mills below Mirabellum and the terra Spinae, renouncing all disputes his father had had with the Hospital of St John. Witnesses: Filippus de Cafran; Simon de La Ay; Petrus de La Ay; Libertus; Paganus de Rohais; Martinus Gazella; Renaldus de Tribus Molendinis; Petrus Hugonis; Renaldus Claudus de Tyberiade; of the brothers of the Hospital, frater Garinus de Melna preceptor; A. thesaurarius; G. Accon[ensis]; P. de Sancta Maria; Petrus Burgunnun.
Jan. 25 [or 1159]. Hugo Ybelini, with the consent of his mother Alvisa and his brothers Balduinus and Barisanus, gives the Hospital of St John, represented by frater Garinus de Melna preceptor, some land situated between the mills below Mirabellum and the terra Spinae, renouncing all disputes his... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Les Archives, pp. 16, 96-7, no. 18; Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:199, no. 263 (RRH no. 330)
year: 1159
initiator: Rainald of Châtillon, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Sept. 1-30. Rainald prince of Antioch, with the agreement of his wife Constance, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem baths at Latakia adjoining the Order’s house.
*Sept. 1-30. Rainald prince of Antioch, with the agreement of his wife Constance, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem baths at Latakia adjoining the Order’s house.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:209, no. 280 (RRH no. 336a)
year: 1160
initiator: Gilles
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *(c. 1160). Gilles sells the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a house in the rue de David [in Jerusalem] for 900 besants.
*(c. 1160). Gilles sells the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a house in the rue de David [in Jerusalem] for 900 besants.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:209, no. 283 (RRH no. 365a)
year: 1160
initiator: Hugues de Besans
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1159 - Dec. 24 1160. Hugues de Besans, with the agreement of Guermond seigneur de Tibériade and Gautier prince de Galilée, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a casale called Bugaea.
*Dec. 25 1159 - Dec. 24 1160. Hugues de Besans, with the agreement of Guermond seigneur de Tibériade and Gautier prince de Galilée, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a casale called Bugaea.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:211, no. 288 (RRH no. 361a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1160
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Nov. 29. Jerusalem. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Hierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, giving the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, which cares for the poor each day under the rule of dominus Otegerius Hospitalis venerabilis magister, 50 tents of Beduini, who have never been subject to the king, for the use and service [ad usum et servitium] of the poor. Witnesses: Bertrannus de Blancaforti militie Templi magister; Guillelmus de Guerchia commilitonum Templi senescalcus; frater Gaufridus Fulcherii; Amalricus comes Ascalonitanus; Humfredus de Torono constabularius; Galterius dominus Tiberiadensis; Girardus Sydoniensis; Galterius dominus Berytensis; Philippus Neapolitanus; Hugo Cesariensis dominus; Guormundus Tyberiadensis; Guido Francigena; Henricus Bubalus; Guillelmus marescalcus; Odo de Sancto Amando vicecomes Ierosolimitanus; Simon de Hosdenc. The charter was drawn up by Stephanus, acting on behalf of Radulfus Bethleemite episcopus regisque cancellarius.
Nov. 29. Jerusalem. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Hierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, giving the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, which cares for the poor each day under the rule of dominus Otegerius Hospitalis venerabilis magister, 50 tents of Beduini, who... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:475-6, no. 260; 2:529, no. 304 (RRH no. 355)
year: 1160
initiator: Joseph and Jean, brothers and sons of Saba Georgii
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *(c. 1160). Joseph and Jean, brothers and sons of Saba Georgii, give the Hospital of St John a casale called in Arabic Hara, which is situated on the plain below the mountain of St Moyse, called in Arabic Jeham. The casale was given to their father by King Baldwin II.
*(c. 1160). Joseph and Jean, brothers and sons of Saba Georgii, give the Hospital of St John a casale called in Arabic Hara, which is situated on the plain below the mountain of St Moyse, called in Arabic Jeham. The casale was given to their father by King Baldwin II.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:210, no. 284. See Mayer, UKJ 1:286-7, no. 123 (RRH no. 365b)