year: 1193
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Sept. 1-23. [247] Bohemond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, the son of Prince Raymond, records under seal that he becomes a confrater of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. If after his death his body is not buried in the [cathedral] church of St Peter in Antioch he wishes it to be buried in the Hospitaller commandery [domus]. He leaves the Order his armour [lorica, galea, caligae ferreae, gladius, scutum, lancea) his better horse, the mule that bears his saddle [sella], the mule that bears his lorica and all his pack animals [summerii]. In recognition of his confraternity he gives the Hospital an annual rent of 500 eels. Witnesses: Gervasius senescalcus; Petrus de Hasardo; Johannes de Salquino; Milo de Curlavardin; Richerius de Erminato; Hugo de Flauncurt mareschalcus; Symon Burgevin; Ricardus de Angervilla; Radulfus de Riveria dux Antiochie; Paschalis de Seona; Julianus Jalnus; Hugo de Curbulio. The charter was drawn up by Alexander cancellarius. [248]
Sept. 1-23. [247] Bohemond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, the son of Prince Raymond, records under seal that he becomes a confrater of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. If after his death his body is not buried in the [cathedral] church of St Peter in Antioch he wishes it to be buried in the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:600, no. 948 (RRH no. 714)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1194
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Commandery in Antioch of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Sept. 1-23. [249] Bohemond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, the son of Prince Raymond, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the commandery [domus] in Antioch of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms the gift to the Hospital of the gastina vetus by the miles Godefridus and his wife Albereda, the daughter of the late Ada de Peviers. The gastina adjoins the commandery alongside the public way and is enclosed by a wall. Bohemond also gives the commandery Georgius notarius, the son of Vassilius filii Uardi, and his legitimate heirs, in hominem peculiarem, excepting those properties [hereditates] of which he was already in possession on the day this charter is written. Any future acquisitions by Georgius will be subject to the Hospital. Witnesses: Rogerius constabularies; Rogerius de Seona; Gervasius senescalcus; Petrus de Hasart; Richerius de Erannato; Hugo de Flauncurt marescalcus; Ricardus de Angervilla; Julianus Jalnus; Nicholaus Jalnus dux Antiochie; Philippus Tirelli ; Symon Burgevini camerarius. The charter was drawn up by Alexander cancellarius.
Sept. 1-23. [249] Bohemond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, the son of Prince Raymond, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the commandery [domus] in Antioch of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms the gift to the Hospital of the gastina vetus by the miles Godefridus and his wife... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:613, no. 966 (RRH no. 719)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1200
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Jun. 1-30. [266] Bohemond dei gratia princeps Antiochie, son of Prince Raymond, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans and the sick in its care. He grants freedom to export and import by land or sea, buy and sell everything needed for the hospital throughout the principality of Antioch without the payment of any mercatura or consuetudo. Witnesses: Rogerius constabularius; Petrus de Rauendello; Johannes de Salquino; Richerus de Erminato; Odo de Maire; Hugo de Flauncurt; Nicholaus Jalnus; Guilelmus de Insula; Ricardus de Angervilla; Radulfus de Riueria; Paschalis de Seona. The charter was drawn up by Alexander cancellarius.
Jun. 1-30. [266] Bohemond dei gratia princeps Antiochie, son of Prince Raymond, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans and the sick in its care. He grants freedom to export and import by land or sea, buy and sell everything needed for the hospital throughout... more
sources: Perlbach, ‘Die Reste’, pp. 647-8, no. 1 (RRH no. 772)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1201
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Pisans
text: Mar. 20. [269] Antioch. In the palatium. Bohemond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochie, the son of Prince Raymond, places on record under seal that Simon Foglianelli consul Pisanorum Acconis and his companions Petrus iudex and Federicus Mochi, legati of the commune of Pisa, came into his presence and asked him, in the name of all Pisans, to confirm the charter [privilegium] that his mother Constantia had granted to Buctaccius the legatus of the Pisans and also to confirm his own charter [privilegium], which he had granted in Tyre to all Pisans. With the agreement of his wife Ysabella principissa, Bohemond therefore confirms both charters, assuring the Pisans that their rights will not be challenged by any baiulus or pauctonarius. He adds that he grants the Pisans that on all the goods for sale after importation [de commercio intrando] the duty is to be 3 per cent; after weighing [de quirato commercii] 2 per cent; on passage through the principality [de passagio], half, and on all other duties owed by Latins, half; on the personal tax levied on Pisans at the pons Ferri half duty [directura]; half of the tertianaria at the port of Sanctus Symon; half of ancoragium; half of the duty on wine, that is to say the payment of 1 denarius in every besant; in relation to the caban commercii, 3 unciae on every 100 ritulis. Witnesses: Petrus de Ravandello; Rogerius constabularies; Iohannes de Salquino; Iacobus de Marasio; Richerius de Erminato; Nicholaus Ialmus; Oddo de Maire; Thomas marescalcus; Guilielmus de Insula; Pascalis de Seona; Hugo de Curbulio dux Antiochie.
Mar. 20. [269] Antioch. In the palatium. Bohemond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochie, the son of Prince Raymond, places on record under seal that Simon Foglianelli consul Pisanorum Acconis and his companions Petrus iudex and Federicus Mochi, legati of the commune of Pisa, came into his presence and... more
sources: Müller, Documenti, pp. 80-1, no. 50 (RRH no. 769)