year: 1099
initiator: Godfrey of Bouillon
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Aug. 1-8 or 14-31. [Jerusalem]. Godfrey of Bouillon gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the village [casale] of Hessilia and two ovens in the city of Jerusalem.
*Aug. 1-8 or 14-31. [Jerusalem]. Godfrey of Bouillon gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the village [casale] of Hessilia and two ovens in the city of Jerusalem.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:98-9, no. 3
year: 1100
initiator: Godfrey of Bouillon
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: †Jul. 22 1099 – Jul. 18 1100. Godfrey of Bouillon confirms a grant he had made in 1084 as duke of Lower Lorraine to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, confirming its freedoms and possessions in his dominions. Amol de Missamala; Loysus Asbana advocatus; Henricus de Baraly; Renettus d’Estanay; Groffin Lolyoch; Feyson de Giblett and many others.
†Jul. 22 1099 – Jul. 18 1100. Godfrey of Bouillon confirms a grant he had made in 1084 as duke of Lower Lorraine to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, confirming its freedoms and possessions in his dominions. Amol de Missamala; Loysus Asbana advocatus; Henricus de Baraly; Renettus d’Estanay;... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:108-9, no. 11
RRR: Privilege/exemption
year: 1100
initiator: Godfrey of Bouillon
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Jul. 22 1099 – Jul. 18 1100. Godfrey of Bouillon promises the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem property in every city or castle taken by the Christians, to be allotted especially from inheritances for which no legitimate heir can be found.
*Jul. 22 1099 – Jul. 18 1100. Godfrey of Bouillon promises the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem property in every city or castle taken by the Christians, to be allotted especially from inheritances for which no legitimate heir can be found.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:114-15, no. 13 [3]
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1100
initiator: Godfrey of Bouillon
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: †Jul. 22 1099 – Jul. 18 1100. Godfrey of Bouillon confirms an eleemosynary gift he had made in 1094 of a hospital at Coudenberg in Brussels to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, which he had visited after Jerusalem had been taken. Arnouls de Uisemale; Lois Asbanie avocat; Henri de Eural; Benoit de Sainte Enai; Frofin le Boc; Frisons de Glaboque and many others.
†Jul. 22 1099 – Jul. 18 1100. Godfrey of Bouillon confirms an eleemosynary gift he had made in 1094 of a hospital at Coudenberg in Brussels to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, which he had visited after Jerusalem had been taken. Arnouls de Uisemale; Lois Asbanie avocat; Henri de Eural; Benoit... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:109-14, no. 12
year: 1111
initiator: Balduinus dei gratia Berutensis episcopus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Sept. 28 1110 – end of 1111. At the request of King Baldwin I, Balduinus dei gratia Berutensis episcopus [bishop-elect] exchanges with the Hospital of St John his house in Jerusalem for one in Beirut.
*Sept. 28 1110 – end of 1111. At the request of King Baldwin I, Balduinus dei gratia Berutensis episcopus [bishop-elect] exchanges with the Hospital of St John his house in Jerusalem for one in Beirut.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:173-4, no. 48
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1118
initiator: Pierre archevêque d'Apamée
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *May 6. Pierre archevêque d’Apamée confirms everything the count of Tripoli and his feudatories have given the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
*May 6. Pierre archevêque d’Apamée confirms everything the count of Tripoli and his feudatories have given the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:36, no. 43 (RRH no. 85a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1118
initiator: Roger, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jun. 4. Roger, dei gratia princebs Antiochenus, makes an eleemosynary grant, confirming all the gifts and eleemosynary grants made in the principality of Antioch [in omni regno Antiocheno] to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms the gift made by Bohemond [of Taranto] of 3 casalia in Montana Antiochie. He confirms his own gift of houses in the city of Antioch with a petia of land and of a shop [statio] in the platea of the city, which he gave to dompnus Guiraldus when he was in Jerusalem. He confirms the gifts of a casale in the territory of Harenc by Rogerius de Florentia; a casale in terra Capharta by Bonable; a casale in the territory of Delthium by Robertus; and of villani throughout his lands by milites. Signatories: Rogerius princeps Antiochenus; Wido Fraisnel; Robertus de S. Laudo; Petrus subdiaconus, who wrote the charter.
Jun. 4. Roger, dei gratia princebs Antiochenus, makes an eleemosynary grant, confirming all the gifts and eleemosynary grants made in the principality of Antioch [in omni regno Antiocheno] to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms the gift made by Bohemond [of Taranto] of 3 casalia in... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:38, no. 45 (RRH no. 86)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1119
initiator: Baldwin II
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 30. [or 1120]. Baldwin, dei gratia Iherosolimorum rex IIus, ‘quo deus per signum sancte crucis dedit victoriam sue christianitati in terra Sirie suoque regno nobis commisso’, confirms the privilege issued by his predecessor and relation [consanguineus] King Baldwin I [20 Jun. 1112] to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and further confirms all the Hospital’s possessions in his kingdom. Signatories : Paganus cancellarius ; Rotbertus vicecomes Acconis; Radulfus de Fontanellis; Vgo de Pazence; Anfredus de Toronis; Andreas de Teirall; Johannes cubicularius. In the presence of: Petrus Barchinonensis; Bertrandus frater de Monte Peregrino; Poncius presbiter; frater Aicilinus.
Dec. 30. [or 1120]. Baldwin, dei gratia Iherosolimorum rex IIus, ‘quo deus per signum sancte crucis dedit victoriam sue christianitati in terra Sirie suoque regno nobis commisso’, confirms the privilege issued by his predecessor and relation [consanguineus] King Baldwin I [20 Jun. 1112] to the... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:220-2, no. 83 (RRH no. 90a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1119
initiator: Guillelmus Alpherici, his wife Nengeltada, his son Arnaldus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Sept. 7 1101 – Sept. 7 1119. Guillelmus Alpherici, who is present in Jerusalem, together with his wife Nengeltada, his son Arnaldus and all their other children, makes an eleemosynary grant for the refreshment of the poor, giving the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and lord Gerard, ‘qui est pater ipsius domus’ properties [in Europe], including the church of St Romanus in his domain, provided the archbishop agrees. Signatories: Geraldus hospitalarius; Guilelmus Alpherici; Bernardus Vilelmi; Escarbut; B [de] Livrano. (Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:12, no.7) (RRH no. 36b).
Sept. 7 1101 – Sept. 7 1119. Guillelmus Alpherici, who is present in Jerusalem, together with his wife Nengeltada, his son Arnaldus and all their other children, makes an eleemosynary grant for the refreshment of the poor, giving the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and lord Gerard, ‘qui est pater... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:12, no.7 (RRH no. 36b) [30]
year: 1125
initiator: Bernardus Nazarenus episcopus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jun. 11- Oct. 20. Bernardus Nazarenus episcopus gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem all the tithes levied on its casalia or villani and other properties throughout his diocese. He also gives the Hospital 3 villani. Signatories: Willelmus prior S. Mariae; Adalelmus archidiaconus; Basilius; Gaufredus; Petrus; Odo; Willelmus subdiaconus; Domnus Willelmus Tiberiadis;, Guido de Miler; Martinus Nazarenus; Girardus miles; Archimfredis; Robertus miles Templi; Sancius diaconus, who wrote the charter.
Jun. 11- Oct. 20. Bernardus Nazarenus episcopus gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem all the tithes levied on its casalia or villani and other properties throughout his diocese. He also gives the Hospital 3 villani. Signatories: Willelmus prior S. Mariae; Adalelmus archidiaconus; Basilius;... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:68, no. 71; Mayer, UKJ 1:249-50, no. 95 (RRH no. 106)