RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1173
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: German Hospital of Saint Mary
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: †Mar. 26 (1163 ?). [133] Acre. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem rex quintus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the German hospital of St Mary in order to provide cloth [panni] for the sick. He gives a rent [assisia] of 400 Saracen besants a year, to be drawn from the funda in Nablus and payable in 4 instalments, each of 100 besants. He gives 2 casalia in the region of Hebron called Deldol and Seriie and 2 casalia in the region of Bethan called Rehap and Ardelle, with their villani and sugar cane plantations [canamelli]. He also grants 1 robba of wheat and 1 robba of barley, to be taken every year from the rustici on every carruca he possesses in the territories of Jerusalem and Nablus. If these cannot be provided, whatever is lacking should be made up from his other goods, in or outside Nablus and from the funda of Acre. Witnesses: Guido Ioppensis et Ascalonitanus comes; Rainaldus Sydonensis; Milo domnus Montis Regalis; Amfridus, constabularius regni; lozcelinus de Samosac; domnus Balianus Neapolitanus de Ybelino; Balianus frater eius; Milo de Planci; Bertrandus de Ioppen; Henricus de Gerino; Galterius de Berito; Guillelmus de Tyro; Gualterus de Mirabel; Nicholaus de Huderic; Guilibertus de Sancto Dionisio. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus episcopus Bethleem regnique Ierusalem cancellarius.
†Mar. 26 (1163 ?). [133] Acre. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem rex quintus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the German hospital of St Mary in order to provide cloth [panni] for the sick. He gives a rent [assisia] of 400 Saracen besants a year, to be drawn from the funda... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:617-19, 783, nos. 354, 455 (RRH no. 496)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1177
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: †(Oct. 17). [147] Jerusalem. [Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus] makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He gives in feudum 300 Saracen besants, to be paid annually from the revenues of the Gate of David in 4 instalments: on the Feast of St John the Baptist, the Feast of St Remigius, Christmas and Easter. He gives 2 casalia in the territory of Nablus called Saffir and Kafarhone with their villani; 3 vineyards on the mountain called Abel, the first having a waterless cistern, the second including a cava made up of chalk [terra candida], and the third nearby; 24 modii of wheat, 24 modii of barley and 6 modii of vegetables, to be collected annually at the Gate of David at harvest time; 2 roddae of sugar de mazara from all the sugar cane plantations at Nablus, and every week 1 cudaria of sugar de mazara for every pertica of cultivated sugar cane for the sick Zaribel. He also gives freedom [franchisia] to enter and leave, buy and sell throughout the kingdom of Jerusalem and freedom from all jurisdiction [and dues]. If the rents outlined above cannot be paid, the balance will be made up from all royal revenues in or outside Jerusalem and Acre. Witnesses: Eraclius Sancte Resurrectionis electus; Guido Ioppensis et Ascalonitanus comes; Anfridus constabularius regni; Rainaldus Sydonensis domnus; Balianus Neapolitanus; Balduinus de Ybelin; Balianus frater eius; Milo de Plance; Galterus de Berito; Anselmus de Brie; Galterius de Mirabel vicecomes. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus episcopus Bethleem regnique Ierusalem vicecancellarius.
†(Oct. 17). [147] Jerusalem. [Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus] makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He gives in feudum 300 Saracen besants, to be paid annually from the revenues of the Gate of David in 4 instalments... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:642-4, 783, nos. 374, 456 (RRH no. 548)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1192
initiator: Guy of Lusignan
recipient: Frater Curaudus hospitalis Alemannorum preceptor and the brothers and sick of [the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans]
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Feb. 10. Acre. Guy, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex octavus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, to benefit especally the soul of his late wife, the Lady Queen Sibylla. He gives frater Curaudus hospitalis Alemannorum preceptor and the brothers and sick of [the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans] the land in Acre on which their house and hospital [hospitale] is established. Femianus, his wife Dulcis and their son Iohannes, who claimed the land, renounced it in the presence of Guy and his curia, in exchange for another property. The Hospital gives Guy 500 besants and a horse, raised from its own alms funds. The land borders on the land of the brothers of St Thomas. It is situated between 2 stairs leading to a gate tower [turris perforata], as far as a strata publica that extends to the Gate of St Nicholas and belongs to the hospitale Alemmanorum, and then as far as a platea and curia and from the platea back to the city wall and along it as far as the stairs. The brothers may not build anything against the wall that might prevent men climbing the stairs in defence of the city. Witnesses: Theobaldus, episcopus Acconensis; frater Robertus de Sablolio magister Templi militum; frater Garnerius de Neapoli magister Hospitalis Ierusalem; Gaufridus de Lezigniaco comes Joppensis; Aymericus conestabulus; frater Adam Brion Templi militum senescalcus; frater Guillelmus de Viliers preceptor Hospitalis Acconis; Vgo de Tyberiade; Guillelmus Fortis; Vgo Martini mariscalcus; Galuegnus de Cheniche; Galterius Bellus vicecomes; Reinerius de Gibeleto; of the Pisan consuls, Bartholomeus de Tegrin; Selletus; Petrus de Falconio; of other Pisans, [Pipinus] filius Frederici; Robertus Uulp; Jacobus de la Clar; Aselmus Bellus; Baldoinus de Cipro. The charter was drawn up by Petrus cancellarius regis et ecclesie Tripolitane episcopus.
Feb. 10. Acre. Guy, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex octavus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, to benefit especally the soul of his late wife, the Lady Queen Sibylla. He gives frater Curaudus hospitalis Alemannorum preceptor and the brothers and sick of [the Hospital of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:832-5, 982-3, nos. 488, 608 (RRH no. 701)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1194
initiator: Henricus de Trecis comes pallatinus et Terre Hierusalem domnus
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans in Acre
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Dec. 25 1192 - Dec. 24 1193 or Mar. 28 1193 - Apr. 9 1194. Acre. With the agreement of domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans [hospitale Theutonicorum] in Acre and its brothers. He gives the barbacan [barbacana], towers, walls and ditch from a mark on the barbacan Henricus has given the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem as far as the Gate of St Nicholas. A condition is that St Mary of the Germans keeps in repair and improves the section given to it, Witnesses: Balianus de Ybelyno; Renaudus Sydoniensis; Hugo Tyberiadensis; Nicholaus de Mally; Terricus de Terremunde; Milo Brebanz; Antelmus de Lucha; Iohannes Burgundus; Nicholaus de Chonchis; Guido Antelmi. The charter was drawn up by Ioscius Tyrensis archiepiscopus, regni cancellarius. Authenticated [notarized] by Radulfus.
Dec. 25 1192 - Dec. 24 1193 or Mar. 28 1193 - Apr. 9 1194. Acre. With the agreement of domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans [hospitale Theutonicorum] in Acre and its brothers. He gives... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:918, 950-2, nos. 546, 575 (RRH no. 716)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1194
initiator: Henricus de Trecis comes pallatinus et Terre Hierusalem domnus
recipient: Henricus ecclesie Alemannorum, que est in Accon, prior, his brothers and the sick [in the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans]
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Oct. 1-31. With the agreement of his wife domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to Henricus ecclesie Alemannorum, que est in Accon, prior, his brothers and the sick [in the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans]. He gives them the same right as that enjoyed by the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers of St John to buy provisions for their own use without the payment of dues [ius et consuetudo]. Witnesses: Hugo Tyberiadensis; Rainaldus Sydoniensis; Radulfus Tyberiadensis regni senescalcus; Azmarus Cesariensis; Baldvinus de Bethan; Galterus de Bethan; Dietericus de Orca; Milo Brebanz; Thomas Camerarius Acconensis vicecomes. The charter was drawn up by domnus Ioscius Tyrensis archiepiscopus regnique cancellarius.
Oct. 1-31. With the agreement of his wife domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to Henricus ecclesie Alemannorum, que est in Accon, prior, his brothers and the sick [in the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans]. He gives them the... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:918, 952-4, nos. 547, 576 (RRH no. 720)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1194
initiator: Henricus de Trecis comes pallatinus et Terre Hierusalem domnus
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans in Acre
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Feb. 1-28, 1193 or 1194. Acre. With the agreement of his wife domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre, Henricus hospitalis Alemannorum in Accon prior and its brothers. He gives a casale situated in the territory of Acre called Cafresi and a vault [vauta] incorporated [continua] in the wall of the city of Acre next to the Gate of St Nicholas. Witnesses: Balianus de Ybe-lino; Raginaldus Sydoniensis; Hugo Tyberiadis; Raymundus de Scandelion; Balduinus de Bethan; Nicolaus de Malli: Milo Breibanz: Bernardus de Templo Accon vicecomes. Silet consul Pisanorum Accon; Symon Pisanus; Raimundus Antelme; Wido Antelme. The charter was drawn up by domnus Ioscius Tyrensis archiepiscopus regnique cancellarius. Authenticated [notarized] by Radulfus.
Feb. 1-28, 1193 or 1194. Acre. With the agreement of his wife domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre, Henricus hospitalis Alemannorum in Accon prior and its brothers. He gives a... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:917, 947-9, nos. 544, 573 (RRH no. 710)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1196
initiator: Henricus de Trecis comes pallatinus et Terre Hierusalem domnus
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans in Acre
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 2-30/Apr. 1-30 1195 or Apr. 1-20 1196. [251] Acre. With the agreement of his wife domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the sick and brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans [hospitale Alemannorum] in Acre. He gives them a house in Tyre that had belonged to Theodorus de Sarepta with its garden and 2 carrucate francesie terre at Sedinum. Witnesses: Hugo Tyberiadis; Reinaldus Sydoniensis; Radulfus Tyberiadis regni senescalcus; Terricus de Tenero Monte; Terricus de Orca; Galterius de Bethan; Amalricus de Bethan; Girardus de Franlo; Radulfus de Balesme. The charter was drawn up by domnus Ioscius Tyrensis archiepiscopus regnique cancellarius.
Apr. 2-30/Apr. 1-30 1195 or Apr. 1-20 1196. [251] Acre. With the agreement of his wife domna Ysabella regis Amalrici filia, Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the sick and brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans [hospitale Alemannorum] in Acre. He... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:919, 963-4, nos. 551, 580 (RRH no. 722)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1198
initiator: Aimery of Cyprus
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Aug. 1-31. Acre. With the agreement of his wife the Lady Queen Isabella, the daughter of the late King Amalric, Aimery, dei gratia rex Ierusalem nonus et rex Cipri, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He gives the tower over the Gate of St Nicholas at Acre, but the brothers are to have no rights over the Gate, which is an entrance to the city, nor can they make new exactions or dispose of the tower by gift, sale or pledge. If their Order is absorbed into another, they must surrender the tower to the crown, and they must also surrender it if the needs of war or other necessity demand, although it will be returned to them once the crisis is over. Witnesses: Rainaldus Sydonis; Radulfus Tyberiadis senescalcus regni; Iohannes constabularius regni; Iohannes marescalcus regni; Rohardus domnus Cayphe; Terricus de Orca; Terricus de Terrimonde; Raimundus de Gibelet. The charter was drawn up by Ioscius Tyrensis archiepiscopus regnique cancellarius.
Aug. 1-31. Acre. With the agreement of his wife the Lady Queen Isabella, the daughter of the late King Amalric, Aimery, dei gratia rex Ierusalem nonus et rex Cipri, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He gives the tower over the Gate of St Nicholas at Acre,... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:921, 988-90, nos. 556, 611 (RRH no. 744)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1200
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Jun. 1-30. [266] Bohemond dei gratia princeps Antiochie, son of Prince Raymond, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans and the sick in its care. He grants freedom to export and import by land or sea, buy and sell everything needed for the hospital throughout the principality of Antioch without the payment of any mercatura or consuetudo. Witnesses: Rogerius constabularius; Petrus de Rauendello; Johannes de Salquino; Richerus de Erminato; Odo de Maire; Hugo de Flauncurt; Nicholaus Jalnus; Guilelmus de Insula; Ricardus de Angervilla; Radulfus de Riueria; Paschalis de Seona. The charter was drawn up by Alexander cancellarius.
Jun. 1-30. [266] Bohemond dei gratia princeps Antiochie, son of Prince Raymond, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans and the sick in its care. He grants freedom to export and import by land or sea, buy and sell everything needed for the hospital throughout... more
sources: Perlbach, ‘Die Reste’, pp. 647-8, no. 1 (RRH no. 772)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1206
initiator: Iuliana domina Cesaree
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans in Acre
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Feb. 1-28. With the agreement of her husband dominus Aymarus de Lairon and her son Galterus, Iuliana domina Cesaree makes an eleemosynary grant under her husband’s seal to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. She gives houses [in Caesarea] that had belonged to Georgius Lormina, the volta of Bernardus Falcilla and the gastina situated between these houses and the house of Petrus de Beugrant, by the public way, as far as another public way that runs towards the sea. She gives the turris Mallart with the platea in front, which extends to the border of a gastina belonging to the Templum Domini, and another little tower opposite, in the angle of the eastern city wall. These towers will be requisitioned by the lord of Caesarea if necessary for defence, but will be returned to the brothers in peacetime. She also gives a field [campus] that belonged to domina Brima. This is bordered on the west by a garden of the Hospital [of St John of Jerusalem], on the south by a field [campus] belonging to dominus Aymarus, on the east by a road that seperates it from the field [campus] of dominus Symon, and on the north by a road that separates it from the field [campus] of domina Grossa. She also confirms an eleemosynary grant made by Iohannes Charles, with the agreement of his mother, his brother Helyas, his sister domina Orgoillosa, Iuliana herself, her husband dominus A. and her son. Iohannes Charles has given the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans 2 fields [campi], a garden and a threshing floor [area] which is at the head of one of the fields. One of these fields has on its western side a field [campus] in which is the agullia sancti Petri, while on the east it borders a field [campus] that had belonged to Rainerius de Gibeleth, in which there was a vineyard. On the south it touches a road that separates it from the garden of the archbishop, and on the north there is a road running to Hadaydon. The area is at the head of this field. The other field [campus] is to the east of these and is separated from them by a little wall [paries]. On the south it touches the field that had belonged to Rainerius de Gibeleth in which there was once a vineyard. On the north it extends from the field [campus] of Iohannes Charles, in which are morvellarii. Within it on the eastern side and at its head is a carob tree [karoblers], next to the field [campus] of dominus Galterius de Cesarea in which there used to be a vineyard. The garden adjoins the city wall on the western side It is separated from the garden of P. Gasta to the east by road. On the south it touches a field [campus] which was once the garden of Iohannes Lermina, from which extends the field of Iohannes Charles. On the north is the garden of the archbishop. Witnesses: P. archiepiscopus; Philippus decanus; dominus Symon; 2 filii eius; Iohannes Gervasius vicecomes, Johannes Charles; Helyas frater eius; P. de Beugrant; Michael; Salomon; Fulco; Robertus Perrer; G. Passereus; Rainerius de Cassia; Iohannes Lermines; Stephanus Turquie; Guillelmus Britto.
Feb. 1-28. With the agreement of her husband dominus Aymarus de Lairon and her son Galterus, Iuliana domina Cesaree makes an eleemosynary grant under her husband’s seal to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. She gives houses [in Caesarea] that had belonged to Georgius Lormina, the volta... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 32-3, no. 40 (RRH no. 810)