RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1208
initiator: Otto comes de Hinneberch together with his wife comitissa Beatrix, the daughter of the late comes Jocelinus
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans in Acre
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Sept. Acre. With the agreement of his wife Beatrix, the daughter of the late comes Ioscelinus, comes Otto makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. He gives 3 carrucate terre francesie and a house in the casale called Saphet, situated in the territory of Acre. Witnesses: Iohannes Tortus; Henricus Alamannus; Gotsuinus; Eustachius de Cayphas; Thomas camerarius; Andreas de Vinea; Iohannes de Bort; Girardus de Cabur; of the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, frater Otto eiusdem domus magister; frater Gerardus preceptor; frater Henricus marescalcus; frater Henricus custos infirmorum; frater Hugo; frater Bertoudus. The charter is dated to the regency [procurans] over the kingdom of Jerusalem of dominus Iohannes de Ybelino.
Sept. Acre. With the agreement of his wife Beatrix, the daughter of the late comes Ioscelinus, comes Otto makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. He gives 3 carrucate terre francesie and a house in the casale called Saphet, situated in the territory of... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 34-5, no. 43 (RRH no. 828)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1212
initiator: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 1-30. Leon, dei et Romani imperii II gracia rex Armenie, filius Stephani de potenti et magnifico genere Rupinorum, records under seal that out of love for the Roman empire, by the authority of which he has been made king, he has made an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, of which he is a confrater. (1). He has given the castellum called Amudain and the casale situated below it. The boundary of its lands stretch on one side from Simonaglam as far as the old water-trough [ad aquarium], where there are 2 willow trees and where there has now been created a lake; and then as far as a rocky platform [rostrum de rocha media] next to a gastina that is in the territory of Adidy, and then rising as far as Quilli, which the Latins call Meta de Gammassa. The boundary of the lands between Gammassa and Amudayn stretches to a cava, where there is a tree called chaisne spinosa, the abbacia of Chalot and the vineyard [agger vinee] of Mechale, as far as the road. The boundary on the other side stretches between meadows [pastores; for pasturae] and Amidain as far as a hill, before which are 2 red bushes [rubi salvatici] and a mulberry tree [arbor morarius]. Then it runs as far as the gastina called Dagie and to Zamga, and from there as far as the lacus Helia and Ioh, between which and Rama is a cava. (2). He gives a casale called Sespin, the lands of which are marked out and extend on the side of Baari as far as a cross, and from there to a cava and to the hill [turon] of Sabuhe and the mound [agger] of Bezequi. Between Sespin, Baari, Abedi et Raselain the boundary is marked by a black stone and a fox hole [pertusus vulpis] and extends as far as the curba of Iohannes Turcus; from there it goes to the curba of Moqun and to Indapus, below which the casale of Sespin is situated. On the side of Alasines, the boundary extends to a forked mulberry tree [arbor morarius furcata] and to the river of Iohan, the vineyard of Dendieu, the church of Indapus, a flat topped hill [ad turonum platum), a black stone and a ruined vault [arvoltus], a lake, by which was the house of Iohannes Cordin, and the cross roads where there is a stone cross - this is the road that leads directly from Amudain to Tractic - and then to the river. (3). He gives a casale called Buquequia, adjoining the territory of Sespin, with its marked boundaries, just as dominus Michael held it. (4) He gives a casale called Cumbethfor in the territory of Melonum, the bounds of which, marked by stones resting on charcoal [mete petrarum fixe at subter carbones], stretch on the east along the road as far as a stone placed between Cumbethfor and Tetimec; it then extends, marked in the same way, alongside Vancun. On the western side, marked similarly, it stretches between Cumbethfor and the casale called Beleguinos, which is inhabited by villani from Arench and belongs to sancta Maria de turri; and then as far as a marble column. On the north, marked in the same way, it goes towards Casseria and a turon, and on the south, marked in the same way, as far as the boundary marks of Bagnigun, where a cross is placed, and to a rock; a boundary marked in the same way lies between Abraainain and Casseria and in the middle of the boundary stones is a stone cross. (5). He gives a casale called Ayun. The division with Calasie is marked by a stone cross and charcoals along the road that leads to Vancun. On the western side the land stretches to the fox hole, where there is a stone cross; then, marked by 5 stones with charcoals beneath, it extends as far as a sheepfold and alongside Vangun as far as another stone cross established next to a gastina above the road, at the head of which is another stone, where the road forks. These properties are given, according to the laws of the Franks [secundum legem et consuetudinem Francorum] with the rights to import, sell and buy everything, including horses needed by the Order and freedom from the payment of dues [dricture et exactio] and servicium to anyone.
Apr. 1-30. Leon, dei et Romani imperii II gracia rex Armenie, filius Stephani de potenti et magnifico genere Rupinorum, records under seal that out of love for the Roman empire, by the authority of which he has been made king, he has made an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 37-9, no. 46 (RRH no. 859)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1215
initiator: Maccildis, widow of dominus Conradus advocatus de Swarcenberch
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 9. Maccildis, widow of dominus Conradus advocatus de Swarcenberch, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, to benefit especially the soul of her dead husband, to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. She gives her house, which she and her husband bought from the daughter of the late comes Joscelinus. She also sells the land [attached to the house], for which frater Hermannus hospitalis magister and his brothers promise to deliver 400 marks of pure silver to her at Strasburg [Straceburch] within 15 days after Pentecost in the following year or, if they do not, to pay an annual rent of 40 marks until the sale price is settled. They assure her that she may continue to enjoy the revenues of the land during her lifetime. After her death it will pass fully to the Hospital. Witnesses: frater Ludovicus de Horflegove marescalcus; frater Drabodo de Utinge preceptor; frater Haymo de Falconeis; frater Hartungus de Sulmesse; frater Hunricus Gyr; frater Rodengerus de Fulcolfsem; frater Otto de Losenheum; frater Gunterus de Winrikesleve; dominus Vencardus de Carlesberch; Guillelmus dominici sepulcri prior, who confirms the deed with the seal of the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre.
Apr. 9. Maccildis, widow of dominus Conradus advocatus de Swarcenberch, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, to benefit especially the soul of her dead husband, to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. She gives her house, which she and her husband bought from the daughter of the late comes... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, p. 40, no. 48 (RRH no. 879)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1217
initiator: John of Brienne
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Aug. 1-31. John, dei gratia Latinorum Ierusalem rex decimus et comes Brene, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. He gives his barbacan [barbacana], which stretches from the wall near the house of the senescalcus as far as the gate of Gaufridus Tortus and separates the barbacan of the senescalcus from this barbacan, which is situated between the two city walls. Witnesses: Radulfus regni senescalcus; Iacobus marescalcus; Oddo de Monte Beliardo; Gaufridus de Caffran; Rohardus de Cayphas.
Aug. 1-31. John, dei gratia Latinorum Ierusalem rex decimus et comes Brene, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre. He gives his barbacan [barbacana], which stretches from the wall near the house of the senescalcus as far as the gate of Gaufridus Tortus... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1032-3, no. 633 (RRH no. 899)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1217
initiator: Hugh I of Cyprus
recipient: Frater Harmannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Sept. 1-30. Limassol. Hugh, dei gratia rex Cyprie, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Armannus magister domus sancte Marie Theutonicorum in Jerusalem and the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He confirms the eleemosynary grant made by his father King Aimery of Jerusalem and Cyprus, as is contained in the Order’s charter. He adds as a further eleemosynary grant rents of 200 modii of wheat, 200 metrae of wine and 400 modii of barley, to be taken each year from his casale of Lefquara, the grain at harvest and the wine at vintage. If Lefquara should pass out of royal hands, the rent will nevertheless be paid. Witnesses: dominus Johannes de Hybelino dominus Berithi; dominus Philippus de Hybelino frater eius; dominus Galterus de Cesarea Cyprie conestabulus; dominus Galterus de Betsan; dominus Gormondus de Betsan; dominus Petrus Chape; dominus Jacobus de Rivet. The charter was drawn up by dominus Radulfus cancellarius regni Cyprie et archidiaconus Nichossie.
Sept. 1-30. Limassol. Hugh, dei gratia rex Cyprie, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Armannus magister domus sancte Marie Theutonicorum in Jerusalem and the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He confirms the eleemosynary grant made by his father King Aimery of Jerusalem and Cyprus, as is... more
sources: Perlbach, ‘Die Reste’, pp. 648-9, no. 2 (RRH no. 900)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1222
initiator: John of Brienne
recipient: Hermannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans and the brothers of the Hospital
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Mar. 1-31. [328] With the consent of his daughter Ysabella, John, dei gratia Latinorum Ierusalem rex decimus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister domus Hospitalis sancte Marie Theutonicorum Ierusalem and his brothers. On account of the religion and good reputation of the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, he gives them his share of loot in future warfare when they are campaigning with his homines under the royal banner [cum signo regali], although he is absent. When he is present he will retain his share, which is half of all booty taken in towns [villae] or castles, in the field or in an expedition. Witnesses: Balianus domnus Sydoniensis; Oddo de Montebeliardo regni constabularius; Garnerus Alemannus; Rohardus domnus Cayphe; Gaufridus de Caffran; Haymo Alamannus; Daniel de Malenbech.
Mar. 1-31. [328] With the consent of his daughter Ysabella, John, dei gratia Latinorum Ierusalem rex decimus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister domus Hospitalis sancte Marie Theutonicorum Ierusalem and his brothers. On account of the religion and good reputation of the... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1052-4, 1071, nos. 640, 651 (RRH no. 940)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1226
initiator: Emperor Frederick II
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Jan. 1-31. [337] In southern Italy. Frederick, secundus divina favente clementia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, draws attention to the favour shown by his predecessors and those of his wife Isabella [II] Romanorum imperatrix semper augusta, Ierusalem et Sicilie regina, to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem and praises that Order’s achievements, referring especially to frater Hermannus magister domus and his other brothers. He makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to them. He confirms all their acquisitions in the kingdom of Jerusalem, which has come to him in dowry [nostrum dotale Ierosolimitanum regnum]. With the agreement of his wife, he confirms the sale to them by comes Otto de Hennenberhe/Hennberac, his wife Beatrix, the daughter of comes Ioczolinus, and their son Otto of Castellum Regis and its dependencies, except for the casale called Iahron, according to the charter of confirmation issued by King John, which listed the dependencies and casalia of Castellum Regis: Tersyha, Carphasome, Samohete, Geelin, Zoenite, Beletini, Tarfile, Rasapde, Supheye, Caphara, Nesechie/Nesecchie, Danehile, Labeyne/Labeine, Iubie, Bethera, Abelie/Habelie, Amca, Geze, Clil and half of Noie, Phasoce, Acbara, Tayeretrane, Tayrebicca, Phennes, Carsilie, Serohu, Gabatie, Orfeis, Roeis, Campsara, Capsie, Deleha, Derbasta, Rapho, Rabeb, Ezefer, Berzei and a third of the feodum of Sanctus Georgius, the dependencies and casalia of which are Archet, Yanot, Cabra, Meblie, Sapher, Lemezera, Kemelie and a third of the casale of Boukeel, together with a third of the assisia attached to the feodum, namely 266 and two-thirds besants, being a third of [the rent of] 800 besants assigned on the cathena of Acre, which the Hospital of St Mary surrendered to King John, a further assisia of 2000 Saracen besants assigned on the cathena of Acre, and the house in Acre that had belonged to comes Iocelinus/Iozolinus. The house is bordered on the east by a lane [ruella], on the west by the cloistered house belonging to the abbas of Mt Tabor, on the south by the public way and on the north by the house of Roardus domnus Cayphas. The Hospital of St Mary surrendered to King John its rights over properties in this sale that are now in the hands of the Sarraceni. Frederick returns the right to these properties to the Order, so that in future it will hold the entire inheritance of Beatrix from the lands of comes Iosolinus/Iozolinus, except for the assisia in besants from the catena of Acre that the magister and brothers surrendered to King John. Frederick also confirms the eleemosynary grant by Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus, with the agreement of his wife Isabella [I], the daughter of King Amalric, of the barbacan, towers, walls and fosse [in Acre], measured and stretching as far as the Gate of St Nicholas. He confirms King John’s grant of half the booty taken on campaigns on which the king is not present. He extends the privileges of acquiring water, herbage and wood from his domain [in Europe] to the kingdom of Jerusalem, together with freedom from the payment of dues [pro plateatico vel consuetudinibus aliquibus], including those on goods exported to Europe for the Order’s needs, and other rights enjoyed in the West. Witnesses: [from the empire, Raynaldus dux Spoleti; Brutoldus frater eius; Gottifridus de Honloch; Albertus de Stouphe; Conradus de Stouphe; Gauianus/Gayuanus de Cipro]; from the kingdom of Jerusalem, Jacobus Acconensis episcopus; Balianus dominus Sydonis; Danihel de Terramunde; Nicolaus Antelin; Guido de Infante; Guido de Roniau; Rao cognatus patriarche; Geruasius de Mauguastel; Philippus Cinardi; Ioannes Pisanus; Raymundus Grimaldus; Goffridus de Villiers; Guido de Nubie; [from the kingdom of Sicily, Landus Reginus archiepiscopus, familiaris noster; Bartholomeus Syracusanus episcopus; Thomasius comes Acerrarum; Symon comes Theatinus; comes Raynaldus de Lauareta; Henricus de Morra magister iusticiarius; Ricardus camerarius]. The charter was drawn up by Symon Tirensis archiepiscopus et regni Ierosolimitani cancellarius.
Jan. 1-31. [337] In southern Italy. Frederick, secundus divina favente clementia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, draws attention to the favour shown by his predecessors and those of his wife Isabella [II] Romanorum imperatrix semper augusta, Ierusalem et Sicilie... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1079-93, no. 654 (RRH no. 974)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1226
initiator: Isabella II, Romanorum imperatrix semper augusta, Ierusalem et Sicilie regina
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Jan. 1-31. In southern Italy. Isabella [II], Romanorum imperatrix semper augusta, Ierusalem et Sicilie regina, records under seal her agreement to the confirmation made by her husband Frederick, dei gratia excellentissimus Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, in favour of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem . She refers especially to: the sale of Castellum Regis with its dependencies by comes Otto de Henneberk, his wife Beatrix, the daughter of the late comes Ioczolinus, and their son Otto, excepting the casale Iaroth, and the assisiae in besants assigned on the kathena of Acre, which the Order surrendered to King John; the remission by Frederick of the surrender by the Order to King John of its rights to lands and properties inherited by Beatrix that were now in the hands of the Sarraceni; the house in Acre, included in the sale, which had belonged to comes Ioczolinus; the barbacan, towers and fosse as measured out, given as an eleemosynary grant by Henricus Trecensium comes palatinus and his wife Isabella [I], the daughter of King Amalric; and all freedoms granted by Frederick. Witnesses: of the subjects of the kingdom of Jerusalem, Simon Tyrensis archiepiscopus regni Ierosolimitani cancellarius; Balianus domnus Sydonis; Daniel de Terramunde; Nicolaus; Gaynanus de Cipro; Gvido Infans; Gvido de Romao; Rao de Patriarcha; Geruasius de Emao castello; Iohannes Pysanus; Raimont Grimant; Gotfridus de Villers; Gvido de Nubie; magister Petrus medicus Ysabelle. The charter was drawn up by Symon Tirensis archiepiscopus regni Ierosolimitani cancellarius.
Jan. 1-31. In southern Italy. Isabella [II], Romanorum imperatrix semper augusta, Ierusalem et Sicilie regina, records under seal her agreement to the confirmation made by her husband Frederick, dei gratia excellentissimus Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, in favour of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1071-5, 1199-1200, nos. 652, 697 (RRH no. 975)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1228
initiator: Balianus dominus Sydonis
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Feb. 11. Balianus dominus Sydonis makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans during the mastership of frater Hermannus de Salza. He gives a garden, called the iardinum comitisse, a vineyard and 1 carrucate [ad aratrum unum] of land, part of the terra coci, before the city of Sidon. The garden is bordered on the east by a road leading to Gasia and on the west by a straight road which runs between the gardens and the land of dominus Raulus Januensis. On the south it touches a great field, which is a sugar plantation [magnus campus ubi fit canimel]. On the north it borders the road and the olive trees of dominus Guillelmus de Lye. The vineyard borders on the east the public road [commune strata et publica] and on the west a straight road that goes between the gardens as far as the river that flows by Sidon. On the south are olive trees of the Knights Templar and on the north the olive trees of dominus Brixus. The land has on the east the road which runs from Sidon directly to Sarepta and on the west the coastal road [via maritima]. On the north there is a field which adjoins the garden of dominus Egidius. There is no clear boundary on the south, other than the land’s limits. Balianus also gives a great mahumeria, situated between 2 of the gates of the city of Sidon, from which the road goes to Tyre. Witnesses: dominus Daniel de Terremunde; dominus Hugo de Mazelria; dominus Baldovinus marescalcus; dominus Ioffridus de Scimle; dominus Ioffridus de Vilier; dominus Michael Egidius; and others.
Feb. 11. Balianus dominus Sydonis makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans during the mastership of frater Hermannus de Salza. He gives a garden, called the iardinum comitisse, a vineyard and 1 carrucate [ad aratrum unum] of land, part of the terra coci, before... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 50-1, no. 62 (RRH no. 986)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1228
initiator: Bohemond IV, prince of Antioch and count of Tripoli
recipient: Hermannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans and the brothers of the Hospital
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Jun. 1. Bohemond, per la grace de deus prince de Antioche et conte de Triple, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to freire Hermant maestre de la chavalarie de la sainte maison de Nostre dame de l’hospital des Alamans and his brothers, to further the work on the castle they are building in support of Christianity against the Sarrazins. He gives the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans an annual rent of 100 besants en assisa, payable in 3-monthly instalments and assigned on his asize on the fonde and the chaene of Acre. Guarantors: Boemon sire deu Botron; Mansel de Gibel; Ugue Dalmas; Bonacors; Raimont de Mareclee; Raimunt Arra; Perre de Scandalion; Guiscart de l’lsle; Renaut Faisant.
Jun. 1. Bohemond, per la grace de deus prince de Antioche et conte de Triple, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to freire Hermant maestre de la chavalarie de la sainte maison de Nostre dame de l’hospital des Alamans and his brothers, to further the work on the castle they are building in support of... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, p. 53, no. 64; cf. p. 125 (RRH no. 989)