RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1228
initiator: Balianus dominus Sydonis
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Feb. 11. Balianus dominus Sydonis makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans during the mastership of frater Hermannus de Salza. He gives a garden, called the iardinum comitisse, a vineyard and 1 carrucate [ad aratrum unum] of land, part of the terra coci, before the city of Sidon. The garden is bordered on the east by a road leading to Gasia and on the west by a straight road which runs between the gardens and the land of dominus Raulus Januensis. On the south it touches a great field, which is a sugar plantation [magnus campus ubi fit canimel]. On the north it borders the road and the olive trees of dominus Guillelmus de Lye. The vineyard borders on the east the public road [commune strata et publica] and on the west a straight road that goes between the gardens as far as the river that flows by Sidon. On the south are olive trees of the Knights Templar and on the north the olive trees of dominus Brixus. The land has on the east the road which runs from Sidon directly to Sarepta and on the west the coastal road [via maritima]. On the north there is a field which adjoins the garden of dominus Egidius. There is no clear boundary on the south, other than the land’s limits. Balianus also gives a great mahumeria, situated between 2 of the gates of the city of Sidon, from which the road goes to Tyre. Witnesses: dominus Daniel de Terremunde; dominus Hugo de Mazelria; dominus Baldovinus marescalcus; dominus Ioffridus de Scimle; dominus Ioffridus de Vilier; dominus Michael Egidius; and others.
Feb. 11. Balianus dominus Sydonis makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans during the mastership of frater Hermannus de Salza. He gives a garden, called the iardinum comitisse, a vineyard and 1 carrucate [ad aratrum unum] of land, part of the terra coci, before... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 50-1, no. 62 (RRH no. 986)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1229
initiator: Emperor Frederick II
recipient: Hermannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 1-20. Acre. Mindful of the favour shown by his predecessors to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem, Frederick, divina favente clemencia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister and his brothers of a rent of 6400 Saracen besants assigned on the cathena and funda of Acre and divided equally between them, although if the revenue of either the cathena or funda fail, the rent should be drawn from one or the other. The rent will be payable in 4 3-monthly instalments of 1600 besants. Witnesses: Oddo de Montebeliardo conestabulus regni Ierosolimitani; Balianus domnus Sydonis; Iohannes de Ybelino; Garnerius Alemannus; Aymo nepos eius; Aymarus, nepos fratris Aymari.
Apr. 1-20. Acre. Mindful of the favour shown by his predecessors to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem, Frederick, divina favente clemencia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister and his brothers... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1111-13, no. 662 (RRH no. 1004)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1229
initiator: Emperor Frederick II
recipient: Hermannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans, and brothers of the Hospital; Iohannes de Conchi
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 21-30. Acre. Frederick, dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister and the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He confirms their purchase of a house [in Acre] from Iohannes de Conchi for 620 marchae argenti and another house, given by Iohannes, which is situated next to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, together with licence to build a vault stretching from a house Iohannes already has, so long as the platea publica of the city is not obstructed. Frederick also confirms the gift made by King John to the Order of a barbacan and all the land between the city wall of Acre and the sea, that is to say from the Gate of Goffridus Tortus to the barbacan, with all the stationes there, and with the right to build whatever the Order wishes on the land, provided it does not interfere with the via publica and the traffic on it. Witnesses: Balianus domnus Sydonis; Otto de Montebeliardo conestabulus regni Iherosolimitani; Iohannes de Ybelino; Guarnerus Alemanus; Aymo nepos eius; Aymarus nepos fratris Aymari de domo Hospitalis sancti Iohannis; and others.
Apr. 21-30. Acre. Frederick, dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister and the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He confirms their purchase of a house [in Acre] from Iohannes de Conchi... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1144-6, no. 675 (RRH no. 1009)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1229
initiator: Emperor Frederick II
recipient: Hermannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 21-30. Acre. Following the example of his predecessors and appreciative of the merits of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, Frederick, dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister and his brothers. He gives a house in the city of Jerusalem which once belonged to King Baldwin. The house is situated in the ruga Armeniorum near the church of St Thomas, with a garden attached to it and with 6 carrucate terre, which will taken from royal properties [excadentia] or the royal domain [de demanio nostro] or, if such land can not be found, from the city territory. He also confirms the Order in the possession of the house, freed from all servicium, that the Germans [Theotonici] held in the city of Jerusalem before the loss of the Holy Land. Witnesses: Balyanus domnus Sydonis; Oddo de Montebelyardo comestabulus regni Ierosolimitani; Iohannes de Ybelino; Guarnerius Alemanus; Haymo nepos eius; Haymo nepos fratris Aymari de domo Hospitalis sancti Iohannis; and others.
Apr. 21-30. Acre. Following the example of his predecessors and appreciative of the merits of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, Frederick, dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister and his brothers... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1146-50, 1202-3, nos. 676, 698. (RRH no. 1010)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1229
initiator: Henry, rex Cipri
recipient: Hermannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Jun. 1-30. Nicosia. Henry, dei gracia rex Cipri, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister sancte domus beate Marie hospitalis Alamannorum in Ierusalem and his convent. He gives the casale of Clavodie, just as it had been held by dominus Iohannes de Milmars, with its villani, chevagii and all rights, and the house with its surroundings in Nicosia that had belonged to Druon de Bedort. The Hospital of St Mary of the Germans surrenders its claims to houses in Nicosia given by King Aimery of Cyprus. Witnesses: Guillelmus de Riveto; Aymericus Barlays; Amalricus de Bessano; Gauvanus; Hugo de Gibeleto.
Jun. 1-30. Nicosia. Henry, dei gracia rex Cipri, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Hermannus magister sancte domus beate Marie hospitalis Alamannorum in Ierusalem and his convent. He gives the casale of Clavodie, just as it had been held by dominus Iohannes de Milmars, with its villani,... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, p. 56, no. 71 (RRH no. 1017)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1231
initiator: Castellana, the wife of Arnulfus Aurifex and the daughter of the late Raimundus Barlerius
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Sept. 11. Acre. With the agreement of her husband, Castellana, the wife of Arnulfus Aurifex and the daughter of the late Raimundus Barlerius, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. She gives 2 pecie terre, consisting of 2 carrucate, and a vouta, which she owns in the casale of the Hospital of St Mary called Saphet. She had inherited these properties from her father. Patriarch Gerold of Jerusalem, the papal legate, confirms this grant under seal.
Sept. 11. Acre. With the agreement of her husband, Castellana, the wife of Arnulfus Aurifex and the daughter of the late Raimundus Barlerius, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. She gives 2 pecie terre, consisting of 2 carrucate, and a vouta, which she owns in the... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, p. 60, no. 75 (RRH no. 1026)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1231
initiator: Emperor Frederick II
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Dec. 1-24. Ravenna. At the request of frater Hermannus magister Hospitalis sancte Marie Theotonicorum in Ierusalem and in consideration of the services he and his Order have rendered, Frederick, dei gracia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He gives some uncultivated land belonging to his curia in the territory of Acre, for which his curia has no use. The land lies between the garden of the bishop of Acre and the tower of the Holy Spirit. Stretching to the river, it is bounded by land belonging to the Genoese and the road that goes to Saphet. Witnesses: Balianus domnus Sydonis; Oddo de Montebeliardo regni Ierosolimitani comestabulus; Warnerus Theutonicus; frater Terrisius preceptor domorum Hospitalis sancti Iohannis in Apulia; Zaccarias senescalcus Antyochenus; Thomas comes Acerrarum; Manfridus marchio Lanza; Berardus comes Loreti; Riccardus camerarius; and others.
Dec. 1-24. Ravenna. At the request of frater Hermannus magister Hospitalis sancte Marie Theotonicorum in Ierusalem and in consideration of the services he and his Order have rendered, Frederick, dei gracia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, makes a sealed grant to the... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1157-61, 1205-6, nos. 681, 699 (RRH no. 1034)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1234
initiator: Riccardus Filangerius
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Dec. 25 1233 - Dec. 24 1234. Tyre? At the request of the preceptor of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, Ricardus Filangerius, mariscalcus imperialis regni Ierosolimitani baiulus et sacri imperii legatus in partibus Syrie, confirms under seal the sale, masked as an eleemosynary grant, made in his presence and that of the curia regni Ierosolimitani, by Isabella de Betsan, the daughter of the late Philippus Rufus, and Bertrandus Porcelet her husband to the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, represented by frater Lutolfus preceptor domus hospitalis sancte Marie Theotonicorum Ierosolimitani, of the 2 casalia of Arabia and Zechanim with all their dependencies and rights, and with the gastinae of Berhenne, Mizera and Miscalym, and with all their villani, their wives and heirs, for 3600 Saracen besants. Witnesses: Boemundus domnus Botoronis; Thomas de Ham conestabulus Tripolitanus; Henricus de Rufi; Radulfus nepos ejus; Philippus de Maugastel; Ingerrannus de Femium.
Dec. 25 1233 - Dec. 24 1234. Tyre? At the request of the preceptor of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, Ricardus Filangerius, mariscalcus imperialis regni Ierosolimitani baiulus et sacri imperii legatus in partibus Syrie, confirms under seal the sale, masked as an eleemosynary grant, made in... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1370-2, no. 788 (RRH no. 1059)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1235
initiator: Hetoum, Christi dei fidelis rex Armenie, the son of Constantinus of the royal house, and Ehelisabeth regina, the daughter the King Leon
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Jan. 22. [351] Appreciating the merits of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, its warfare against the infidels and its care of the sick, Hetoum, Christi dei fidelis rex Armenie, the son of Constantinus of the royal house, and Ehelisabeth regina, the daughter the King Leon, record that they wish to become confrater and consoror and that they have made a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Order, represented by its magister frater Hermannus and its comendator frater Littoldus. They have given the city of Haronia, just as dominus Goufridus had possessed when he was lord of Haronia with its mills, and with all its dependencies: abacia Ovide, abbacia sancti Mammas, abbacia Saugre, casale Lalyan, casale Costinos, casale Gausquigne, casale Cherrare, casale Chacorim with its mill, casale Cainchequice, Aguechemom, Castine, sanctus Daniel, Davenim, Saargague, sanctus Thoros, Cievaverac, Pirt, Quiang, Telagre, Mautrigue, Port, Guenecch, Hachoudagre, in which are rustici of the king, a rusticus of dominus Michael d’Andraple and other rustici of royal liegemen [legii homines] and of dominus Baudin Emerance. As before, these rustici should render half the returns, called in Armenian engague, as they had to Haronia and the other lords. The Hospital of St Mary of the Germans has security throughout the kingdom. The charter was drawn up by Manuel cancellarius.
Jan. 22. [351] Appreciating the merits of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, its warfare against the infidels and its care of the sick, Hetoum, Christi dei fidelis rex Armenie, the son of Constantinus of the royal house, and Ehelisabeth regina, the daughter the King Leon, record that they wish... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 65-6, no. 83 (RRH no. 1060)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1241
initiator: Philippes de Maugastel
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Dec. 25-31. [366] Tyre. With the consent of his son Thomas and his wife Margarite, Philippes de Maugastel makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, under freire Lutolf grant commandaur. He gives a casale called Corsy, which is situated in the patrimony which has escheated to him in the lordship of Tiberias, freed from servize and with all its dependencies and vilanz. Witnesses: misire Luther Filangier marescale deu reigname de Jerusalem; sire Perre segnor de Scandalion; sire Garner l’Alaman; sire Raul l’Aleman; sire Aimarriz de Fenion; sire Munreal.
Dec. 25-31. [366] Tyre. With the consent of his son Thomas and his wife Margarite, Philippes de Maugastel makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, under freire Lutolf grant commandaur. He gives a casale called Corsy, which is situated in the patrimony which has... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, p. 72, no. 90 (RRH no. 1104)