RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1175
initiator: Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Aug. 1-31. At the request of Josbertus magister Hospitalis, frater Garinus preceptor and their brothers, and with the agreement of his chapter, Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit the sick. He gives the annual census of 20 besants, payable at Easter, which his church had taken from the house that used to belong to Rotbertus de Belgenci. And he gives the Hospitallers licence to build on the site of that house and the houses of Willelmus Patronus, the abbess of St Lazarus, Petrus Sellarius and Parsanus in the street [vicus] that descends from the Gate of David, when they acquire them. In return the magister and preceptor, with the advice of the chapter of the Hospital of St John, give the patriarch the following rents which they had enjoyed: 36 besants from the house of Odo de Barulo, payable in two equal instalments at Easter and on the Feast of the Holy Cross; 16 besants from the house of Henricus Alemmanus, payable in two equal instalments at Christmas and on the Feast of St John. These houses are next to one another in the street [vicus] in the patriarchal quarter that leads to the Gate of St Stephen. They are bordered to the north by houses which owe rent to the Hospitallers and to the south by a volta, which owes rent to the Hospitallers and is below the house of a Surianus. The Hospitallers also give the canons of the Holy Sepulchre the rent of 7 besants, payable in the middle of March, they have drawn on the statio of Lambertus Patriarche which is in the vicus Coquinatorum. The canons had given this statio to the Hospitallers in exchange for some empty land belonging to the Hospital before the Gate of St Helena. The Hospitallers also gave the rent of 1 besant, which the canons had paid [for this exchange] on the Feast of St Stephen. The Hospitallers confirm that they owe the patriarch 60 besants in rent a year. Witnesses: of the priests, Petrus prior dominici Sepulcri; Johannes Pictavus; Hugo de Nigella; Reinaldus de Lochis; Constantinus; Petrus precentor; Bernardus de Antiochia; Baldoinus thesaurarius; of the deacons, Odo; Petrus; Petrus Bithuricensis; of the subdeacons, Petrus de Machumeria; Rotbertus de Roma; of the patriarchal clergy, Eraclius archidiaconus patriarche; Dalmacius canonicus bajulus patriarche; Girardus capellanus; Petrus clericus; of the lay homines of the patriarch, Galfredus dapifer; Aldebertus pincerna; Petrus Lombardus; Arnaldus mareschalchus. The charter was drawn up by magister Monachus cancellarius.
Aug. 1-31. At the request of Josbertus magister Hospitalis, frater Garinus preceptor and their brothers, and with the agreement of his chapter, Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit the sick. He gives the annual census... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:332-3, no. 483 (RRH no. 528)
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1176
initiator: Constance, comtesse de S Gilles
recipient: Inhabitants of the casale of Bethduras
text: *Dec. 25 1175 - Dec. 24 1176. Constance, comtesse de S Gilles and daughter of King Louis VI of France, gives the inhabitants of the casale of Bethduras, which she had bought from Jean Arrabit with the approval of King Baldwin IV and on the advice of Baudouin d’Ybelin, his brother Balian and his daughters Eschive and Estiennette, the right to cultivate the lands, reserving to herself a fourth part of the produce.
*Dec. 25 1175 - Dec. 24 1176. Constance, comtesse de S Gilles and daughter of King Louis VI of France, gives the inhabitants of the casale of Bethduras, which she had bought from Jean Arrabit with the approval of King Baldwin IV and on the advice of Baudouin d’Ybelin, his brother Balian and his... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:337, no. 491 (RRH no. 539a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1182
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1181 - Sept. 23 1182. Acre. King Baldwin IV makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, permitting it to grind grain in its mills next to Tyre without incurring any penalty for doing so.
*Dec. 25 1181 - Sept. 23 1182. Acre. King Baldwin IV makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, permitting it to grind grain in its mills next to Tyre without incurring any penalty for doing so.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:739-40, no. 434 (RRH no. 622a)
year: 1182
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Pisan community
text: Aug. 25. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, gives under seal to the Pisan community [communitas Pisanorum] a platea by the port of Acre, without the obligation of servitium. The platea stretches from the port to the public way [via publica], having on one side the house of Martinus Piper and on the other the house of Willelmus Ioppensis. The Pisans can construct vaults [voltae] on the platea, over which they can build whatever they wish. Below the vaults the platea remains in the hands of the Pisan commune [commune Pisanorum] and open to the city [in civitatis servitium]. Witnesses: Remundus Tripolitanus comes; Guido Ioppensis et Ascalonitanus comes; comes Ioscelinus; princeps Rainaldus; Aimericus constabularius; Hugo Tyberiadensis; Plebanus. The charter was drawn up by Willelmus Tyri archiepiscopus regisque cancellarius.
Aug. 25. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, gives under seal to the Pisan community [communitas Pisanorum] a platea by the port of Acre, without the obligation of servitium. The platea stretches from the port to the public way [via publica], having on... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:736-8, 787, 979, nos. 432, 463, 593 (RRH no. 617)
RRR: Privilege/exemption
year: 1190
initiator: Iocius ecclesie Tyrensis archiepiscopus
recipient: Genoese in Tyre
text: Apr. 14. Tyre. At the request of dominus Conradus marchio, Iocius ecclesie Tyrensis archiepiscopus gives the Genoese in Tyre the right to found a new chapel, with a chaplain appointed by the church of Genoa, to minister to the Genoese. The chaplain will promise obedience to the archbishop of Tyre and his jurisdiction, respecting his authority with regard to confessions, the right to hear which is conceded by the archbishop, burials, baptisms, marriages and the purification of women. On his side the archbishop of Tyre promises protection. The Genoese promise that they will ask for confirmation of this from the pope. The agreement is sealed by the archbishops of Tyre and Genoa, by the consuls of Genoa and by Guido Spinola consul Ianuensium presens. Witnesses: W. Acconensis decanus et Cenomanensis archidiaconus; G. Tyrensis archidiaconus; P. Tyrensis precentor; G. Tyrensis thesaurarius; Johannes canonicus; Eustachius canonicus; of the Genoese, G. Spinula consul; W. marchio de Bosco; Rufus de Volta; Ansaldus de Nigro; Opizo de Sauri; Turdanus presbyter; magister Blancus Ianuensis canonicus. (Hiestand, PK, pp. 342-3, no. 164; Mayer, UKJ 2:894-6, no. 527) (RRH no. 692
Apr. 14. Tyre. At the request of dominus Conradus marchio, Iocius ecclesie Tyrensis archiepiscopus gives the Genoese in Tyre the right to found a new chapel, with a chaplain appointed by the church of Genoa, to minister to the Genoese. The chaplain will promise obedience to the archbishop of Tyre... more
sources: Hiestand, PK, pp. 342-3, no. 164; Mayer, UKJ 2:894-6, no. 527 (RRH no. 692 (i)).
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1198
initiator: Gaufridus de Donjon, master of the Hospital
recipient: Inhabitants of the place called Cornaon
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Nov. 24. Geofroy de Donjon, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, licences the inhabitants of the place called Cornaon, who are vassals of the Order, to plant vineyards at Cornaon and Malefogasse.
*Nov. 24. Geofroy de Donjon, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, licences the inhabitants of the place called Cornaon, who are vassals of the Order, to plant vineyards at Cornaon and Malefogasse.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:656, no. 1045 (RRH no. 747e)
year: 1200
initiator: Tebaldus Acconensis ecclesie episcopus
recipient: Gaufridus de Donjon, master of the Hospital
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Apr. 1-30. Acre. Theobaldus episcopus Acconensis ecclesie Sancte Crucis records under seal that with the agreement of his chapter he has granted frater Gaufridus de Donjon magister domus Hospitalis sancti Joannis and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a cemetery next to the city of Acre, together with the right to enclose it and build a chapel [capella], in which they may celebrate the divine office. He promises the brothers full justice, in accordance with the papal mandate, against any in his diocese who employ violence against them or occupy their possessions. He and the brothers promise mutual concord. Witnesses: of the canons, Radulfus cantor; Johannes thesaurarius; Richardus; Albericus Rem[ens]is; Johannes Longobardus; magister Albericus; magister Radulfus ecclesie Acconensis canonicus et Tyrensis thesaurarius.
Apr. 1-30. Acre. Theobaldus episcopus Acconensis ecclesie Sancte Crucis records under seal that with the agreement of his chapter he has granted frater Gaufridus de Donjon magister domus Hospitalis sancti Joannis and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a cemetery next to the city... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:689-90, no. 1113 (RRH no. 771)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1204
initiator: Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, the papal legate
recipient: Archbishop of Nicosia, the bishops of Paphos, Famagusta and Limassol, and all the clergy in Cyprus
text: Mar. 10. Antioch. Writing to the archbishop of Nicosia, the bishops of Paphos, Famagusta and Limassol, and all the clergy in Cyprus, Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, the papal legate, issues regulations for the education of the clergy, the enjoyment of prebends, and their confiscation in cases of concubinage. Given the distance of [Latin] churches from the centres of the dioceses, the bishops are encouraged to licence the lay nobles to have chaplains. The payment of tithes should be enforced.
Mar. 10. Antioch. Writing to the archbishop of Nicosia, the bishops of Paphos, Famagusta and Limassol, and all the clergy in Cyprus, Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, the papal legate, issues regulations for the education of the clergy, the enjoyment of prebends, and their confiscation in cases of... more
sources: Maleczek, Petrus, pp. 294-6, no. 15
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1205
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: c. Jun. 16. Pope Innocent III licences the patriarch of Jerusalem as legate to absolve those visiting the Holy Land out of devotion, or residing there, from all sentences of excomunication, although on their return to the West they must carry letters from the patriarch as evidence of this.
c. Jun. 16. Pope Innocent III licences the patriarch of Jerusalem as legate to absolve those visiting the Holy Land out of devotion, or residing there, from all sentences of excomunication, although on their return to the West they must carry letters from the patriarch as evidence of this.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 8:184-5, no. 103
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1205
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: c. Dec. 29. Rome. St Peter’s. Pope Innocent III authorizes the patriarch of Jerusalem to wear the pallium outside his own province.
c. Dec. 29. Rome. St Peter’s. Pope Innocent III authorizes the patriarch of Jerusalem to wear the pallium outside his own province.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 8:304, no. 172