RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1221
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Bishops of Famagusta and Paphos
text: Dec. 9. Lateran. Hearing that it is sometimes difficult to fill vacant prebends, because the canons of different nationalities have differing opinions, Pope Honorius III permits the bishops of Famagusta and Paphos to grant the canonries themselves in such cases, with the assent of the majority of the chapters.
Dec. 9. Lateran. Hearing that it is sometimes difficult to fill vacant prebends, because the canons of different nationalities have differing opinions, Pope Honorius III permits the bishops of Famagusta and Paphos to grant the canonries themselves in such cases, with the assent of the majority of... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:216-17, no. c-28
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1221
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Archbishop of Nicosia
text: Dec. 10. Lateran. Following a request from the archbishop of Nicosia, Pope Honorius III allows the archbishop to absolve from travelling to the Holy See those who have used force against clergy, because of the difficulty of the journey, so long as they make satisfaction in the form laid down by the Church and provided that the violence has not been perpetrated against a bishop or abbot and has not led to death or mutilation.
Dec. 10. Lateran. Following a request from the archbishop of Nicosia, Pope Honorius III allows the archbishop to absolve from travelling to the Holy See those who have used force against clergy, because of the difficulty of the journey, so long as they make satisfaction in the form laid down by the... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:217-18, no. c-29
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1222
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Patriarch and chapter of the church of Antioch
text: Jul. 8. Lateran. Recognizing the poor state of the patriarchate of Antioch, the greater part of which is held by the Muslims, and understanding that the testimony of Suriani and Armeni is not admissible in cases against Franks [Francigenae/Franci], making it impossible for the church to recover property occupied by clergy and Christian laymen, Pope Honorius III authorizes the patriarch and chapter of the church of Antioch to make use of the testimony of Greci, Suriani, Armeni, and indeed all Christians, in court cases.
Jul. 8. Lateran. Recognizing the poor state of the patriarchate of Antioch, the greater part of which is held by the Muslims, and understanding that the testimony of Suriani and Armeni is not admissible in cases against Franks [Francigenae/Franci], making it impossible for the church to recover... more
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 379-80, no. 66
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1222
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Patriarch of Antioch
text: Jul. 16. Lateran. Recognizing the burden of procurations [the financing of visits] of papal legates and papal nuntii, Pope Honorius III authorizes the patriarch of Antioch to annul any privileges of exemption claimed by abbots and others, so that the costs can be shared equitably.
Jul. 16. Lateran. Recognizing the burden of procurations [the financing of visits] of papal legates and papal nuntii, Pope Honorius III authorizes the patriarch of Antioch to annul any privileges of exemption claimed by abbots and others, so that the costs can be shared equitably.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 380-1, no. 67
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1223
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Bishop-elect of Lydda
text: Jan. 16. Lateran. Pope Honorius III allows the bishop-elect of Lydda [Liddensis episcopus] to enjoy revenues from a church in Galicia [Iberia], because most of his diocese is occupied by the Muslims.
Jan. 16. Lateran. Pope Honorius III allows the bishop-elect of Lydda [Liddensis episcopus] to enjoy revenues from a church in Galicia [Iberia], because most of his diocese is occupied by the Muslims.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 386-7, no. 73
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1223
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Magister Anselmus Appamiensis episcopus
text: Jul. 10. Segni. Pope Honorius III allows magister Anselmus Appamiensis episcopus and his capellani to celebrate the Divine Office in the chapel of St Barbara in the archbishop’s house in Latakia, because his archbishopric and most of his diocese are occupied by the Muslims.
Jul. 10. Segni. Pope Honorius III allows magister Anselmus Appamiensis episcopus and his capellani to celebrate the Divine Office in the chapel of St Barbara in the archbishop’s house in Latakia, because his archbishopric and most of his diocese are occupied by the Muslims.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 392-3, no. 79
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1223
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Emperor Frederick II
text: Aug. 5. Segni. Pope Honorius III grants a dispensation to the emperor Frederick, to enable him to marry I., the daughter of King John of Jerusalem, although they are within the degrees of consanguinity.
Aug. 5. Segni. Pope Honorius III grants a dispensation to the emperor Frederick, to enable him to marry I., the daughter of King John of Jerusalem, although they are within the degrees of consanguinity.
sources: Rodenberg, Epistolae 1:163-4, no. 234
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1224
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Bishop of Famagusta
text: Jan. 17. Lateran. In reponse to an appeal from the bishop of Famagusta, who has spent a long time at the Holy See, away from his diocese on the orders of the archbishop of Nicosia, has suffered great expenses and has witnessed the resources of his diocese abstracted in his absence and retained by force, Pope Honorius licences the bishop to compel the malefactors to return the possessions, using ecclesiastical sanctions.
Jan. 17. Lateran. In reponse to an appeal from the bishop of Famagusta, who has spent a long time at the Holy See, away from his diocese on the orders of the archbishop of Nicosia, has suffered great expenses and has witnessed the resources of his diocese abstracted in his absence and retained by... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:253-4, no. c-52
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1224
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Bishops and chapters of the province of Nicosia
text: Feb. 18. Lateran. Hearing from the archbishop of Nicosia that as a result of the agreement between the church of Cyprus and the queen, king and barones, the church’s income will increase to the point that it can provide for more clergy, Pope Honorius III mandates the bishops and chapters of the province of Nicosia to increase the number of their canons and other clergy.
Feb. 18. Lateran. Hearing from the archbishop of Nicosia that as a result of the agreement between the church of Cyprus and the queen, king and barones, the church’s income will increase to the point that it can provide for more clergy, Pope Honorius III mandates the bishops and chapters of the... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:255-6, no. c-54
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1224
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Suffragan bishops of the patriarchate of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 17. Lateran. Pope Honorius III orders the suffragan bishops of the patriarchate of Jerusalem to persuade the catholicos of Armenia and others with power [dominium] in [Cilician] Armenia to restore the archbishops of Tarsus and Mamstra [Tharsensis et Mamistanus archiepiscopi] and their chapters, who have been forced into exile, and to help the exiles in whatever way they can.
Dec. 17. Lateran. Pope Honorius III orders the suffragan bishops of the patriarchate of Jerusalem to persuade the catholicos of Armenia and others with power [dominium] in [Cilician] Armenia to restore the archbishops of Tarsus and Mamstra [Tharsensis et Mamistanus archiepiscopi] and their chapters... more
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 401-2, no. 87