RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1224
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Archbishop of Caesarea
institution: Templars
text: [Dec. 18. Pope Honorius III authorizes the archbishop of Caesarea to absolve those brothers of the Knights Templar in Antioch, Tripoli or Acre, who have given communion to the count of Tripoli. He orders the brothers to take an oath to abstain from relations as long as the excommunication of the count persists.
[Dec. 18. Pope Honorius III authorizes the archbishop of Caesarea to absolve those brothers of the Knights Templar in Antioch, Tripoli or Acre, who have given communion to the count of Tripoli. He orders the brothers to take an oath to abstain from relations as long as the excommunication of the... more
sources: Claverie, L’ordre du Temple 3:99, no. 71. Calendar entry].
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1225
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: Jun. 23. Rieti. Pope Honorius III licences the patriarch of Jerusalem to wear the pallium outside the bounds of his province on the days on which he would have worn it within, since Jerusalem is in the hands of the pagani and the patriarch has often to live outside.
Jun. 23. Rieti. Pope Honorius III licences the patriarch of Jerusalem to wear the pallium outside the bounds of his province on the days on which he would have worn it within, since Jerusalem is in the hands of the pagani and the patriarch has often to live outside.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 417-18, no. 100
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1225
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Patriarch of Antioch
text: Jul. 18. Rieti. Pope Honorius III permits the patriarch of Antioch to force the Graeci in his diocese to pay tithes in the same way as do the Latins.
Jul. 18. Rieti. Pope Honorius III permits the patriarch of Antioch to force the Graeci in his diocese to pay tithes in the same way as do the Latins.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 418-19, no. 101
year: 1225
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Coloni, seeking refuge in a casale of the principality of Antioch called Pons Ferri
text: Jul. 18. Rieti. At the request of the patriarch and clergy of Antioch, who have reported that coloni, seeking refuge in a casale of the principality of Antioch called Pons Ferri, are claiming freedom from the jurisdiction of their lords, Pope Honorius authorizes them to insist that the coloni respect the rights of the church.
Jul. 18. Rieti. At the request of the patriarch and clergy of Antioch, who have reported that coloni, seeking refuge in a casale of the principality of Antioch called Pons Ferri, are claiming freedom from the jurisdiction of their lords, Pope Honorius authorizes them to insist that the coloni... more
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 419-20, no. 102
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1225
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Magister of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 20. Rieti. Pope Honorius III grants the faculty to the magister of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of having limited relations with excommunicates when the needs of the Holy Land or his Order require them.
Dec. 20. Rieti. Pope Honorius III grants the faculty to the magister of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem of having limited relations with excommunicates when the needs of the Holy Land or his Order require them.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 438-9, no. 121
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1225
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Patriarch of Antioch
text: Jul. 18. Rieti. Pope Honorius III authorizes the patriarch of Antioch to prevent, through the confiscation of their benefices, all Graeci in his diocese appealing to the [Greek] patriarch of Antioch.
Jul. 18. Rieti. Pope Honorius III authorizes the patriarch of Antioch to prevent, through the confiscation of their benefices, all Graeci in his diocese appealing to the [Greek] patriarch of Antioch.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 420-1, no. 103
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1225
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Archbishop of Apamea
text: Aug. 16. Rieti. Pope Honorius III confirms the right of the archbishop of Apamea to sell [the proceeds of] revenues and buy mounts, needed for him and his household, without the payment of any secular dues in the city and principality of Antioch.
Aug. 16. Rieti. Pope Honorius III confirms the right of the archbishop of Apamea to sell [the proceeds of] revenues and buy mounts, needed for him and his household, without the payment of any secular dues in the city and principality of Antioch.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, p. 426, no. 109
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1225
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: May 10. Tivoli. Pope Honorius III allows the patriarch of Jerusalem to retain for his own use certain revenues from the church of Valence, because of the poverty of the patriarchate in the Holy Land.
May 10. Tivoli. Pope Honorius III allows the patriarch of Jerusalem to retain for his own use certain revenues from the church of Valence, because of the poverty of the patriarchate in the Holy Land.
sources: Claverie, Honorius, p. 410-11, no. 94
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1226
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Magister and brothers of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 27. Lateran. Reminded of the time when the count of Tripoli occupied the citadel of Antioch, held by the Hospitallers of St John on the orders of Cardinal Pelagius of Albano, the papal legate, and seized the commandery [domus] and other properties of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in Tripoli by force, Pope Honorius III authorizes the magister and brothers of the Hospital to use arms to recover their goods if the count will not restore them.
Feb. 27. Lateran. Reminded of the time when the count of Tripoli occupied the citadel of Antioch, held by the Hospitallers of St John on the orders of Cardinal Pelagius of Albano, the papal legate, and seized the commandery [domus] and other properties of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in... more
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 453-4, no. 127
RRR: Permission/licence/authorization
year: 1226
initiator: Pope Honorius III
recipient: Archbishop of Caesarea
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 27. Lateran. Pope Honorius III permits the archbishop of Caesarea to absolve those brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem who through naivety have incurred accusations of simony at their receptions in the East. [338]
Feb. 27. Lateran. Pope Honorius III permits the archbishop of Caesarea to absolve those brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem who through naivety have incurred accusations of simony at their receptions in the East. [338]
sources: Claverie, Honorius, pp. 454-5, no. 128