year: 1160
initiator: Soldan, a particulier and his wife Bonna
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *(c. 1160?). Soldan, a particulier, and his wife Bonna give the Hospital of St John a third part of their goods in consideration of the fact that their son Raoul has been received into the Order as a confrater [donné].
*(c. 1160?). Soldan, a particulier, and his wife Bonna give the Hospital of St John a third part of their goods in consideration of the fact that their son Raoul has been received into the Order as a confrater [donné].
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:209, no. 282 (RRH no. 365c)
year: 1162
initiator: Geraud seigneur de Sydon
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1161 - Dec. 24 1162. Geraud seigneur de Sydon gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the right to have a gate in the city wall [of Sidon], and another gate in the forewall, and a place outside near the aires, together with all the forewall from the tour de Baudouin to the tour de la mer.
*Dec. 25 1161 - Dec. 24 1162. Geraud seigneur de Sydon gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the right to have a gate in the city wall [of Sidon], and another gate in the forewall, and a place outside near the aires, together with all the forewall from the tour de Baudouin to the tour de la... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:218, no. 302 (RRH no. 376b)
year: 1162
initiator: Baudoin d'Ybelin
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1161 - Dec. 24 1162. Baudouin d’Ybelin gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem land next to its vineyard.
*Dec. 25 1161 - Dec. 24 1162. Baudouin d’Ybelin gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem land next to its vineyard.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:218, no. 301 (RRH no. 376a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1163
initiator: Balduinus Marasii dominus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: 1163. [95] Balduinus Marasii dominus, with the agreement of his wife Agatha and his heirs, of Hugo de Rupe, in whose [feo]dum the place is situated, and of Jocca, the lord [dominus] of Vanaverium, which is in the neighbourhood of the place, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, giving the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and the brothers serving there, represented by Raimundus de Palacio, a brother of the Hospital, the locus of Platta and lands for 2 leagues [leuguae] around, with the vastine, woods and rivers that had belonged to him or his feodatores. The grant is made on condition that if the Hospitallers have not been prepared to fortify the locus within a year from next Pentecost, Balduinus can do with Platta whatever he pleases. Witnesses: Simon de Roseto; Gaufridus cappellanus Cissonis; Guiscardus de LovilIa; Brittellus; Raginaldus de Seusia; Remigius; Fulco de Arniis; Raul de Archimonte; W. de Petra; Guiscardus dapifer comiti[s]; Terrisius dominus de Varterin. Signatories: Joccea Vanaverii; Balduinus [dominus Marasii]; Agata; Hugo [de Rupe]. The charter was drawn up by Arturius cappellanus Balduini.
1163. [95] Balduinus Marasii dominus, with the agreement of his wife Agatha and his heirs, of Hugo de Rupe, in whose [feo]dum the place is situated, and of Jocca, the lord [dominus] of Vanaverium, which is in the neighbourhood of the place, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, giving the Hospital of... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:226-7, no. 313 (RRH no. 390)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1163
initiator: Eustachius and Agnes his wife, Adam Niger and Osmunda his wife, together with their sons, Bertinus and Robertus, and their daughter Maholde the wife of Stephanus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 18 - Sept. 23. Eustachius and Agnes his wife, Adam Niger and Osmunda his wife, together with their sons, Bertinus and Robertus, and their daughter Maholde the wife of Stephanus, make a sale, masked as an eleemosynary gift, placing their hands on the altar of St John and solemnly investing the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and domnus Gibertus magister with a land near [the church of] St Stephen, which adjoins the land of the Hospital and 2 roads, one of which, running through the Gate of St Stephen, is the one by which people enter and leave of the city of Jerusalem. The other, going to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, is next to a cistern [cisterna] attached to the land, which is used by travellers. The vendors receive 500 besants for this investiture. Witnesses: of the brothers of the Hospital of St John, donnus Petrus magister clericorum et sacerdos; frater Perusinus sacerdos; frater Wyllermus diaconus; frater Guido de Moun preceptor; frater Giraldus de Sancto Andrea thesaurarius, who made the payment of the besants; frater Piota custos infirmorum; frater Bernardus de Asinaria; frater Albertus Lombardus; of the knights [milites], dominus Rohardus castellanus de turre David et vicecomes Ierusalem; Balduinus Bubalus; Babinus; Petrus Armenus; Thomas Patricius; Eustachius frater eius; Brahinus; Fulco Niger frater prefati Adam; of the jurats [jurati] of Jerusalem, Petrus Bordinus; Rinaldus li Sachir; Iofridus de Tors; Iohannes Ramundus; Lambertus Cambiator; Wyllelmus Norman; Robertus de Bagencei; Hugo de Tolosa; Petrus Salomon; Petrus de Sancto Lazaro; Petrus de Sancto Iacobo; Stephanus Humberti; Rodulfus de Sancto Petro; Roardus filius Toseti; Manasses frater eius; Willelmus Patrun.
Feb. 18 - Sept. 23. Eustachius and Agnes his wife, Adam Niger and Osmunda his wife, together with their sons, Bertinus and Robertus, and their daughter Maholde the wife of Stephanus, make a sale, masked as an eleemosynary gift, placing their hands on the altar of St John and solemnly investing the... more
sources: Mayer, Von der Cour des Bourgeois, pp. 222-5, no. 2 (RRH no. 391)
year: 1163
initiator: Hugo Magister de Asinaria
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: (June/Dec. 24 1156 - Nov. 20) 1157 - (Feb. 10 - Dec. 24) 1163. [92] Record of the rents (census) owed for the houses belonging to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem drawn up (edita) by Hugo Magister de Asinaria. Guido de Beteran owes 12 besants for the house of Baro, payable each year at Christmas. Boamundus de Podio owes 16 besants for the houses that are situated behind the olive mill [molendinum olivarum] in ruga Sancti Stephani, payable each year in three instalments: 6 at the beginning of May, 5 at the end of August, 5 at the start of Lent.The daughter of the domina Cabreriae owes 10 besants for a property in ruga subtus Roman de Podio, payable each year in two instalments: 5 at Christmas [Nael] and 5 on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Iacob Surianus owes 6 besants for a property in ruga de Iosaphat below [de subtus] the house of domina Stephania, payable each year in two instalments: 3 at Easter and 3 at the Feast of the Holy Cross in September. Iacopinus Tesceranus owes 2 besants on the curtile of Belvehir, payable each year on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. A certain widow pays the 2 besants less 1 rabuinus on the same date for a property below [de subtus] Iacopinus Tesceranus. Helias owes 8 besants for a property in front of the house of Philippus de Neapoli near [the church of] St Martin, payable at the end of April. Anschitinus owes 3 besants for a property over [desuper] the house of Brahin, situated near [the church of] St Martin, payable each year on the Feast of All Saints. Rainaldus filius Arduini owes 1 besant for a property over [desuper] the house of the aforesaid Anschitinus, payable each year at Candlemas [ala Candelur]. 2 Suriani living in the same house of Rainaldus owe 1 besant at Candlemas [ala Candelur]. Roardus Rufus owes 4 besants for a property over [desuper] the aforesaid Rainaldus, payable in two instalments: 2 at Christmas [Nael] and 2 at Easter. Joan Barata owes 1 besant for a property behind [de retro] the house of Anschetinus, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Arnaldus de Sancto Martino owes 5 besants for a property before the house belonging [to the church of] St Martin, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Willelmus Campaner owes 6 besants on the curtile next to [the church of] St Martinus, payable on the Feast of St Hilary. A certain woman [mulier] owes half a besant for a property in the city wall at Belcaire, next to a curtile belonging to Sansaba [the monastery of St Sabas?], payable on the Feast of St John. Ugo Campium owes 7 besants for a curtile in the Armenian Quarter [in herminaria], payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Gunsulin Mazun owes 6 besants for a house with a curtile in the Armenian Quarter [in herminaria], payable each year in two instalments: 3 at Christmas [Nael] and 3 on the Nativity of St John of Baptist. Rogerius Anglicus owes 8 besants for a volta in ruga Templi next to Iulianus Corveser, payable at Pentecost. Petrus Cabrarius owes 8 besants for a house ante Buflariam, payable in two instalments: 4 at Christmas [Nael] and 4 on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Pelai owes 8 besants for a house before that of Raul Burges, payable in two instalments: 4 at Christmas [Nael] and 4 on the Feast of St Augustine. Raul Burges owes 5 besants for a property in ruga S. Stephani, payable at at Christmas [Nael]. Guiber Papas owes 7 besants for a property before the oven belonging to St Mary of the Latins, payable at Easter. Fortis Guascun owes 24 besants for the houses of Alfanus in ruga Parmentariorum, payable in two instalments: 12 at the end of May and 12 on the Feast of All Saints. Constantinus owes 7 besants and 1 rabuinus for a property in the Parmentaria next to a statio belonging to the nunnery of St Anne, payable on the Feast of St Hilary. The abbess of St Mary Major/The Less [Abbatissa Sancte Marie Pitittae] owes 4 besants for a volta in the Parmentaria below [de subtus] the house of Robertus Galatina, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Guido de Sancto Cosma owes 5 besants for the houses which used to belong to Rainerius Lombardus next to [the church of] St Cosmas, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. 2 voltae, which belonged to Robertus, the husband of Aluis Baptizata, situated before the house of Arnaldus Sancti Martini, return 3 besants, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Henricus de Legi owes 3 besants in rent for a property in una ruella below [de subtus] the Parmentaria, payable on the Feast of St Andrew. Richerius Corveser owes rent of 3 and a half besants for a property next to the house of Helias Templi, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Gaufridus Beruer similarly owes rent of 3 beants and 1 rabuinus for a property next to the house of Helias Templi, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Azelinus owes rent of 6 besants for a property next to the Gate of the Temple [porta Templi] and the road to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Petrus de Hospitali owes rent of 3 besants for a property in ruga Iosaphat, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Giraldus Belver owes rent of 5 besants for a property in ruga Iosaphat, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist and he will owe 5 and a half besants, payable on the Feast of St John for a petia terre and a cistern behind his house, although in the first year he will pay nothing. Giraldus de Paris owes rent of 6 besants for a property in ruga Iosaphat, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Guarnerius de Paris owes 3 besants and 1 rabuinus for a property before the old berchile of the Temple, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Herbertus owes rent of 3 besants for a property before the probatica piscina, payable on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Amilina uxor Petri Mazonis owes 2 and a half besants for a property before the probatica piscina, payable on the Feast of St John. Erbertus Lombardus owes 2 besants for the curtile situated before the Parmentaria and another two-thirds of a besant, payable at Candlemas [ala Candelyur]. Durant Carpenter owes rent of 1 besant on the same curtile and the remaining third of the other besant, payable similarly at Candlemas [ala Candelur]. A statio before the house of Gilibertus de Pinkigni returns a rent of 1 and a half besants on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Henricus owes a rent of 5 besants on a property in the statio of Anselmus in ruga de Lauremer, payable at the beginning of April. The canons of Mt Sion owe rent of 1 besant on land which is on Mons Gaudii, payable on the Feast of the Holy Cross in September.
(June/Dec. 24 1156 - Nov. 20) 1157 - (Feb. 10 - Dec. 24) 1163. [92] Record of the rents (census) owed for the houses belonging to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem drawn up (edita) by Hugo Magister de Asinaria. Guido de Beteran owes 12 besants for the house of Baro, payable each year at... more
sources: Paoli, Cod dipl 1:235-6, no. 190 (RRH no. 483)
year: 1163
initiator: Agnes and Osmunde daughters of Bertrand Pons
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Agnes and Osmunde sisters, the daughters of Bertrand Pons, with the consent of their husbands and brothers, give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a piece of land which is before the Gate of St Stephen and is between 2 cisterns. In consideration of this the master of the Hospital gives them 50 Saracen besants. The gift is confirmed by Hugues seigneur de Césarée.
*Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Agnes and Osmunde sisters, the daughters of Bertrand Pons, with the consent of their husbands and brothers, give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem a piece of land which is before the Gate of St Stephen and is between 2 cisterns. In consideration of this the master... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:227, no. 314 (RRH no. 391a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1165
initiator: Baldwin of Mirabel
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1164 - Dec. 24 1165. Balduinus de Mirabella, the son of dominus Barisanus, with the agreement of his wife domina R. and his brother Barisanus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit particularly the souls of his parents. He gives a pecia terre in the territory of Mirabella, next to a vineyard already belonging to the Hospital, in order to plant vines. On one side the land touches the land of St Lazarus and on the other a road [via] that leads to casale Roardi. Balduinus makes the gift in the presence of his wife, his brother Barisanus, and Gualterius Mirabelle vicecomes, Aimericus frater Filippus de Caphrano, Jordanus Ybelin, Osmundus, Hancherius, Mozart and others. With the agreement of Jordanus de Ybeli[n], his brother Barisanus and his wife R., Balduinus also surrenders whatever rights he has over the vineyard given to the Hospital by Menardus and his wife, and over the vineyard that had belonged to Hubertus Patriarche; these vineyards are next to one another and are enclosed. Witnesses: Guillelmus de Caphrano; Nicholaus de Ybelino; Gualterius vicecomes; Osmundius; Ancherius and others. The charter was drawn up in the time of frater Aldinus.
Dec. 25 1164 - Dec. 24 1165. Balduinus de Mirabella, the son of dominus Barisanus, with the agreement of his wife domina R. and his brother Barisanus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit particularly the souls of his parents. He gives a pecia terre in the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:238-9, no. 340 (RRH no. 419)
year: 1165
initiator: Regnaud, lord of margat
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1164 - Dec. 24 1165. Regnaud, lord of Margat, with the agreement of his wife the daughter of the count of Tripoli, and of his children Amauri and Bertrand, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the casalia of Toron and l’Evêque, together with several parcels [fonds] of land.
*Dec. 25 1164 - Dec. 24 1165. Regnaud, lord of Margat, with the agreement of his wife the daughter of the count of Tripoli, and of his children Amauri and Bertrand, gives the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem the casalia of Toron and l’Evêque, together with several parcels [fonds] of land.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:239, no. 341 (RRH no. 419a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1166
initiator: Hugo, Cesaree Palestine dominus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1165 - Apr. 29 1166. [106] Hugo dominus Cesaree Palestine, with the agreement of his wife Isabella and his homines, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Girbertus prior Hospitalis magister. He gives a casale called Hadedun and 2 guastinae. The boundaries are as follows: to the west dunae….. of dominus Hugo Feustellus; to the north the land stretches as far as the river [flumaria] by way of an old berchile and ends [at] S. Michaelis… casale…of Engelbertus; to the east the boundary ends, by way of a bechile, with the casale of the [canons of the] Templum Domini; to the south by way of the turon Bufali it ends….with the land of Seraphia belonging to the archbishop, as far as a large lake [lacus]. Hugo adds to his gift a curtile that had belonged to Urricus Tendilla and the salt pans [salina] of Gervasius, with as much land as is needed to produce salt fully and to build houses for colonists [incolae]. In return for Hadedun he receives from the Hospital 2000 besants in charity. Petrus Perrez, his wife Maria and his children Paganus and Mathalia surrender the casale of Hadedun, in exchange for a rent [assisia] given by Hugo de Cesarea, and confirm the grant. Witnesses: Petrus Costi vicecomes Cesaree; dominus Robertus de Cozi; dominus Bertinus; dominus Rainerius de Galenie; dominus Carlus; dominus Rogerius Gualez; dominus Ernaldus filius Heri; Petrus de Fossato vicecomes Calenzun; dominus Paganus de Calenzun; dominus Gervasius Cesaree; Rohardus Rufus; Petrus de S. Germano and many others; and dominus Johannes Costi, who was absent at first, but was afterwards a witness.
Dec. 25 1165 - Apr. 29 1166. [106] Hugo dominus Cesaree Palestine, with the agreement of his wife Isabella and his homines, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Girbertus prior Hospitalis magister. He gives a casale called Hadedun and 2 guastinae. The... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:243-4, no. 350 (RRH no. 426)